Friday, August 29, 2008

We Will Notice In Passing That The Modern

We will notice in passing that the modern psychotherapy neglects so-called not psychological methods of correction of personal problems. And in vain. These methods have enough more potential. And the main thing, they can help to cope to the person with a problem, without staticizing it, without pointing attention of the person that at it "not everything is all right with mentality". And after all in our society with the lowest psychological culture people often are afraid to have personal problems (though at whom they are not present?), believing that presence of such problems almost an obligatory sign of terrible mental diseases. Especially well not psychological influences help at whom the self-estimation has decreased again, owing to repeated unsuccessful attempts to grow thin. Here it is simply useful to take into consideration that in these failures there is no your fault. Failures - a fruit of the errors, incorrectly chosen tactics, the overestimated expectations and so on. And if now you do not hasten, will understand a problem, correctly will set the task, define ways of its decision, and will consistently embody them in a life result it will be obligatory.

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