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Saturday, June 2, 2007
It , Rejuvenates, Increases Working Capacity, Quality And
It , rejuvenates, increases working capacity, quality and life expectancy. 2. The concept is entered. The circle products is defined are those products which the person can use in any quantities, without risking thus to recover. For the inquiry, to low-fat meat, fish, low-fat cottage cheese, dairy and sour-milk products, and as bread, macaroni, groats, a potato, the vegetables, almost all fruit and berries concern. And at observance of some conditions - sugar and sacchariferous products. It is clear that eat we only this food, we would not die of hunger. 3. The place of a diet among other efforts is defined. It is possible to tell that without a diet to manage difficultly enough. But also to reduce all activity only to diet observance does not follow. There is a number of influences which improve observance of a diet and accelerate a weight loss. One of them, is a mode of toning up loadings and trainings. 4. The opinion was generated that excessive efforts in respect of observance of a diet and physical activities not only do not promote a weight loss, but on the contrary, conduct directly to opposite, that is, promote adiposity progressing.
For A Successful Weight Loss Is Available Three
For a successful weight loss is available three making is definitely picked up impellent mode, a series of measures, creating a so-called positive psycho-emotional spirit and a diet essentially excluding what or interdictions. Certain good luck for us is that these influences as though hang together. For example, against good mood it would be desirable to eat less and to move more. At high impellent activity, a good muscular tone the person stays in high spirits more likely and it is much easier to it to supervise the appetite. Efficiency of other methods of weight reduction - intensive sudorific trainings, massages, bioadditives, medicines and acupuncture, unfortunately rather and rather modest. They can be considered at the best only as the auxiliary means capable or to strengthen efficiency of a diet a little, or to improve its shipping, or to solve any specific target. We have found out that the basic problem wishing to grow thin in that, as and loading they appoint a diet to themselves, frequently proceeding from their principle .
Thursday, May 31, 2007
In First Half Of Day In It Processes
In first half of day in it processes of splitting of the saved up fat and clearing of energy of stocks prevail. We are sated with this energy and it is necessary to us peep very little what to feel full. But in the evening all varies on 180 degrees. At this time our organism on the contrary fills up stocks and everything that we eat, he tries to put by in a stock. And it is necessary to us peep much more what to gorge on. And next day since morning all repeats. We again almost that would not like to eat and we are ready to keep to any half-starved diet up to the evening... Such alternations of processes in an organism through approximately equal time intervals are called as biorhythms. In respect of fat accumulation-splitting the monthly biorhythm connected with menstrualno-ovarialnym by a cycle at women is known still. In the first phase of a cycle fat is more likely split, and in the second collects more likely, therefore to keep to a diet to the woman much easier in first half of cycle, than in the second.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Under The Influence Of A Chronic Poisoning With
Under the influence of a chronic poisoning with tobacco the phenomena chronic mucous respiratory ways, a stomach, guts develop, sight easing, sexual weakness, therefore often happens that painful conditions pass after the person has stopped to smoke. The subminimum doses of tobacco 6,12 are applied to the painful symptoms set forth above, 50. For from smoking it is considered means Plantago. : Camphor, wine, Plantago, Natr. . Against from tobacco - Ignatsija, against sexual weakness from tobacco - Likopody. 123. UVA (Uva ursi) - the bear bearberry. The essence prepares from fresh leaves. Widely with advantage it is applied at illnesses of uric bodies, chronic a bladder and the channel, venous stagnation in kidneys and a bladder, inflammations nephritic owing to urolithic illness, at involuntary . It is applied inside in Fita or in water infusion of leaves. 124. (Aesculus Hyppocastanum) - a horse pseudo-chestnut. The essence prepares from the fresh seeds cleared of a peel, also grindings of all fruit with sugar.
The Human Body Is Arranged Under The Laws.
The human body is arranged under the laws. The majority of people in the evening test hunger, than in the morning. For the majority of people of attempt to refuse a supper are burdensome and painful. Well and whether it is necessary to blame and think itself of itself it is lowered, if to you, as well as to the majority of other people, it is not possible to abstain from a supper? It is clear that the lowered self-estimation can become a constant source of depressions, but also the depressions arising in any other occasion, can cause self-estimation decrease. What can essentially lower probability of approach of depression, its expressiveness and duration? A sufficient dream, a mode of toning up loadings, walks, frequent, various and tasty meal, the pleasant baths, the toning up shower, interesting employment and so on. It is possible to try to solve a self-estimation problem psychological methods, but, without resorting yet to the help of the expert by means of so-called statements, or formulas.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
A Prostatic Liquid At Sitting, Walking, At
a prostatic liquid at sitting, walking, at a chair, during a dream. If such weakness proceeded long, the patient grows thin, especially the person, hands, hips. (Atsidum Ats.). Besides, there are some more characteristic symptoms, as for example a lock, and excrements such weight that they cannot depart without the mechanical help ( ). They should be pulled out by fingers. Involuntary urine at circulation, after or excrements (Sarsaparilla urine at sitting). Harmful consequences at drinking it is a lot of the tea, all sufferings worsen. Insuperable aspiration to spirits. Hoarseness, it is necessary to clean often a throat from slime, especially at the singing beginning. The uncontrollable desire of exciting substances, desire of alcohol, but after it is always felt deterioration. The big forgetfulness in affairs, in the sleep dreams that has forgotten. Divisions: 6, 12, 30, 200. 105. (Caulophillum) - a female root. The essence prepares from a fresh root. Operates mainly on female sexual sphere, especially on a uterus (like Sekale).
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