Your time is almost up.
Hello dear,
There is no reason to relax at all but ẏou ԁon’t neeԁ to panic anԁ haνe to
read my message carefullẏ.
It is reallẏ important, moreoνer, it’s ...
Friday, December 28, 2007
It Is Possible And So. Such Mode Not
It is possible and so. Such mode not bad approaches for decrease in appetite and working capacity restoration at work at office. Week of an unloading mode consists in an ideal of 5-6 days of limited intake of food and 1-2 days of rest. Possibility to have a rest during an unloading mode essentially improves quality of a life, raises shipping of the program and as it has appeared, does not slow down rates of weight reduction. Days of rest at many our patients have for the weekend, family celebrations and holidays. Some years ago we have conducted such research. Two groups of patients received the given program of unloading treatment. In the first group this diet was appointed in a continuous monotonous mode day by day. It was authorised to spend to patients of the second group any two days in a week as though in a rest mode, eating any way with a unique wish - not to increase quantity of consumed fat more than 35-45 grammes a day. In three months of supervision we have received in both groups about identical result of weight reduction - on the average an order of 10-11 kgs.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Appetite Loss, Absence Of Taste And Nausea Or
Appetite loss, absence of taste and nausea or vomiting by bilious substances, especially if can keep nothing a stomach, except hot drink, - that we have a clear case for Helidonium, at least described pain under a shovel was absent. All these symptoms can be found both in sharp, and in chronic cases. In the last for treatment completion it can be demanded any means, like Likopodiuma, depending on a case course, - but Helidonium will be the main support. These frustration of a liver can be, since simple inflow and an inflammation of body and finishing heavier and deep defeats like a fat liver, gallstones etc. Helidonium one of the main means at a pneumonia which becomes complicated symptoms from outside a liver. Sometimes at coughs which last persistently, and a severe pain in the right party of a breast and in a shovel. gains us and rescues the patient from process which can come to an end a tuberculosis. Division: low to Fita and also high 6,12, 30, 200. : Camphor, Brionija, Phosphorus.
Friday, December 21, 2007
It Is Easy To See That If Our
It is easy to see that if our diet consisted only of these kinds of products, with hunger we would not die. Zhirogennye products, it is products with the big maintenance of fat. At their uncontrollable consumption loading of an organism fat will be so great that its surpluses will be inevitably reconstructed in human fat. To to products all oils (including vegetative), fat grades of meat, milk and sour-milk products with fat content of an order of 3,5 % and above, products from sand and fancy pastry, chocolate, creamy creams, creamy concern. Those fat products which for you are not very attractive, limit essentially. Then it is possible not very and to reduce "favourite" fat contents. Do not hasten to refuse something "for ever". In a glass of fermented baked milk of 4 % contains as much fat, how many and in 1/5 standard chocolate bars. Also what now to forbid itself chocolate and to eat fermented baked milk with glasses? Try not to increase fat content in the course of cooking. More use the welded and stewed products, and, accordingly, it is less .
After Meal Does Not Drive In A Dream,
After meal does not drive in a dream, and it is not acted in film nightmares at night. And still - rather important moment - to eat thus to the person usually it is pleasant. And time is pleasant, means, the mood raises. And time after meal easily, at the person is not oppressed impellent activity. And time in a food fibers and carbohydrates prevail, muscles of the person receive an optimum food, are in the good form (in a good tone) and are ready to work. I will remind that three quarters of all fat burns down in muscles. Muscles are necessary to us. If we wish to reduce weight of the saved up fat, we should support our muscles in a good tone and in sufficient impellent activity. But usually, when the person to itself appoints a diet, it, as a rule, accepts more rigid diets and it appears in a zone limited to the fourth circle. These are interdictions. It when, for example, it is impossible to have supper, or it is impossible to eat farinaceous food, sweet or other products. The certain logic in these actions is.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Also The Fermental Systems Providing Splitting Of Fat
Also the fermental systems providing splitting of fat are active. Well and, certainly, if our mood basically good, the meal, as a medicine for bad mood is less necessary to us. In this condition the person becomes more legible in meal, and according to it it is easier to organise the food so that the weight will start to decrease. And the most important thing, he precisely knows, what for he should grow thin, and on how many. It has a concrete motive. But there are one more views which too can conduct at the beginning to a weight loss. And which at first sight is represented very logical. The stout person begins to hate itself, declares to itself, what it is more never will give to itself of indulgences that he will better die of hunger, than will eat still something forbidden. And so on. And further all as always. Through any time of a flour of hunger become intolerable (or senseless as there is no visible or sufficient weight reduction), there comes failure, and the person inevitably moves to area of the first circle: "we Live once, in a life and so there are not enough pleasures.
Any Means Has No Such Expressed Feeling Of
Any means has no such expressed feeling of hunger, and leanness here is characteristic at good consumption of food (Atsidum Atset, Abrotanum, Jodium Sanikula and Tuberk). also has such dog hunger with , but difference that at Natr. After meal the exhaustion and drowsiness is felt, at Iodine the simplification is. At Natr. The patient feels after meal stupid pressing morbidity, feeling of completeness and trouble in the field of a stomach and a liver, and all it is facilitated only with a course of digestion (Cinchona). At Iodine of the patient constantly wishes to eat and feels tolerably, only when the stomach is filled or happens will tighten. There are also some other means with such feeling for hunger. To simplification after meal as at Natrum and Iodum, it is Anakardium, Helidonium and Petroleum. It is possible to add here concerning hunger still Cinchona and Likopodium. At Anakardium the pain extends in a back and there is a feeling of emptiness and weakness which passes after meal and returns again hour through two so the patient again should eat.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
M, N.N.adiposit's Hooks. Influence On Development Of A
M, N.N.adiposit's Hooks. Influence on development of a metabolic syndrome. Preventive maintenance and treatment. "Medical practice Th" 2002, 182 with. And as in popular scientific books: M.M.Ginzburg How to grow thin, without suffering from hunger and without considering calories. "Ripol the Classic" 2003, 180 with., and M.M.Ginzburg How to grow thin correctly. the Vector 2005 160 with. In preparation of dishes it is possible to be guided by our recipes and principles the cookeries stated in the previous chapter. ..
