Wednesday, March 11, 2009

In It There Is A Similarity To Phosphorus,

In it there is a similarity to Phosphorus, Natr Karb and Silitsea. The rhododendron resembles and Rus Toks that deterioration happens in rest, and improvement during movement. Then pains of the Rhododendron which amplify in crude weather, differ from pains that Rusa that they, probably, nest more deeply and are felt in , for example, in a teeth, in bones of a forearm and in . Certainly, these pains are not limited only , but amaze also muscles and sheaves (so it complicates a choice between these means). Thus, we have the list full almost, characteristic for crude weather, means in Dulkamare, Natr Sulf, the Rhododendron, Rus Toks, Nuks the Moscow hut (Kalk Fosf a crude cold, especially at thawing snow). Rhododendron, probably, special means for . They swelled up, with pulling the pains extending in a stomach and on hips, also are very sensitive to . Means the most similar here: metal, Klematis, Pulsatilla, Argentum Metal and Spongija. If defeat of syphilitic character, we prefer Aurum, especially if in a known case preliminary there was an abusing of Merkuriem.

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