Thursday, October 25, 2007

Why? Yes Because We So Are Arranged! Because

Why? Yes because we so are arranged! Because the person is created at all for tortures. It is created for happiness, as a bird for flight! And now after failure our acquaintance eats much, and that forbade itself earlier. Naturally, he recovers, and it has very high probability kgs five-six over initial level. First, because at it the power consumption, and secondly because at it the weight of muscles has decreased has decreased. And muscles, it is that fabric which effectively spends fat for energy extraction. It is possible to tell that not less than 80 % of fat spent in an organism, is oxidised in muscles. Than the relative muscular weight and the below its impellent activity is less at the person, the more fat can be postponed in a stock. And if our acquaintance applies such feature with a weight loss some times for a year the final increase of weight can reach and 10 kgs. It much more that average increase of weight which is observed at people who simply live and do not think of any weight loss.

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