To Thicket Use A Rule Of The Big
To thicket use a rule of the big plate. It when at you on one dish a slice of meat, fish, some kinds of the cut vegetables, a couple of the welded pelmeni, a little the welded rice, a little the welded potato. And all of you time, passing from a product to a product, as though involuntarily try, savour a slice. It naturally helps to slow down a food. Use a rule " " - a small portion of low-calorie food of minutes for 15-20 to the basic meal. It can be a slice of cottage cheese with a roll, a glass of tea with milk, a kefir glass. The main thing that after that decreases appetite a little and it is much easier to you to supervise itself. Than faster you eat, the more eat, the it is less than pleasure you receive from the food and that is worse you feel after plentiful meal. It is necessary to you? Dream and excess weight. The more you sleep, the you grow thin is better! Usually, main accused on process on adiposity business, this food. Really, the meal fat, plentiful, idle, certainly, conducts to superfluous kgs.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Calories To Calories Why Till Now It
Calories to calories Why till now it was not possible to grow thin all interested person? We already underlined, the reason of it is covered in erroneous or inexact representations about a metabolism, about mechanisms of accumulation and the expense of fatty stocks. Errors generate doubts, and doubts force us to stop in indecision. And one of such very much popular beliefs, it to think that the more nourishing product, the it more high-calorie. Such representation leads to erroneous tactics. Namely, to diet dispensing on sensation of hunger. After all according to these representations, meal already by definition low-calorie so, helping to grow thin. We will agree, the majority of people so think and so arrive. They build the diet, trying to feel all time hungry. If they can be full, they feel fear that now their weight loss will stop, and they again will start to get fat. It is painful, it cannot be maintained long. In constant restriction of a food to half-starved, in fear to overeat, in fear to feel full, also the reason of the majority of failures is covered.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
As It Is Very Frequent Dream Infringements Are
As it is very frequent dream infringements are caused by alarm and the depression caused by disorders on work or the house, conflicts between people and internal conflicts, the role of qualitative psychocorrection in a complex " " measures is very important. In no event it is impossible to apply rigid dietary modes and physical activities of excessive intensity to a weight loss. As both the first, and the second leads to depression development, infringements of a dream and further to delay of rates of a weight loss and failures. Now, it is a high time to find out, and that we should undertake what to make our dream high-grade? Here some wishes: Turn the most steadfast influence on the sleeping bed. It is simply obliged to be convenient. Approach to this question seriously. The blessing now is not present a lack of a choice of mattresses, pillows. The optimum width of a bed for one person - 80-90 see It is undesirable that in a room the area 18 sq. m there are less would sleep simultaneously more than two persons.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Besides, Being One Of The Best Means Against
Besides, being one of the best means against , it also one of the best against defeat glands at elderly men with frequent and urine after. Very frequent and painful symptom in connection with suffering of genitals, both at men, and at women, is the lumbar pain which has that feature that always amplifies at night in a bed and in the morning before a rising. here very effective means. It also good skin means. It cures dry and wet rashes. Ekzema Stafizagrii exhales a caustic moisture from under vials, from contact with which new vials are formed. They to usage awfully itch, and there is such feature that when the itch is facilitated from in one place immediately is on other. happens often on a head, on temples near to eyes, but action on temples is the most appreciable. Changes happen also in the form of barley, , , on centuries one over another, sometimes . There is only one means which can be compared with at a chronic inflammation of eyelids ( ) is a GRAPHITE. gives remarkable treatment at whimsical, lean, frail children with the specified symptoms of illness of a teeth and eyelids.
Monday, November 26, 2007
The General Caloric Content Of 380 Kcal. Caloric
The general caloric content of 380 kcal. Caloric content of a portion - 95 kcal, is not enough. Cold soup "Tarator" 100 fresh cucumbers, 100 ml of fat-free kefir, greens, ice cubes. Teaspoon of a lemon juice or table vinegar. Salt, ground pepper to taste. A cucumber to grate, add other components, to mix. To strew the cut greens, to add 1-2 cubes of ice. An exit - 1 portion. Caloric content is no more 50 calories. This soup is especially good in the summer in a heat. Soup fish. 200 a pike perch cut by pieces, a potato 200 , carrots 100 , rice 40 , a bulb, a bay leaf, salt, spices. How to cook fish soup, I think, know all. At first we cook fish, carrots and a bulb. A bulb as will cook, we throw out. Then there is a turn of rice and a potato. In the end we add a bay leaf, spices, to taste. Volume of all soup - litre ones and a half (6-7 portions) Caloric content of a portion - an order of 80 calories. Fat practically is not present. On all pan of its gramme 3-4. Now the second dishes. The same main principles.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Usually Caloric Content Of Such Portion Appears Time
Usually caloric content of such portion appears time in two less, than that quantity of calories by which it is possible to reduce the basic meal without serious consequences. For example, usually the person ate for a food dinner on 600 calories. Having had a bite before meal of calories on 50, he then eats for a dinner of calories 400. Also gorges on. A prize - 150 calories! The maintenance of sugars in food to reduce too it is simple enough. Certainly, under a condition if you do not try to forbid them to yourselves absolutely. The person very quickly gets used to use less sugar in drinks. Uses soft drinks with sugar substitutes is more often. From bread uses rye and bread is more often and is slightly more rare - white. From groats well hardly more often and hardly less often to a decoy. To be guided in fat consumption the following table helps also. The fat maintenance in most often used products (on 100 grammes of a product) Product The fat maintenance Beef not the fat 5-10 Beef fat To 30 Pork meat 25-35 Fat 70-75 Boiled sausages ( , doctor's, etc.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Phlebitis And Thrombophlebitises: Arnica, , , , ,
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitises: arnica, , , , , , , , , , , graphite. , an atherosclerosis of peripheral arteries: , , , , , arnica, , , barite , , . ILLNESSES OF RESPIRATORY ORGANS Sharp respiratory diseases. A flu: , , , , , , , , , , , , , phosphorus, , , , . Quinsy (sharp tonsillitis): , , , , ( ), . Bronchitis sharp (an aggravation chronic): , , , , , , , , . Bronchitis chronic; an emphysema of lungs, a pneumosclerosis: , , , , , , , rub , , , , , . : , , , phosphorus, , , , . Bronchial asthma: , , , , , , , , , , , . Pleurisy: , , , , . ILLNESSES OF DIGESTIVE ORGANS Stomatitis: , , , , , , , , , . Reflux-ezofagit, insufficiency : , , , , , , , , rub , , . Gastritis sharp (alimentary): arnica, , . Gastritis chronic : , , , , , , a cyclamen, cinchona, graphite, . Gastritis chronic ( , ): , , , magnesia , , , sodium , , , , , an iris. Stomach stomach ulcer: , , , , , , , a calendula. Stomach ulcer of a duodenal gut: , , , , a calendula, and all preparations applied at . Is bilious-stone illness: , , , cinchona, , , , , magnesia , , , .
