Sunday, October 5, 2008

120. A (Lapis Album) - A White Stone.

120. A (Lapis album) - a white stone. The white stone includes , and fluorine. From a white stone grinding with dairy sugar prepares. Operates mainly on glands and a connecting fabric. The basic symptoms: a pricking pain in chest glands, a uterus, a stomach, heart, strong appetite, a severe itch of a skin, swelling and hardening of cervical and occipital glands. It is applied at tumours of glands, at a craw and tumours of mammary glands. On some authors, this means tumours of lips ( , ), a beginning cataract, a sarcoma and a cancer recovered. This means needs to be meant at and . Divisions: 3 , 3, 6, 200. Similar means: Silicium. 121. (Chenopodium) - smelly. The essence prepares from a fresh plant. operates mainly on nervous system (head, a spinal cord), a skin, mucous. The basic symptoms are: a pressing pain in a forehead and the left half of the face, especially along the bottom jaw, a pain pulling, pulling. Twitching of obverse muscles, a paralysis of the person and language. Sensation of dryness in a mouth and a pharynx, despite considerable saliva allocation.

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