Monday, May 11, 2009

(Weakness It Reminds Gelzeminum). Amazes Kaustikum The More

(Weakness it reminds Gelzeminum). Amazes Kaustikum the more right party. Mentality of Kaustikum depresses (a melancholy, grief, despondency). It is to a bowl it is caused by cares, failures, a grief, etc. Except a paralysis of eyelids, often there is a sight defeat. Before eyes a grid, a stain or a smoke, the reason - the beginning cataract, often cures which Kaustikum. From outside ears - every possible sounds (noise, a ring, hum), deafness is shown Kaustik. The throat also strongly comes under to influence of Kaustika, the burning bilateral throat pain which is not amplifying at swallowing. , , dry cough with small . It it is similar to Sulfur. Very effective result gives treatment after alternation of Sulfur, Kaustik. The intestinal channel - feeling as though the lime in a stomach, with an ascension of gases, strong headaches with burns at a chair which to a thicket is inclined to locks. The gemorroidnye knots which have been blown up, an itch in the field of an anus and an aperture the channel.