Thursday, May 24, 2007

There All Is Very Interesting, The Excursions, Many

There all is very interesting, the excursions, many the new meetings, new acquaintances. It stays in fine mood. It goes on foot much. Like eats, anyway, does not starve. There are even parties to wine and fried meat. But that is surprising, after returning it finds itself(himself) grown thin. Kg on two on three. But, it after all for this purpose did not do anything! Did not starve, did not torture itself sports! So, a food, impellent activity, mood - here three scales on which it would be possible to vary. To change the way of life, gradually groping such which will be pleasant to me on the one hand, and on the other hand, staying in which, my organism will spend fat. And hardly probable not the main thing here is the word "gradually". The subsequent text will fill this statement with a reality. Principles of the concept of a comfortable weight loss So, three scales - a food, impellent activity and psiho-emotsionaltneyj a spirit, wonderfully influencing against each other, creating that a situation when the weight set becomes fatal, that, on the contrary, a situation at which the comfortable weight loss is observed.