Friday, March 2, 2007

Quite Another Matter, If The Use Of Dairy

Quite another matter, if the use of dairy products and eggs - so-called not a lethal food, or is supposed. Here the requirement for fiber can be provided to the full. And moreover, at such food the person consumes much less than animal fat so risk of an atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases there is less. Thereupon many dieticians even consider system as one of improving power supply systems. There is a rule - not less than half of consumed fiber it should is necessary on high-grade kinds. If this rule is observed, the general daily norm of consumption of fiber makes an order 50-80 for women and 70-100 for men. Fibers have rather useful two qualities for us: Presence in to a diet of enough of fiber considerably facilitates its shipping. First of all because fibers are very nourishing foodstuff. Efficiency the programs of a food containing a considerable quantity of fiber usually above, than programs with a considerable quantity of carbohydrates, it is natural at identical daily caloric content of a food.

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