Friday, November 23, 2007
So-called Semiconcrete Motives Are Less Effective. It When
So-called semiconcrete motives are less effective. It when is clear what for, but is not clear to what term. For example, I should grow thin what to restore reeled health. But as nobody obliges me to grow thin directly tomorrow, I all will not gather in any way, all time I postpone the beginning. Council - try to translate such motive in the concrete. Enter into the reasonings date. For example, I wish to lose five kgs in two months. It will essentially improve my standards. It will be easier to me to move and easier to be breathed. If I begin directly tomorrow, I in two months can already see myself and looked younger. For two months, it is five kgs 600 - 1 kg a week. Quite real problem - in the end of every week to weigh on six hundred grammes it is less. As it is not amusing, but sometimes to concretise motive on weight loss helps the bet concluded with someone. However when will be involved, it is better to look for motive more reliably. Otherwise, having proved to whom it is necessary that you "o-o th!", you risk to recover back.
The Organism Is Reoriented On Accumulation Of Stocks.
The organism is reoriented on accumulation of stocks. The person, unique animal at whom muscular work and impellent activity very often directly is not connected with food getting. But, plunging into impellent rest the person, as well as any other animal, it is switched to fat accumulation. And when tries less or less often is, what though somehow to resist to process of increase of weight, it has the real sufferings from "violent", "uncontrollable" appetite, with feeling of hunger. Sufferings, by the way, it is perfect in this situation natural and physiologic. The interesting moment, give once again it we will repeat and we will remember. I move much enough and thus I suffer from hunger a little. And on the contrary, I move very little, accordingly, I spend energy, but again a little and again I wish to eat. The following circle - my image of mobility supports weight of a body in approximate balance. Fat my muscles spend approximately as much, how many I and eat. The given impellent mode is good already that allows to stabilise weight of a body.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
There Are Many Diseases When The Patient Is
There are many diseases when the patient is in perfect unconsciousness and indifference to all surrounding: he does not answer here influence of light, a touch, a sound or something, except the shown means which Opium is. The same and at a pneumonia where Opium gave a remarkable case of treatment whereas at massive doses of old school (pains appointed for the termination and dream calling) it deafened in hands of homeopathists. In many other illnesses, more truly, in each illness where there are these symptoms, we can undoubtedly expect that Opium or will cure a case, or so will change a condition that after that other means, for realisation of full treatment can follow. To Opium can compete, for example, at typhus fevers, and other means, such, as Lahezis or Giostsiamus. These two means will often draw to themselves attention at a typhus pulmonary inflammation. Here thorough examination quite often is required to make a choice between them. (blow) behind Opium. here, as well as in general, the choice should be defined by presence of symptoms.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
If The Sick Child It Ceases If It
If the sick child it ceases if it carry, having put through a hand which presses on a tummy. Patient Stannum is ordinary very sad, shy and inclined to cry constantly (Natrum of messes., Pulsatilla, Sepija). Divisions: 6, 12, 30, 200. 104. (Selenium) - settlements. Grindings with dairy sugar to 5th , and then cultivations prepare. It is metal which like Stannum, has a characteristic condition: extreme weakness. But contrary to Stannum, weakness of Settlement is not caused by any local reason. It of the more general character. The patient so is weak that is easily exhausted at any work, intellectual or physical. Weakness such can grow out of any exhausting illness, like a typhus, or to be caused by seed loss. In man's sexual sphere this weakness of the same sort, as well as in general. are weak and languid, the fast expiration of a seed at a coition, consecutive irritability and slackness. The sexual desire is strong enough, but in the physical relation - powerlessness. Weekly there are two or three times after which weakness and backs is felt.
Sincere And Physical Strengths, Probably, Are Very Weakened
Sincere and physical strengths, probably, are very weakened also pressure of these or those leads to strong breakdowns (prostration). This condition can gradually reach a paralysis, being a consequence it is bad an alternating fever, sexual excesses, a diphtheria, oppressing nervous influences or other reasons of a nervous exhaustion. It is not necessary to lose sight of action of Natr Muriatikum on a skin. On the first place here costs , dry, inflamed and especially strengthened at borders to a part. Then deprive in the field of articulate bends, a crack and of a caustic liquid. At last, at , Natrum costs near to Apis, Gepar Sulfur and Kalkarea Karbonika. Divisions: the high. 77. NATRUM (Natrium carbonicum) carbonic . One of the proved to be true symptoms of this means is exasperation from intellectual pressure. The patient cannot think or be engaged in any mental work that the headache (Ap was not. , Sabadilla), dizziness or feeling of dullness. One this symptom does this means invaluable as we often should deal with such patients.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Possibilities On Accumulation Of Carbohydrates In A Kind
Possibilities on accumulation of carbohydrates in a kind , or on their transition in fat rather also are rather limited. Accordingly, carbohydrates already at their rather small quantity in food cause in us a sense of fulness which forces us to stop meal. Fig. 6. Distribution of carbohydrates of food to a share passing in fat (1), a share leaving in a stock in a kind (2) and share, going directly for power needs (3). Fat is formed of carbohydrates only at very big their one-stage receipt with food. Similarly fibers behave also. The organism does not create their stocks. All eaten fibers go or on replacement of albuminous molecules in cages and fabrics (plastic function), or a smaller part for power needs. Many eat fibers we cannot - there is no place to put. From here, albuminous food as nourishing enough. And quite another matter, fats. Possibilities on their accumulation very big. The human body can save up them both 15, and 20 and 50 kgs. Them is where to put. And consequently the organism prefers to accumulate fats, directing their big part to a stock (drawing 2).
