Saturday, April 5, 2008

After Such Trainings The Exhaustion Of Muscles Develops,

After such trainings the exhaustion of muscles develops, their tone decreases, there is a hunger connected with necessity to fill up stocks of nutrients in muscles. Excessive loading often conducts to the microtraumas unpleasant to sensations in muscles. And it induces (or compels) to stop trainings. It is not difficult to guess that after I will stop employment, me will carry away in a zone of the first circle - a condition at which rather and fat accumulation will rather possibly begin. Unfortunately, such rather also are rather peculiar for many wishing to grow thin. Or to train to I will fall, or to conduct inactive enough way of life, staying in low physical activity and a low tone. It is much better, if the person and is mobile always. Then the weight or does not accrue, or very possibly decreases ( the second and third area in drawing). And, at last, the third scale where too it is possible to vary, and it would be useful for a weight loss - a scale characterising my views, the relation to, to the body, my motives and desires.

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