Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Aloe Like Podofillum Has Also Uterus Loss;

The aloe like Podofillum has also uterus loss; the feeling of heat, weight and completeness in a stomach, a basin and a back gut leads to a choice of this means. As well as Podofillum, yields positive reliable and satisfactory result. Divisions: 3 and high. Similar means: Nuks Vomika, Eskuljus, Sulfur. : vegetative acids. 74. KROTON (Croton tiglium). , the Aloe, Kroton cure a diarrhoeia. Its basic symptoms are that: first, a yellow watery chair. Secondly, suddenness of eruption, as at a shot. Thirdly, exasperation from meal, drink. In such connection of Kroton surpasses all medicines. The first symptom considerably is available for Apis, Kalkarea Karbon, Cinchona, Gratsioly, Giostsiamusa, Natrium Sulfurikume, the Thuja. The second at Podofillum and the Thuja. The third at Argentum Nitrikum and Arsenik. For Kalkarea Karbonika the temperament, Cinchona for cases of easing from loss of juice is characteristic , and all others have very appreciable symptoms which distinguish them from Krotona.