Sunday, January 4, 2009

For Example, To Fall Asleep Fat, To Wake

For example, to fall asleep fat, to wake up the thin. I think, nobody doubts its answer! And if the person cannot formulate motive for growing thin, does not mean at all, at it this motive is not present. It is not necessary to underestimate so-called instinctive, intuitive motives. As any animal, the person lives, subordinating the activity to three basic instincts - safety, satiety, reproduction possibility. If, having grown thin, the person becomes physically stronger, more successful and self-assured at it the feeling of safety raises. If, having grown thin, it becomes more attractive outwardly at it possibilities of realisation of an instinct of reproduction increase. Our instincts - the most powerful engines defining, finally, the majority of our motives. Also it is not necessary to hesitate of our instinctive desires. If the weight loss makes you more attractive, more sexual, more successful, what in it bad? Now actually about motives, about these extremely important for us "what for?": All motives for a weight loss can be divided conditionally on abstract, concrete and semiconcrete.

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