Even The Behaviour Of The Patient On Reception
Even the behaviour of the patient on reception often pushes the doctor on thought on this means, They are the uneasy people trying at once to inform to the doctor all numerous complaints, jumping with one on another. At conversation they often and deeply sigh without noticing it, easily cry. For them very much character - on variability of mood (Akonit, Koffea, Nuks the Moscow hut), but at Ignatsii this symptom is expressed most brightly. The patient for pleasure and fun very quickly runs into a melancholy with tears and grief, silent grief with frequent sighs. The patient deeply sighs, as though it does not have no air. Still Ganeman noticed alternation of the most inconsistent moods - fear and boldness, anger and apathy, laughter and tears that specifies in extreme variability of a morale, it especially worsens in the mornings. All symptoms worsen for excitement, a tobacco smoke, coffee, colds, a draught, a light touch (strong pressing facilitates); improvement comes from heat, change of position, a place.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
We Will Remind That Fat, Is An Energy
We will remind that Fat, is an energy stock, once us saved up for the purpose of realisation of any our vital plans and postponed for the time being. There is a number of situations when the weight decreases rather possibly, apparently, without any efforts to that from outside the person, or at small, even in something pleasant efforts. Let's result examples: One our patient with excess weight repeatedly tried to keep to diets, but the feeling of hunger almost always forced it to leave this invention long before occurrence of significant results. Somehow in the summer it with the girlfriend has gone to travel by the steam-ship. The trip was very interesting, there were many stops, excursions, and the company has stolen up very cheerful and interesting. "We did not sit in place seconds" - she told. Having come back home, she with surprise has found out that has lost 3 kgs. But... During a trip she had no feeling of hunger, was always mobile, cheerful and felt itself absolutely comfortably.
Pricking Pains: , Kalium Karbonikum, Stsilla. A
Pricking pains: , Kalium Karbonikum, Stsilla. A pulsation and knocking: , Glonoin, Melilotus. Bleedings passive: , Sekale, Krotaljus. Bleedings active: Ferrum Fosforikum, Ipekakuana, Phosphorus. : , Natrum Muriatikum, Likopodium, Sarsaparilla etc. The Psorichesky constitution: , Psorinum etc. The sifilnaja constitution: , Kalium Iodatum, Sifilinum etc. Dark blue tumours: , Pulsatilla, the Tarantula. Something like that we could continue and specify in one of three and more means having characteristic action at known symptoms or conditions and it is good to have the last in memory as thanks to it we become capable to find a diagnostic difference between them (hence, we have advantage). Such knowledge arms, prepares for necessary cases and often gives the chance to make those surprising, in the purpose getting treatments. Divisions: 6,12, 200. 81. OPIUM (Opium) - a sleepy poppy. Opium is the dried up juice from unripe heads. Tincture prepares from this preparation with 5 . . Alcohol. From the basic active beginnings of opium it: morphine (muriatic, ), and .
Thursday, November 8, 2007
And We Should Not Be Afraid In This
And we should not be afraid in this case of ourselves and to think of ourselves, as about mentally sick person. Secondly, it is not necessary to sit, hands, believing that now to us never to get rid of superfluous kgs. There are very many receptions to raise meal, or to lower it . And we now will consider these receptions. Reception the first "Dietologichesky" Let's remember a rule It is impossible to grow thin all time even if you very much would like it. It is possible to assimilate our organism to a sailing vessel which that floats at a fair wind it is compelled to struggle with the passer. And if we are quiet, counterbalanced, mood good and active, will be grown thin to us easily. And in this case we lift all sails and full speed! But if we in excitement? If family or industrial disorders? And the most important thing, all it strengthens appetite? And any attempt though somehow to limit meal causes irritation and makes a fortune the intolerable? Then we lower sails and we drop an anchor.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
There Are No Two Other Means More Similar
There are no two other means more similar in this respect though some similarity still represents Atsidum Muriatikum. Then very characteristic symptom at a diarrhoeia - strong in a stomach before a chair, and the feeling of weight mentioned above in a rectum not always is limited only to this place, but is tested on all basin and a stomach. Then, at the Aloe the rectum leaves like a cluster of grapes with simplification at lotions cold water. At Atsidum Muriat the simplification occurs from hot lotions. Both these means have hemorrhoids, but at the Aloe strong , and at Atsidum Muriatikum very much a severe pain and sensitivity at a touch even from linen. Except already mentioned complications, the Aloe diarrhoeia amplifies at circulation, standing, after meal, drink. At a dysentery there is strong ( ), a heat in a gut, a breakdown (prostration), even a faint and plentiful strong sweat. Weakness of a locked muscle ( ) back pass find as well at a lock. Firm excrements depart involuntarily, almost imperceptibly.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Hoping For A Wonderful Preparation, We Only Will
Hoping for a wonderful preparation, we only will waste our precious time. According to and the programmed process process of the expense of surpluses of fat is normal also. Also there is a number of situations when this process proceeds rather comfortably. Our problem to learn in these situations to get. Then weight loss process will be not only useful, but also pleasant. The fatty weight rather possibly can accrue, when the person or any other animal are able to physical rest. In these situations function of accumulation of fat absolutely normally and naturally joins and appetite raises. At the person such inclusion is observed and at mental rest (the quiet life, occurs nothing, it is boring). From here, movement, physical and psycho-emotional, very naturally interferes with increase of fatty weight and promotes its decrease. The metabolism of the person is arranged . In some phases processes of splitting of fat prevail. During these periods it is easy to keep to a diet and to grow thin.
For Example, He Hopes That Being More Harmonous,
For example, he hopes that being more harmonous, it will be more attractive to persons of an opposite sex, will find more interesting work, will strengthen the health, will long live, will prove to itself and-or associates that it the person with iron will power and that it o-o th as can!!! And so on. And very many if not all is defined here by force of this hope. Or, speaking on scientific, motivation. It is clear that if motives for a weight loss are not expressed, to grow thin much more difficultly. Let's consider still that the true motive of a weight loss can appear hidden from the person. For example, the young man considers that some superfluous kgs prevent to be to it attractive to girls. And it directs the activity what to grow thin. But after all it is possible, what he is mistaken? Perhaps, its problem in inability to communicate, in inability to interest in itself of associates, in excessive shyness at acquaintance to girls? And then its weight loss will not result in any positive shifts in his life.
