Thursday, September 4, 2008

However, The Core That Does A Sandwich ,

However, the core that does a sandwich , is a stuffing. And very often happens so that the stuffing on and caloric contents considerably surpasses bread, and on to it concedes. Here look - a standard slice of bread - 40 , 100 calories, hardly probable one gramme of fat. A standard piece of sausage boiled (amateur, doctor's or not so fat ham) - weight 40 , 130 kcal, 11 grammes of fat. If a ham fat caloric content of a slice raises to 170 kcal, and fat content till 14 About the same standards, if our sandwich with circles of half-smoked sausage. Even worse business, if sausage - 220 kcal, 18 fat. Sandwich with oil and with cheese. Oil creamy - weight 20 - 150 kcal, 14 fat. Cheese Russian - weight 40 - 140 kcal, 12 fat. It turns out that on a bread slice we "put" 290 kcal and 28 fat. If you use the processed cheeses which fat content reaches 50-55 % the standard sandwich-type stuffing "pulls" on 280 kcal, the maintenance of fat of 20 the Sandwich with a fruit candy or jam. On a bread slice 130 kcal "lie".

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

More Likely Even On The Contrary. The Person

More likely even on the contrary. The person in a hatred condition as a rule undertakes too rigid physical efforts, enters too many interdictions into the food, tortures itself... As a result - failure both plentiful sweet and fat meal, as the universal comforter, a universal medicine for all everyday hardship, including with hatred to itself. How to get rid of hatred to itself? We will give one of possible psychological formulas: Concern the organism, as to a small house in which well to be tidied up. Agree, other small house at you never will be. Concern the organism, as to the child behind whom it is necessary to look after and feed with healthy food. And then it will long please with the beauty and health mummy. And the most important thing - hatred to itself usually arises, when force the organism to drag a half-starved condition, and it cannot suffer it and breaks. Do not put before itself impracticable problems! Remember: If your organism cannot suffer this or that influence, means these influences inhuman! How of itself to grow fond, when, apparently, there is nothing? Many people with the underestimated self-estimation, suffering from dislike for, understand that all will change for the better, as soon as they will grow fond of themselves.