Saturday, November 1, 2008

Any Knock, Rustle Awakes Patients, They Often Wake

Any knock, rustle awakes patients, they often wake up, shudder, groan in the sleep, they are tormented by nightmares, there are they not freshened by a dream. Probably also alternation of a sleeplessness with the raised drowsiness. The stutter which has arisen after a fright, is treated by Ignatsiej. The headaches caused by infringement of brain blood circulation, intellectual intense work or sincere excitement, more often unilateral as though into a nape drive in a nail, the pain accrues gradually and (Atsidium Sulfurikum) terminates suddenly in vomiting or plentiful . Strong squeezing (a hard bandage round a head), lying on the sick party, heat facilitates a headache; deterioration comes from a breathless attention, coffee, alcohol, smoking, a tobacco smoke, bright illumination. The headache is accompanied by feeling of hunger. Sometimes has pulsing character, is worse at level of eyebrows, in eyes, at a nose root. Terminates in vomiting or plentiful . At illnesses - thyroid gland increase (including a knotty craw); patients complain of trembling, hypererethism, tearfulness, palpitation, a ball in a throat, especially at excitement.

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