Sunday, January 4, 2009

For Bruises And Bruises From Blows Or Bruises

For bruises and bruises from blows or bruises there is no better a means, than Ledum. Atsidum Sulfurikum who is very useful at smudges from the same reason, especially if is the exhausted or weakened organism inclined to or decomposition of blood. At such pathological condition should be and characteristic symptoms of this means. Often we have bruises under a connecting cover of an eye or in an albuminous cover, for which Nuks-Vomika is specificity, but for "an eye bruise" from a punch any means will not be compared to Ledum in 2nd or 20th division. - good means for chipped wounds, for example, when the needle or a hand is driven in a foot pierced , etc. Also if insects, especially sting mosquitoes though modifications here are again necessary. There is a difference what are mentioned fabrics at such chipped defeats. If, for example, a nerve it is necessary to prefer Giperiku if - Ruta; a bone - of Kalk Phosphorus or Simfitum to cause or restore reunion. It is necessary to mention because it is told about Ledum at eye damage; if from a bruise - there is a severe pain in the eyeball - that can be necessary to resort to Simfitum.

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