Friday, March 30, 2007

There The Increase Usually Makes 0,8-1 Kg A

There the increase usually makes 0,8-1 kg a year (sm drawing 2). 1 2 Fig. 2. A curve of increase of weight of a body at the person undertaking "violent" attempts to grow thin (1) and curve of dynamics of weight at the person who does not pay to weight any attention (2). It turns out that at attempts of a "violent" weight loss the weight accrues much faster. On this basis we do very important conclusion for us The violent weight loss promotes a weight set, but in any way its decrease Reason the second. So, our acquaintance at first has grown thin, and has then grown stout. It has all bases to speak - "I used a good effective method, after all he has helped me to grow thin (phase - for fig. 1)". But I have appeared weak and weak-willed and could not keep the received result (phase - in the same drawing). In other words - the given diet good because it conducts to a weight loss. Yes only here I bad (weak, weak-willed) cannot maintain it long. It is rather widespread error conducting to very serious consequences.

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