Thursday, March 20, 2008

Platinum Is Heavy Metal, On The Physical And

Platinum is heavy metal, on the physical and chemical properties is close to gold, mercury, thallium, lead, bismuth that speaks about similarity of its toxic action to these elements. The unitary dose in 1-2 operates as poison and can lead to death ( ). platinum cauterising an effect has on a skin. Changes of nails and a skin of brushes, forearms are described at contact to platinum. platinum causes . The complex salts of platinum which are in air in the form of a dust or a fog, cause the salivation, the complicated breath cough and , and also inflammatory diseases of a skin. At inspection of the workers occupied with clearing of platinum, from 92 cases 52 cases of asthmatic breath with a short wind, sensation of compression in a breast are revealed, at three persons skin diseases in the form of reddening and a peeling of a skin with type rashes on open parts of a body have been found. aluminium caused in chemists in laboratory of cleaning factory a photophobia, a cold, attacks of an asthma with a burning chest pain and on forearms and a neck.

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