Monday, March 23, 2009

Improvement: In Rest, During A Dream, After A

Improvement: in rest, during a dream, after a chair. The subsequent means: Karbo Vegetabilis, Merkury, Nuks Vomika, Pulsatilla, Sepija, Rus Toks. Antipillboxes: , Camphor, Ledum, Nuks Vomika, Pulsatilla. Divisions: , 3, 6, 200. 95. KUPRUM (Cuprum metallicum) - copper. Operates on the central nervous system. The important central characteristic symptom of this means are spasms. If at brain defeats, inflow ( ), an inflammation of brain covers or (blow) of Kuprum has shown good action always it is possible to find the spasmodic phenomena to a greater or lesser extent, from simple twitchings in fingers of hands and feet to the general spasms. If it is a gastric neuralgia happen severe spasmodic and the pressure accompanied by vomiting. At a cholera at adults or children spasmodic pains happen sometimes terrifying. At Camphor always the breakdown (collapse) more strongly stands out, at Veratrum Alb. - a diarrhoeia and vomiting, at Kuprum - spasms. At a whooping cough the child becomes immovable, breath stops, spasmodic , after some time the consciousness comes back, vomiting and then recover, Though also slow, or the child to positive a spasm is at each paroxysm of cough.

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