Friday, August 29, 2008

Here, Probably, Owing To Slime Accumulation In A

Here, probably, owing to slime accumulation in a throat (in bronchial tubes) Antimonium Tatrarikum. There is a big danger . Sensation of a web on the person (Barite, Graphite, Boraks). Fanlike breath of wings of a nose (Antim Tart, Likopodium). Heart hypertrophy ( ). Divisions: in most cases low and average, but also high 200,1000 (Kiev) at illnesses of nerves and a tuberculosis : Camphor, Sulfur, Gepar Sulfur, Arsene, Spongija, Cinchona, Opium, Koffea, Phosphorus, Iodine an antipillbox of Merkurija. 86. CIN (Cina) - a seed. Tincture prepares from plants with 5 . Alcohol. The basic active beginning - Santonin, substance poisonous. In Cin's big doses or Santonin cause a number of the phenomena, similar themes what are observed at children, suffering by worms, round small . The helminthic child is very uneasy at night - a gnash teeth during a dream, convulsive sufferings, screaming and a throwing in the sleep, at a whimsical, nervous, irritable condition, frustration of digestion with a gluttony and unsatiable hunger, a whooping cough, involuntary and other.

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