Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Supper - Any Set Of Products Made So

Supper - any set of products made so that the total quantity of fat would not exceed 10-15 grammes. Do not limit itself for a supper in low-fat albuminous and carbohydrate products. It is desirable that at your food would be present both bread, and groats, and low-fat meat, or fish. In these products it is not a lot of calories, and here a sense of fulness and food comfort long enough. The second supper (if it is required) - a portion the Doctor with tea, vegetables with low-fat refuelling, a slice bread, probably fruit or berry cocktail with the Doctor . It, actually also is a day of limited intake of food. Pay attention, as any interdictions for a supper it is not entered, as a matter of fact, we have received an unloading diet at which any of products is not forbidden even for one day! We have noticed that it is more convenient to some our patients to accept a nutritious mix not in the form of separate portions as replacement of separate food intakes, and in process of appetite strengthening, little by little, on the one third one second portion mixing Doctor Slim with tea or coffee so till a supper the same 4-6 portions as a whole would turn out.

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