Monday, November 5, 2007
). - Means With Extensive Circle Of Action As
). - means with extensive circle of action as it covers such condition which can be found at weight of various diseases. :3, 6, 12, 200. 66. VERATRUM (Ver atrum Viride) the green. Tincture prepares from a root of Veratrum Viride, operates on head and a spinal cord and on muscles, as well as Veratrum Album, causes weakness of heart with cold then, a cold in general and a breakdown, but green Veratrum operates more on a stomach, causing strong vomiting, white Veratrum - it is more on intestines, causing a diarrhoeia. Veratrum Viride causes also inflow to a brain, with the phenomena of an inflammation and arterial excitation, the language kind is characteristic for this means: the red strip going along its middle. As curative means of Veratrum Viride it is necessary to mean at sharp diseases, especially at infectious fevers and a pneumonia, at a spinal meningitis, at brain irritations at children and at children's spasms, and in general at nervous sufferings. Divisions: 1 , Fita at sharp a stomach and 3, 6.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
As A Matter Of Fact, All Business Can
As a matter of fact, all business can be reduced to two formulas: 1. The formula of comfortable weight reduction 2. The formula of a set of excess weight And now we could formulate tactics - Our problem by little changes of an image of a food, an image of mobility and views to grope a certain new way of life, in itself pleasant and comprehensible which unlike the available will be accompanied not by accumulation of fatty weight, and its decrease and the further maintenance at normal level. This sort of changes, a thing not the fast. It is necessary to find out, what I do incorrectly now what exactly I should change, what from this set I really could change and in what degree, what from the new, found qualities it was pleasant to me, and with what to me is better to begin? Everything that I try to change, I should try, choose at first from a possible set most for myself approaching... In general, "to study, study and study!" But now though it is clear, to that. And still. As the communication revealed by us in a feed circuit, mood and an impellent mode operates extensively (for what link do not pull, you will extend all chain), for a successful weight loss at all the best, to begin with an unloading diet.
Friday, October 26, 2007
View Rather Popular, By The Way, - A
View rather popular, by the way, - a pier, only through struggle against self, through overcoming of instincts, through taming of a flesh the person can become the person. Just in case we will not deny all this direction as unpromising. Perhaps, someone through suppression of a flesh also can reach for itself(himself) something useful. We speak only about a weight loss. Here again we absolutely responsibly declare: All these tortures only harm to business. And as proof we will result some reasons. Reason first (most important thing). The person, repeatedly trying to grow thin and resorting every time to violence over self, the person who is not aspiring completely not to grow thin gets fat much faster, than. Returning of weight after a violent weight loss to initial or to surpassing initial - the phenomenon so extended that to it even the term - weight - weight cycling has been appropriated. All links of this circle are absolutely natural and cause each other. Here these links: Weight reduction phase The bottom plateau - despite proceeding efforts, weight does not decrease any more Phase of increase of weight The top plateau - weight is again stabilised at level a little surpassing the initial.
But Here The Purpose Is Reached. What To
But here the purpose is reached. What to do, what to keep the received result? In most cases it is enough not to reduce physical activity and to try to eat as less as possible fat and especially not to abuse the sweet. Also we watch weight! It is necessary to watch weight. And anything especial in it is not present. In the same way we watch a condition of a skin or hair. And if the person inclined to dandruff has to wash a head more often and to use for this purpose special shampoos to the person inclined to completeness, it is necessary to eat and to conduct correctly active enough way of life. The bonus is known - beauty, ease, excellent health and good mood! I need to wish you successes. I will be very glad, if my councils are useful to you. If you have access to the Internet, come on sites and I there carry out consultations. If it is necessary for you to discuss with me what or a question, ask. On these sites and as on a site periodically there are my new articles.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
From Them We Take Not Less Than 50
From them we take not less than 50 % of arriving energy. Stocks of carbohydrates in an organism very small - 400-600 kcal of an order 1/5 that is necessary to the person per day there are more. Thereupon possibilities on accumulation of carbohydrates for the future too are rather limited. Satiety from carbohydrates comes very quickly. However, it not such long as from albuminous food, but considerably surpasses from food fat. Long time believed that the share of carbohydrates not gone on energy formation, is straight reconstructed in fat. When, in the end of the last century, this question began to be investigated specially, many scientists have been surprised in the pleasant image, having found out that the share of carbohydrates reconstructed in fat in a human body rather and rather is not great. Transition of carbohydrates fat at the person is possible only at their very big one-stage receipt with food. Is called the figure of an order 300 - 400 carbohydrates. In a usual life, at a usual food the such happens very seldom.
The General Symptoms Are A Consequence Of Diseases
The general symptoms are a consequence of diseases of genitals. is famous as the means facilitating childbirth both warning an abortion and easing of patrimonial attempts. It has outstanding influence on joints, especially small joints of hands and feet. Symptoms from outside female genitals: sensation of inflow to a uterus with completeness, pressure in , frustration with spasms in a bladder and with sensation painful from top to bottom, a spasmodic pain of a vagina, bleach, especially at the girls, a menacing abortion, predisposition to abortions, painful postnatal pains, false attempts last months pregnancy. Characteristic stupid, a nagging pain that in one, in other joint, especially in small (feet and hands) joints and fingers, with deterioration at night. Divisions: , 6 , 6. Similar means: , Pulsatilla, Sabine, Sekale. 106. (Millefoleum) - a yarrow. The essence prepares from a fresh plant. Comprises and essence. On vascular system Gamamelis operates like Hamomille, Arnica and Rus, therefore is applied at infringements, hypodermic bruises, wounds and ulcers.
Why? Yes Because We So Are Arranged! Because
Why? Yes because we so are arranged! Because the person is created at all for tortures. It is created for happiness, as a bird for flight! And now after failure our acquaintance eats much, and that forbade itself earlier. Naturally, he recovers, and it has very high probability kgs five-six over initial level. First, because at it the power consumption, and secondly because at it the weight of muscles has decreased has decreased. And muscles, it is that fabric which effectively spends fat for energy extraction. It is possible to tell that not less than 80 % of fat spent in an organism, is oxidised in muscles. Than the relative muscular weight and the below its impellent activity is less at the person, the more fat can be postponed in a stock. And if our acquaintance applies such feature with a weight loss some times for a year the final increase of weight can reach and 10 kgs. It much more that average increase of weight which is observed at people who simply live and do not think of any weight loss.
