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Friday, October 10, 2008
By The Way, And Excess Weight Or Unsuccessful
By the way, and excess weight or unsuccessful attempts get rid of it too can to create a condition of psycho-emotional discomfort, and as the means protecting from sincere sufferings, the meal can be used besides. There is a vicious circle, which not so simply to break off. Many psychological questions arise round appetite. Why sometimes so painfully to abstain from meal? Why in other cases we can forget about meal on all the day? How to appease appetite, how to transform it from the main enemy of all growing thin at least into the detached onlooker? And it is better even in the ally! Self-estimation. We will agree, if the person , it is not ready to changes, it is irresolute, at it and the motives are lowest, inducing to grow thin. The low self-estimation becomes a source of constant bad mood, depression. Naturally, on this background the meal role as household energizer raises. From the point of view of psychology the person grows thin at all for this purpose what to be thin. He hopes, having grown thin to get any new qualities approaching it to a condition of happiness, or, speaking differently - to a condition of long and rather easily reproduced psycho-emotional comfort.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The Basic Symptoms: The Nasty Teeth, Sick Gums,
The basic symptoms: the nasty teeth, sick gums, smelly corroding allocation, strong weakness. Divisions: 200 and above. 94. (Colchicum autumnale) . The essence from juice of the fresh root, mixed with an equal part to 90 % of spirit, or tincture from the dried up seeds with 5 prepares. 90 % of alcohol. Its basic action on mucous a stomach, intestines, on serous covers (pleurae, , a warm bag, on and articulate bags of small joints, on muscles (especially breasts), causing in them the inflammatory phenomena. Means at a diathesis (more often gouty character). This means has one reliable and positive symptom - disgust for the prepared food, to faintness. The second very important symptom is strong burning and feeling of an ice cold in a stomach and a stomach. , diarrheas with at patients with a gout. Tearing apart pains in small joints with the inflammation phenomenon (a hypostasis, ). Therefore this means is appointed against the articulate rheumatism wandering and gouty. Modalities. Deterioration at night and in cold, crude weather, at movement, a touch, at the sight of and a flavour of food.
And To That There Is A Set Of
And to that there is a set of acknowledgement. In general, a weight loss, or telling differently advancing expense of fatty stocks, this one of properties of ours with you of a metabolism. The principal cause on which you could not achieve a proof positive effect yet, is errors. Errors which have been admitted because of inexact knowledge of the nature of own organism, its metabolism, laws of accumulation and the expense of fatty adjournment. We will necessarily reveal and we will correct these errors. We will necessarily consider significant for us aspects of the device of our organism. And a weight loss, not the most difficult employment. It quite on forces to the person with the most usual will power which has clear aim and correct understanding of a situation. Let's consider that the weight loss can be comfortable (ideal) and violent. And it is very important to us to learn to distinguish one from another. The most important thing, and we will prove it, only the comfortable weight loss can lead us to success (to weight reduction, and long maintenance of the reached result).
Sunday, October 5, 2008
120. A (Lapis Album) - A White Stone.
120. A (Lapis album) - a white stone. The white stone includes , and fluorine. From a white stone grinding with dairy sugar prepares. Operates mainly on glands and a connecting fabric. The basic symptoms: a pricking pain in chest glands, a uterus, a stomach, heart, strong appetite, a severe itch of a skin, swelling and hardening of cervical and occipital glands. It is applied at tumours of glands, at a craw and tumours of mammary glands. On some authors, this means tumours of lips ( , ), a beginning cataract, a sarcoma and a cancer recovered. This means needs to be meant at and . Divisions: 3 , 3, 6, 200. Similar means: Silicium. 121. (Chenopodium) - smelly. The essence prepares from a fresh plant. operates mainly on nervous system (head, a spinal cord), a skin, mucous. The basic symptoms are: a pressing pain in a forehead and the left half of the face, especially along the bottom jaw, a pain pulling, pulling. Twitching of obverse muscles, a paralysis of the person and language. Sensation of dryness in a mouth and a pharynx, despite considerable saliva allocation.
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