Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Nervously-brain Defeats: 6, 12, 200, 1000. 58. ZINC

nervously-brain defeats: 6, 12, 200, 1000. 58. ZINC (Zincum metallicum) - this metal operates mainly on nervous system. It has property to raise and strengthen in nervous system and as though to return functions to a normal state and to deduce from an organism pathogenic products. Zinc - nervously-brain means, its main symptoms - tearing and pulling pains in different places of a body, sensation in breasts, palpation of arteries in all body sensation , feeling sheathe weakness slackness, weakness, trembling. Weight in the bottom finitenesses intolerableness of noise, deterioration of sufferings after a dinner, and also from wine, beer and stimulants. Disgust for warm meal, meat, sweet. Deterioration from the letter and long proceeding work, a pain in a waist, a back, at sitting and deterioration at walking. But the most characteristic sign at the general nervous weakness is "the continuous sensation of languor in and the bottom parts of the feet, forcing constantly to move them". Sometimes there is a burning along a backbone, and also and twitching in different muscles and especially - the general trembling.

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