Monday, October 22, 2007
The Basic Sources - Meat, Fish, Eggs, Cottage
The basic sources - meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, milk and sour-milk products, bean and grain crops. Their role in a power exchange is insignificant. The organism takes from fibers no more than 10-15 % of daily volume of energy. However in the structural plan of the squirrel are irreplaceable. We use them for building and constant updating of cellular and fabric structures. Enzymes are constructed of fiber, antibodies and some hormones. The organism does not create stocks of fibers, to put them there is no place, therefore already at small surplus of fiber in food there is a sense of fulness. By the way, the period of satiety after albuminous food is usually more long, than after carbohydrate and, especially, fat. Let's remember a rule which is useful further to us - The there is less than organism possibility on recycling of those or other products, especially they nourishing. And on the contrary, the it is less than product, than in considerable quantities it can be reserved an organism Fibers as from bricks are constructed of various amino acids.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
For Example, It Appears That Food Much More
For example, it appears that food much more pleasantly and is more tasty is slowly. That feeling of easy hunger in own way very pleasantly. So my organism says to me that burning of fatty stocks occurs regularly. Also that the feeling of easy hunger is much more pleasant, than an overeating condition. The blown up stomach and an uneasy dream with nightmares to whom it is necessary? And the most important thing in this condition not to go too far. Not to direct in competition with itself. Not to set itself on full hunger. From an unnecessary overstrain of forces all can be developed on 180 . Weakness, mood decrease, doubt in the forces, increase of appetite and "failure". So, the good mood, clear vision of the purpose, reasonable image the constructed food bearing in both satiety, and the pleasant flavouring sensations, the toning up impellent activity, here those natural regulators, allowing to normalise any even the most "wolf" appetite. What for we grow thin? About the latent and obvious motives of a weight loss Usually the person begins to do something, only when realises or will feel that it what for is necessary to it.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Like Likopodu Right-hand Means Mainly A Neuralgia
like Likopodu right-hand means mainly a neuralgia of the right party, right and on the right are strained and painful at pressure, a right-hand pneumonia and the humeral pain, a shooting pain in the right seat and extending on a stomach, the nagging pain in seats, hips, shins or , is more on the right side, the right foot cold, as ice, and left - normal. not only right-hand means, but also in many other relations standing close to Likopodiumu, they often appear shown one after another. Though mentioned the pain also is characteristic, but there can be cases where it does not happen at all, and however they recover Helidoniumom, especially liver and lung defeat. If we find pressing pain in the field of a liver, whether it will be increased and sensitive to pressure or not, bitterness in a mouth, the language imposed with dense yellow touch and with red edges on which prints of a teeth are appreciable. Yellowness of eye fibers, persons, hands and a skin, excrements grey, or golden-yellow, I wet same golden or lemon colour, or the painted, leaving yellow colouring in a vessel after it .
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
It Is A Basic Error. An Organism, Having
It is a basic error. An organism, having faced such "treatment", has strong stress, and, trying to be protected, switches weigh its metabolism on fat accumulation. Intolerable hunger, exhaustion, depression and, at last "failure", here obligatory result of such influences. From the point of view of shipping and safety the diet about which we in detail spoke above is ideal . I will remind, this diet does not contain almost any interdictions and has only one restriction. For its execution it is necessary to reduce consumption of fats to 20 % from daily caloric content. It is an order of 30-40 grammes of fat in day more often. As a bonus consumption of any quantity of difficult carbohydrates (flour and products) and at least, enough simple (sugar and sacchariferous products) is supposed. Malozhirnye diets very reliably insure the person against a weight set. Also it is expensive costs, for if not to insure relapse of a set of weight is almost inevitable. Other dietary ways of maintenance of weight either are very labour-consuming, or are ineffective.
Br J Nutr 2000 Mar; 83 Suppl 1:S25-32
Br J Nutr 2000 Mar; 83 Suppl 1:S25-32 Certainly, here it is necessary to be guided for a standard portion. If the portion of low-fat meat of grammes 100, is an order 5 fat a portion of fat milk (5 %) - 200-300 ml will already contain to 15 fat. This reception has been tested in our researches with " " mixes. More in detail about it in the following chapter. Reports of our researches on influence modes are resulted in the monography M.M.Ginzburg and N.N.hook Adiposity. Influence on development of a metabolic syndrome, preventive maintenance and treatment. "Medical practice Th" 2003 168 with., and as in popular scientific books: M.M.Ginzburg How to grow thin, without suffering from hunger and without considering calories. "Ripol the Classic" 2003, 180 with., and M.M.Ginzburg How to grow thin correctly. the Vector 2005 160 with. Normal it is considered, if for all pregnancy the woman adds no more than 10 kg of weight. More in detail about these researches it is possible to read in our monography: Ginzburg M.
Monday, October 15, 2007
The Taken Detour Of Questions Is In Conducting
The taken detour of questions is in conducting psychologists and psychotherapists. They could be defined as the psychological or personal reasons promoting increase of excess weight, or interfering its decrease. And to us follows these reasons to analyse. So, let's understand. Appetite. From war to an armistice and further to the world According to many growing thin, appetite, here the main problem, the main obstacle, disturbing to the person to grow thin! After all as happens more often, is both the spirit, and desire, and necessity comprehension at last to undertake itself. And at first, like, all is good. But, evening comes..., the husband brings a cake..., friends call on a visit..., and all our good wishes vanish for nothing. The great variety of means and methods is devoted struggle against appetite. But all of them give only temporary effect, or do not give it at all. And, first of all At overwhelming quantity of stout persons appetite is absolutely normal, as though the return not seemed to them.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Sabine Is One Of The Main Means Against
Sabine is one of the main means against a plentiful bleeding from a uterus, at after abortions or sorts. The specified bleedings come as though , amplify from movement ( ), blood dark (Kalium Nitrikum, the Cyclamen), with clots or partially liquid, partially with clots ( ). The uterus tone is lowered ( ) after an abortion or sorts; with a pain from a back to . This pain going from a back to , is very important, supervising symptom and can be not only at a bleeding, but also at threat of an abortion and at infringement a cycle. Then the general is marked " a symptom". Deterioration of state of health in heat, in a warm premise and improvement on fresh cool air. In cases bleedings (if Pulsatillu it is impossible to register that it can strengthen a bleeding), it is necessary to think of Sabine. Sabine it is shown at abortion threat on - month, especially with characteristic back pains. Pains begin in a back, become surrounding and come to an end with uterus spasms. In this case Viburnum will be suitable.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Moore. And Merkurii. These Means Happen Are Similar
Moore. And Merkurii. These means happen are similar to Nuks the Moscow hut concerning sincere and other symptoms, always find between so-called hysterical means is more often. the Moscow hut one of the best our means. Taken together all above-stated symptoms and having added to them one more easy bent to , you can find fuller picture of a hysterical condition. Divisions: , 3, 6. : Camphor, Nuks Vomika. Similar: , Ambergris, Aza . 83. (Sangvinaria canadensis) . or Krovavik Canadian from family . Tincture prepares from the dried up root. The basic action of this means - on mucous membranes, mainly respiratory bodies and vessels, especially at a climax and at a hypertension. Periodicity of an aggravation in 7 days also is characteristic for this means. It is more and is more often the right party is surprised. At patients the raised and perverted sense of smell (feeling of the overroasted onions). At a headache the pain goes as though behind beforehand, - it amplifies during sun movement.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
At Animals With Night Type Of A Food
At animals with night type of a food it higher at night, at animals with day type, accordingly, in the afternoon. At the animals running into hibernation, activity of the centre of hunger raises in formation of stocks of fat. It is clear that the above sensitivity of the centre of hunger, the easier and is more often arises desire is and the it is more difficult to gorge on. The system of regulation of appetite and food consumption works for the person essentially as. With that only a difference that at the person primary activity very often directly is not connected with food getting. Really, well what communication between plotting teaching, or we will open fabrics and extraction tracing? But with extraction all is good. In the modern economically developed countries where the hunger problem is won, the food is accessible. It practically everywhere. Houses in a refrigerator, in shops, in the food markets, and so on. However, it generates the satiety problem, one of which consequences is excess weight.
