Friday, September 19, 2008

We Already Spoke, It Is Especially Difficult To

We already spoke, it is especially difficult to us to take energy from stocks in the evening. Again the meal also is again necessary to the person. Accordingly, owls, overeating in the evenings, more than food, than larks as a whole consume. And this food appears fatter and sweet is more often, than follows. It is more difficult to owls to keep to a diet. The conclusion - for our business would be better to become a lark, or at least to this type to come nearer. How it to make? Gradually accustom itself to go to bed before. Before a dream it is better to walk, take a bath. It will help you to calm down. Affairs more plan for morning. It is proved, in the morning both physical and intellectual working capacity of the person above, than in the morning. Chapter 3. An optimum of loadings What to apply loadings and exercises to those who wishes to grow thin rather and it is rather desirable, is one of truisms . Really, physical activities have a doubtless advantage. The working (reduced) muscle spends energy several times more than the based.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

In Total In Research Was 58 Patients At

In total in research was 58 patients at the age of 15 - are taken 59 years. From them men - 17 and women - 41. 8 patients had a first degree of adiposity, at 24 - the second, at 23 - the third and at 2 - the fourth. At 18 patients in an initiation of treatment increase of arterial pressure was marked. And 10 have been compelled to accept constantly concerning an arterial hypertension the medicines reducing arterial pressure. Patients have passed 12 week course. Thus they ate so that on one week at them was 5-6 unloading and 1-2 . Day of limited intake of food - during the day 3-4 portions the Doctor (instead of a breakfast, a dinner, before a supper and if it is required, for the night), plus 500-600 vegetables in the form of light salads. The supper consisted mainly of low-fat products, but included bread, and macaroni dishes. ?????????<???R a food products at own discretion with the general recommendation not to increase fat content of a food from above 40 in day. The doctor was thus applied on one portion before the basic food intakes.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

This Means Which Has A Characteristic Symptom "cold

This means which has a characteristic symptom "cold sweat on a forehead". All the same, whether there will be that a cholera, children's , a pneumonia, an asthma, a typhus fever, a lock, - but if the specified symptom is swept very up also by the patient in a condition like a faint, a collapse, or strong prostration (the general breakdown), Veratrum Album - the first means which occurs. This one of structure of the Ganemanovsky trio means (the Asian cholera) together with two both Kuprum . And the indications specified by Ganemanom for application of this means, stand and now as is strong, as well as during its time. It means that in their basis the natural law of the nature which is invariable "yesterday, today and tomorrow" lies. For Veratrum Album some brain symptoms are very characteristic: mania with aspiration to beat and tear a thing, especially bed-clothes, shameless and lewd conversations, religious or love delirium. Here it is necessary to make sometimes a choice between Veratrum and Stramonium.

Monday, September 15, 2008

, Since. Many Times Incurable Consequences Of Their Abusing

, since. Many times incurable consequences of their abusing have courted such trouble means, as others are frightened that former grassy doctors have rejected mineral medicines. In such fear has resulted their Merkurius. Homeopathists applied this means in such kind that bad influences have been excluded. and Norton write in this respect the following: "the Greatest service what we have from Argent. . It at a purulent inflammation of eyes. Having many cases in two hospitals and in private practice, they have not lost any eye from this illness, and treatment was conducted by internal means in most cases by means of Argentum Nitrikum in high divisions" (30 or 200). Under the influence of Argentum Nitrikum quickly passed inflammations with very strong hypostasis, the restrained eyelashes, rather plentiful purulent , even corneas considerably already grew turbid and began (subjective symptoms were not available almost.). Plentiful purulent allocation, swelling of eyelids from purulent congestions and hypostases of a connecting cover of eyelids are indications for this means (Apis, Rus).

In Blood High Enough Level Of Nutrients, And,

In blood high enough level of nutrients, and, accordingly, appetite is supported or not raised, or even is lowered. Really, it can use - if the training mode is picked up correctly, the organism passes to a food by the saved up fat and appetite decreases! Intensive and superintensive trainings quickly lead to exhaustion of muscles. Muscles relax, their tone falls, and we observe power consumption reduction. And very often happens so - during training the person spends much more energy, than in rest, but after loading in view of the expressed exhaustion it spends much less energy, than usually. Probably, the phenomenon observed by much scientists is connected with this mechanism - Superintensive loadings do not increase, and often on the contrary reduce a total daily power consumption. Quite another matter - trainings of smaller intensity. They do not lead to exhaustion, moreover - the muscular tone after their termination is not lowered, and long enough time remains raised. And the organism too spends energy which too takes from fat for maintenance of this tone.