Monday, February 12, 2007

97. (Colocynthis Cucumis) - A Bitter Pumpkin. Tincture

97. (Colocynthis cucumis) - a bitter pumpkin. Tincture prepares from fruits of this plant. The basic active beginning , its characteristic action on nervous system with bent to spastic pains and spasms. Gripes of Kolotsinta terrifying also can be transferred only when the patient is bent "twice" or when on a stomach press something firm. Pains of neuralgic character also are often accompanied by vomiting, a diarrhoeia. Means which approaches to Kolotsintu at - Magnezija Fosforika more close, especially at at children, but at last they are facilitated at applying hot ( ), and at Kolotsinte bending, pressure is especially characteristic at this means. At Stafizigrija at whom the child often suffers a century is often shown. At Veratrum Album it is facilitated at circulation, and at Kolotsinte by trunk bending. cures also a sciatic neuralgia (the pain goes on a back surface of a hip). Divisions: 3, 6 and higher. Antipillbox: Camphor, Kaustikum, Hamomilla, Kaffea, Stafizagrija, Opium. Similar means (in a hip neuralgia) as Bihromikum, Cali Iodat, Fitoljakka.

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