Friday, October 5, 2007
All These Phases Are Presented In Our Drawing
All these phases are presented in our drawing AND IN Fig. 1. Dynamics of weight at "a violent" weight loss. A weight reduction phase ( - ), a phase of the bottom plateau ( - ), a phase of return increase of weight ( - ), a phase of the top plateau ( - ). Now let's consider them more in detail. So, our acquaintance has solved the diet. A diet as a diet it is impossible to eat such products under no circumstances, such only in strictly limited quantities. After six o'clock in the evening it is impossible to eat in general. As in this diet of calories it is less, than our acquaintance spends, the missing difference becomes covered at the expense of splitting of fat and its weight starts to decrease. And first it decreases quickly enough. And, by the way, it is far not only at the expense of fat. After all besides the fat expense in the first days still there is also a plentiful allocation of the liquid connected with and with salts. And as against hunger it is rather expressed there is a loss of fiber and albuminous fabrics, first of all the muscular.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Daily We Will Receive Enough Of Fiber, Minerals
Daily we will receive enough of fiber, minerals and vitamins. Moreover, a food under the given program in itself reduces the maintenance of fats and cholesterol in blood. On its background arterial pressure is normalised, physical and intellectual working capacity improves. The advantage, one only advantage, and anything except advantage! In the course of execution of the given program we without fail will be trained in principles a food. To eat for us begins habitual and natural business. It will protect us from a weight set further. And the most important thing. At all advantages the given program allows to grow thin on the average on one kg a week. Not bad, the truth? Now about a program essence. The program is constructed on reasonable alternation of two diets. The first mode is usual a food which is not containing absolutely any interdictions. We can eat any products! We can eat at any time! The purpose of this mode - to support weight at the reached level. It is impossible to grow thin constantly.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Excrements Of Reum Happen Dark-brown, Than Green Is
Excrements of Reum happen dark-brown, than green is more often. Hamomilly also have green excrements, with a severe pain, but its excrements watery whereas at Magnesia more mucous. Then Merkury has mucous excrements which can be as well green, and at Merkurii - the main symptom and the symptoms vomiting which are not bringing simplification, a perspiration distinguish it from other means. Magnesia of Karbonika has a toothache which, at first sight as though resembles Merkurievu. It arises in a spoilt teeth and worsens at night. However there are more subtle shades on which distinguish them. has deterioration from bed warmth (the general sign of Merkurija). Magnesia deterioration in rest to have simplification, the patient should go there-here. This sort the pain is usual at pregnant women. At diarrheas lower divisions are given, once treated a hard case - long a pain. Pains were sudden, sharp and resulted the patient almost in a faint. Magnesia of Karb. 200 has quickly cured. Lobelija Inflata has extreme sensitivity, the patient sits having bent down forward to avoid a touch even with a soft pillow.
Friday, September 28, 2007
But, As To Us Recently All Becomes Clearer
But, as to us recently all becomes clearer and clearer, has put here far not only in meal. Or is more true, at meal there are accomplices. And one of such accomplices - a bad, short, defective dream, . And it has been revealed absolutely casually. Scientists put a problem to investigate, what do development of adiposity by more probable of factors of a way of life of the person. Questionnaires, with questions on their food, formation, impellent activity and so on have been dispatched several thousand persons. And here, along with such already traditional factors as , enthusiasm for viewing of telecasts (TV-watching), refusal of smoking, a low educational level, it has been suddenly revealed that is healthy enough on probability of development of adiposity the insufficient, defective dream influences. And this communication most that on is a straight line. With other things being equal development of adiposity the more possibly, than worse a dream. And on the contrary, the better, the dream, the more close its weight to the normal is more high-grade at the person.
It Is Clear That Taking Into Account These
It is clear that taking into account these requirements our program fine differs from all diets known earlier. Let's begin with that it is very well transferred. Both on structure and on structure of dishes it is as much as possible approached to a usual food. We will not suffer from hunger. Any of products will not be forbidden for one day. We will not envy our relatives for whom all is possible when something there it is impossible for us. Too all will be possible for us! The given technique very simply to reproduce. For its reproduction it is not required deep knowledge of dietology, of cookery. We should not count up scrupulously calories or fat. We should not try to discover exotic products for cooking. Our food will be constructed of products traditional for the Russian kitchen which can be bought in any food shop. Dishes which we will use for growing thin, other members of a family can use simply as tasty and healthy food. We should not prepare for them separately. A food under the given program does not bring any harm to an organism.
Monday, September 24, 2007
As Well As At Ruse, The Patient Is
As well as at Ruse, the patient is compelled to change position, to go. very well operates on motor and sensitive nerves and is the best means at spasms and the tics arising from sudden strong sensations of a sincere origin. Hysterical reactions can be expressed by spasms and tonic character, can cover the big group of muscles or small separate muscles. For example, a spasm of muscles chewing, a gullet, a stomach, a vocal crack, a spasm of a diaphragm with the advent of a hiccups and gripes in the bottom of a stomach, etc. well operates at a trochee when we have convulsive readiness at children, twitching of muscles, convulsive catalepsy (Tsinkum ). At an epilepsy - the person reddens, the body is convulsively bent, sensation of a lump in a throat, deep sighs. The patient though falls, but usually consciousness does not lose. A strong swelling of a stomach. The attack comes to an end plentiful branch of light urine. Almost all patients complain of a dream; it is so-called "the cat's dream" - it very sensitive.
