Friday, March 13, 2009

The Mechanism Of This Phenomenon Is Combined Enough.

The mechanism of this phenomenon is combined enough. We will concern it in following heads. Here, what not to spoil the general optimistical picture from read, we will specify - that if in food of the person not enough fat weight increase is impossible at almost any consumption of sugar and fructose. It too one of the central conclusions of modern dietology. Fats Fats, it is an ideal product for creation of stocks of energy. First, very power-intensive - an order of 9,3 kcal on substance gramme, and secondly if stocks of carbohydrates contain to 90 % of water which too something weighs fat stocks almost waterless - the pure concentrated energy. Even at normal weight in a human body contains an order of 12-15 kgs of fat. If the person could take without problems from fat energy, this quantity would suffice it for 4-5 months of a comfortable life. But, unfortunately, the organism cannot take all necessary of fatty stocks. For example, the brain cannot eat products of disintegration of fat.

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