Saturday, January 10, 2009

Mood Of Spirit Unusually Recovered, Laughter Without Cause,

Mood of spirit unusually recovered, laughter without cause, variability of mood. the Moscow hut is shown at hysterical and persons owing to cold. All these three means at intestinal sufferings at children ordinary have the general symptom (devocalizations), but the choice between them is not difficult. Other very characteristic symptom of this means - excessive dryness of a mouth. The mouth so dries that language is pulled together to a root though thirst is not present. Language, a lip and a drink absolutely dry. Certainly, there are also other means at which there is such dryness without thirst. For example, Apis, Pulsatilla and Lahezis, but in this respect Nuks the Moscow hut above all. Besides at Nuks the Moscow hut is strong suffering, from gases. The stomach is blown excessively up, especially after meal. There are two means when there are pains and anxiety from outside a stomach immediately after meal and even when the patient behind a table. It is Nuks the Moscow hut and Cali Bihromikum.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

3. Addition To A Cocktail Of Food Fibres

3. Addition to a cocktail of food fibres does not give particular advantages, and here taste worsens considerably. Food fibres are desirable, but it is better to receive them in more natural form, with vegetables, fruit and grain products. 4. The price. Basically, the cocktail should not increase your expenses on a food. Among analogues it is not necessary to pursue expensive mixes - usually they have no what or advantages before more accessible. However if near at hand the nutritious mix is not present, or for any reasons it does not approach you, we will result a variant of a day of limited intake of food where the nutritious mix will be replaced by a cocktail which on structure approximately corresponds to dietary modifiers but which it is possible to prepare from usual products. For this cocktail low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, or fermented baked milk fat content not above 2,5 %, the welded groats (rice, ), fruit (apples, pears, , a banana and so on), (at will) be required to us. We prepare a cocktail so we take on 50 cottage cheese and fermented baked milk, 100 small cut fruit, grammes 50 welded groats, pair of teaspoons (go in addition table spoon of groats if do not want ).

Sunday, January 4, 2009

For Bruises And Bruises From Blows Or Bruises

For bruises and bruises from blows or bruises there is no better a means, than Ledum. Atsidum Sulfurikum who is very useful at smudges from the same reason, especially if is the exhausted or weakened organism inclined to or decomposition of blood. At such pathological condition should be and characteristic symptoms of this means. Often we have bruises under a connecting cover of an eye or in an albuminous cover, for which Nuks-Vomika is specificity, but for "an eye bruise" from a punch any means will not be compared to Ledum in 2nd or 20th division. - good means for chipped wounds, for example, when the needle or a hand is driven in a foot pierced , etc. Also if insects, especially sting mosquitoes though modifications here are again necessary. There is a difference what are mentioned fabrics at such chipped defeats. If, for example, a nerve it is necessary to prefer Giperiku if - Ruta; a bone - of Kalk Phosphorus or Simfitum to cause or restore reunion. It is necessary to mention because it is told about Ledum at eye damage; if from a bruise - there is a severe pain in the eyeball - that can be necessary to resort to Simfitum.

For Example, To Fall Asleep Fat, To Wake

For example, to fall asleep fat, to wake up the thin. I think, nobody doubts its answer! And if the person cannot formulate motive for growing thin, does not mean at all, at it this motive is not present. It is not necessary to underestimate so-called instinctive, intuitive motives. As any animal, the person lives, subordinating the activity to three basic instincts - safety, satiety, reproduction possibility. If, having grown thin, the person becomes physically stronger, more successful and self-assured at it the feeling of safety raises. If, having grown thin, it becomes more attractive outwardly at it possibilities of realisation of an instinct of reproduction increase. Our instincts - the most powerful engines defining, finally, the majority of our motives. Also it is not necessary to hesitate of our instinctive desires. If the weight loss makes you more attractive, more sexual, more successful, what in it bad? Now actually about motives, about these extremely important for us "what for?": All motives for a weight loss can be divided conditionally on abstract, concrete and semiconcrete.