Friday, October 26, 2007

View Rather Popular, By The Way, - A

View rather popular, by the way, - a pier, only through struggle against self, through overcoming of instincts, through taming of a flesh the person can become the person. Just in case we will not deny all this direction as unpromising. Perhaps, someone through suppression of a flesh also can reach for itself(himself) something useful. We speak only about a weight loss. Here again we absolutely responsibly declare: All these tortures only harm to business. And as proof we will result some reasons. Reason first (most important thing). The person, repeatedly trying to grow thin and resorting every time to violence over self, the person who is not aspiring completely not to grow thin gets fat much faster, than. Returning of weight after a violent weight loss to initial or to surpassing initial - the phenomenon so extended that to it even the term - weight - weight cycling has been appropriated. All links of this circle are absolutely natural and cause each other. Here these links: Weight reduction phase The bottom plateau - despite proceeding efforts, weight does not decrease any more Phase of increase of weight The top plateau - weight is again stabilised at level a little surpassing the initial.

But Here The Purpose Is Reached. What To

But here the purpose is reached. What to do, what to keep the received result? In most cases it is enough not to reduce physical activity and to try to eat as less as possible fat and especially not to abuse the sweet. Also we watch weight! It is necessary to watch weight. And anything especial in it is not present. In the same way we watch a condition of a skin or hair. And if the person inclined to dandruff has to wash a head more often and to use for this purpose special shampoos to the person inclined to completeness, it is necessary to eat and to conduct correctly active enough way of life. The bonus is known - beauty, ease, excellent health and good mood! I need to wish you successes. I will be very glad, if my councils are useful to you. If you have access to the Internet, come on sites and I there carry out consultations. If it is necessary for you to discuss with me what or a question, ask. On these sites and as on a site periodically there are my new articles.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

From Them We Take Not Less Than 50

From them we take not less than 50 % of arriving energy. Stocks of carbohydrates in an organism very small - 400-600 kcal of an order 1/5 that is necessary to the person per day there are more. Thereupon possibilities on accumulation of carbohydrates for the future too are rather limited. Satiety from carbohydrates comes very quickly. However, it not such long as from albuminous food, but considerably surpasses from food fat. Long time believed that the share of carbohydrates not gone on energy formation, is straight reconstructed in fat. When, in the end of the last century, this question began to be investigated specially, many scientists have been surprised in the pleasant image, having found out that the share of carbohydrates reconstructed in fat in a human body rather and rather is not great. Transition of carbohydrates fat at the person is possible only at their very big one-stage receipt with food. Is called the figure of an order 300 - 400 carbohydrates. In a usual life, at a usual food the such happens very seldom.

The General Symptoms Are A Consequence Of Diseases

The general symptoms are a consequence of diseases of genitals. is famous as the means facilitating childbirth both warning an abortion and easing of patrimonial attempts. It has outstanding influence on joints, especially small joints of hands and feet. Symptoms from outside female genitals: sensation of inflow to a uterus with completeness, pressure in , frustration with spasms in a bladder and with sensation painful from top to bottom, a spasmodic pain of a vagina, bleach, especially at the girls, a menacing abortion, predisposition to abortions, painful postnatal pains, false attempts last months pregnancy. Characteristic stupid, a nagging pain that in one, in other joint, especially in small (feet and hands) joints and fingers, with deterioration at night. Divisions: , 6 , 6. Similar means: , Pulsatilla, Sabine, Sekale. 106. (Millefoleum) - a yarrow. The essence prepares from a fresh plant. Comprises and essence. On vascular system Gamamelis operates like Hamomille, Arnica and Rus, therefore is applied at infringements, hypodermic bruises, wounds and ulcers.

Why? Yes Because We So Are Arranged! Because

Why? Yes because we so are arranged! Because the person is created at all for tortures. It is created for happiness, as a bird for flight! And now after failure our acquaintance eats much, and that forbade itself earlier. Naturally, he recovers, and it has very high probability kgs five-six over initial level. First, because at it the power consumption, and secondly because at it the weight of muscles has decreased has decreased. And muscles, it is that fabric which effectively spends fat for energy extraction. It is possible to tell that not less than 80 % of fat spent in an organism, is oxidised in muscles. Than the relative muscular weight and the below its impellent activity is less at the person, the more fat can be postponed in a stock. And if our acquaintance applies such feature with a weight loss some times for a year the final increase of weight can reach and 10 kgs. It much more that average increase of weight which is observed at people who simply live and do not think of any weight loss.

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Basic Sources - Meat, Fish, Eggs, Cottage

The basic sources - meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, milk and sour-milk products, bean and grain crops. Their role in a power exchange is insignificant. The organism takes from fibers no more than 10-15 % of daily volume of energy. However in the structural plan of the squirrel are irreplaceable. We use them for building and constant updating of cellular and fabric structures. Enzymes are constructed of fiber, antibodies and some hormones. The organism does not create stocks of fibers, to put them there is no place, therefore already at small surplus of fiber in food there is a sense of fulness. By the way, the period of satiety after albuminous food is usually more long, than after carbohydrate and, especially, fat. Let's remember a rule which is useful further to us - The there is less than organism possibility on recycling of those or other products, especially they nourishing. And on the contrary, the it is less than product, than in considerable quantities it can be reserved an organism Fibers as from bricks are constructed of various amino acids.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

For Example, It Appears That Food Much More

For example, it appears that food much more pleasantly and is more tasty is slowly. That feeling of easy hunger in own way very pleasantly. So my organism says to me that burning of fatty stocks occurs regularly. Also that the feeling of easy hunger is much more pleasant, than an overeating condition. The blown up stomach and an uneasy dream with nightmares to whom it is necessary? And the most important thing in this condition not to go too far. Not to direct in competition with itself. Not to set itself on full hunger. From an unnecessary overstrain of forces all can be developed on 180 . Weakness, mood decrease, doubt in the forces, increase of appetite and "failure". So, the good mood, clear vision of the purpose, reasonable image the constructed food bearing in both satiety, and the pleasant flavouring sensations, the toning up impellent activity, here those natural regulators, allowing to normalise any even the most "wolf" appetite. What for we grow thin? About the latent and obvious motives of a weight loss Usually the person begins to do something, only when realises or will feel that it what for is necessary to it.