Friday, March 13, 2009

Soups Sate Meat-krupjanye Better, Than Meat-vegetable And Thus

Soups sate meat-krupjanye better, than meat-vegetable and thus appear not on many . All business in high the basic component of groats of carbohydrates. Try to manage sometimes only soup and not to use the second dishes. It will allow at good a food considerably to lower its caloric content. Do pauses between the first and the second dishes. It will allow to gorge on smaller quantities of the second dish. Distinguish hot and cold soups. Probably, the most widespread in Russia cold soup, is okroshka. Some recipes Soup from low-fat veal with mushrooms and vermicelli Meat, young veal without fat - 150 , a potato, 150 , vermicelli 20 , carrots 40 , 40 , mushrooms field mushrooms, 40, spices, a coriander, a basil, a bay leaf, fragrant pepper, salt. To prepare this soup very simply. At first we cook a broth - meat, an onions, carrots, the salt, one litre of water. Onions as will cook, we throw out. We fill with a potato, vermicelli, mushrooms. In the end we add spices. An exit of 4 portions approximately on 250 - 280 ml (two ladles).

The Mechanism Of This Phenomenon Is Combined Enough.

The mechanism of this phenomenon is combined enough. We will concern it in following heads. Here, what not to spoil the general optimistical picture from read, we will specify - that if in food of the person not enough fat weight increase is impossible at almost any consumption of sugar and fructose. It too one of the central conclusions of modern dietology. Fats Fats, it is an ideal product for creation of stocks of energy. First, very power-intensive - an order of 9,3 kcal on substance gramme, and secondly if stocks of carbohydrates contain to 90 % of water which too something weighs fat stocks almost waterless - the pure concentrated energy. Even at normal weight in a human body contains an order of 12-15 kgs of fat. If the person could take without problems from fat energy, this quantity would suffice it for 4-5 months of a comfortable life. But, unfortunately, the organism cannot take all necessary of fatty stocks. For example, the brain cannot eat products of disintegration of fat.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

In It There Is A Similarity To Phosphorus,

In it there is a similarity to Phosphorus, Natr Karb and Silitsea. The rhododendron resembles and Rus Toks that deterioration happens in rest, and improvement during movement. Then pains of the Rhododendron which amplify in crude weather, differ from pains that Rusa that they, probably, nest more deeply and are felt in , for example, in a teeth, in bones of a forearm and in . Certainly, these pains are not limited only , but amaze also muscles and sheaves (so it complicates a choice between these means). Thus, we have the list full almost, characteristic for crude weather, means in Dulkamare, Natr Sulf, the Rhododendron, Rus Toks, Nuks the Moscow hut (Kalk Fosf a crude cold, especially at thawing snow). Rhododendron, probably, special means for . They swelled up, with pulling the pains extending in a stomach and on hips, also are very sensitive to . Means the most similar here: metal, Klematis, Pulsatilla, Argentum Metal and Spongija. If defeat of syphilitic character, we prefer Aurum, especially if in a known case preliminary there was an abusing of Merkuriem.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

In The Evening Of A Pain Pass. Dizziness

In the evening of a pain pass. Dizziness at a rising. Examples with a face reddening, burning in palms and soles. Burning in language, a stomach, with infringement of taste, sense of smell, emptiness in . A nausea. Alternation of a lock with a diarrhoeia. Pain in right with return in the right shoulder (the patient hardly will raise the right hand), pains and in muscles of the right coxofemoral joint are marked. Infringement monthly with others the phenomena. Rashes on the person at the poor monthly. Worse from lying on the right party, during movement of the sun in afternoon), in general from movement and sweet. Better from sour, in heat from lying on right to a side. Divisions: , 6, 12, 30 (at a climax). Indications: a climax, bleedings bright blood (gastric, pulmonary, , etc.), headaches, dizziness, a right-hand hypostasis, a laryngitis, a bronchitis, etc. 84. (Ferrum) - iron and its preparations. 1) Ferrum metallicum - Iron metal. 2) Ferrum phosphoricum - Ferrum ( gland). 3) Ferrum aceticum - Ferrum (acetic gland).

For Our Business It Is Very Useful. For

For our business it is very useful. For us game kinds of sports are less desirable. Character of loadings there such that muscles quickly lose a stock of carbohydrates and get tired. So, increase of appetite and braking of splitting of fat. For the same reasons trainings directed on escalating of muscular weight are undesirable also. The opinion about swimming is ambiguous. Very many after training in pool mark appetite strengthening. The main thing that we should not do in no event so it to compete with itself, trying, every time to surpass the last achievements. Records, and the specific activity of muscles stimulating the expense of fat in an organism are necessary to us not. For us it is optimum that such we would make loadings not only because it helps to grow thin, but also because it allows to stay in good mood, raises working capacity, reduces appetite, does more controllable I go, betrays to us a tone, improves a bearing and so on. Because, making such loading, we feel much better, than when these trainings we refuse.