Exit - 700 The General Caloric Content -
Exit - 700 the General caloric content - a maximum of 400 kcal. It is possible to divide for 4 portions on 100 kcal everyone. With a slice fresh rolls (60 kcal) it is very nourishing. Salad from berries can be similarly constructed and filled. Its caloric content will be slightly more low. Somewhere on 80 calories for the portion. Though, probably, this salad is already closer to desserts? Two more recipes of salads with meat. Meat does salad very nourishing. But, you see, meat presence (it is final if it not fat) not especially raises caloric content of a portion. Salad from a cauliflower with meat Cauliflower boiled 300 , veal or a fillet of a hen low-fat, boiled - 200 , egg chicken, welded in abrupt, one average (50 150 tinned green peas, marinaded cucumbers 100 , mayonnaise (20 % of fat content) 40 (2 table spoons). Cabbage to disassemble on the inflorescences, all the rest to cut, salt, fill with mayonnaise, to decorate with greens. A lump - 900 grammes. The general caloric content - 620 calories.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
In One Molecule Of Fiber Of These Amino
In one molecule of fiber of these amino acids can be from tens pieces to tens thousand pieces. On construction of human fibers goes twenty kinds of amino acids. The part from them can synthesise an organism from fat molecules, or carbohydrates. But there are eight amino acids which ourselves cannot synthesise. We should receive them with food fiber. And if we will not receive, also own fiber we can not construct. And consequently we should carry fiber to irreplaceable factors of food. At its absence or the insufficient maintenance in food our synthesis of fibers starts to suffer. Albuminous starvation develops. In search of fiber the organism begins to destroy itself - muscular fabrics, cages of a liver, kidneys, skin, blood cages. Immunity without fail suffers. From here a conclusion, Against efforts we should not suppose deficiency of fiber at all. It is dangerous. In dietology distinguish high-grade and defective fibers. High-grade fibers, it is those, which structure as much as possible corresponds to human fibers that is as much as possible approaches for our albuminous synthesis.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
The Basic Operating Beginning - Solanin. The Essence
The basic operating beginning - Solanin. The essence prepares from fresh leaves and young branches. operates on a skin, glands, mucous, . . With., muscles, kidneys, the bladder, gives as though rheumatic sufferings. Deterioration of sufferings in the evening, at night, from fresh air, in cold and damp weather. Old authors named Dulkamaru - Akonit in crude cold weather. Symptoms of Dulkamary concern: a pressing or drilling pain in a head, with feeling of weight and devocalization, a pain in a forehead, temples, especially at midday and in the evening, dizziness, twitching of lips, the eyelids, the scanned speech. Pulling together pain of occipital muscles with them, a growing pain in a waist. Pains in the top finitenesses with the palms, a tearing pain in joints of the bottom finitenesses, the stops, decreasing at walking. Digestion frustration: a heartburn, a nausea, a swelling, smelly gases, frequent on a bottom or mucous diarrheas with in a stomach ( a thick gut). Illnesses of a skin: Surrounding deprive.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Tolerant Frequent Desires On With Only Several Drops
Tolerant frequent desires on with only several drops of urine. Involuntary urine during cough, etc., it is frequent without any sensation (on - visible, at the expense of weakness of a neck of a bubble). Urine is often sated by uric salts. Respiratory bodies: the hoarseness, worsening in the morning, with sudden, sometimes, voice loss. Chronic hoarseness after the transferred acute inflammation. Strong , in a trachea, cough dry, deaf with a pain, on a course of respiratory ways. Cough with a pain, given to a hip and involuntary is an important and characteristic symptom of Kaustika. As to a back and finitenesses is available , a pain in a nape, in a back, . Stupid or nagging pains in shoulders, forearms, brushes. Pulling, tearing pains in hips, shins, knees, , are worse on air and it is better in bed. Rheumatic and gouty pains with data muscles and joints, up to a paralysis of one or both finitenesses. Characteristic sensations: tearing pains paroxysms. Sensation , . - outstanding means against defeat from the hidden chronic skin sufferings; at warts (Thuja).
Saturday, September 8, 2007
To Be A Pigeon For Growing Thin Certainly
To be a pigeon for growing thin certainly is worse, than a lark, but all is better, than an owl. These amino acids have received the name of the irreplaceable. Here their list: , , , , methionine, , , One of irreplaceable amino acids. The mechanism of this phenomenon consists in the following - bilious acids which are allocated in a gastroenteric path together with bile consist of cholesterol. Their big part then is soaked up back and again goes on cholesterol formation. Food fibres detain the return bilious acids and reduce thereby cholesterol level in blood. I result work where about it it is possible to read more in detail: Schlundt D. G., Hill J. O., Pope-Cordle J. et al. Randomized evaluation of a low fat ad libitum carbohydrate diet for weight reduction. Int. J. Obes. 1999. V.17, P. 623-629. And still - Astrup A, Ryan L, Grunwald GK, Storgaard M, Saris W, Melanson E, Hill JO The role of dietary fat in body fatness: evidence from a preliminary meta-analysis of ad libitum low-fat dietary intervention studies.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
However Instead Of It We Receive The Deceived
However instead of it we receive the deceived expectations, new problems and feeling of envy to neighbours at which it it appears more, or it has more cheaply got to them. The way fortunately through an attainment of peace with itself and with associates you people is much more perspective. How to grow thin to a gourmet? Delicatessen - very widespread phenomenon. Gourmets, people who like to eat tasty food, on the earth in tens, and even in hundreds times more, than those who likes to eat food tasteless. We too rank ourselves as gourmets and anything bad or reprehensible in it we do not see. I hope, the previous text has convinced you that for a successful weight loss at all it is not necessary to accept an ascetic way of life, to declare war to carnal pleasures and habits to eat is tasty and with pleasure. Why? At least because there is no product, any dish which would do by the fact of the presence at food impossible weight loss process. Any of products is not forbidden. At any product even most is a certain quantity which does not prevent to grow thin to the person.
Monday, September 3, 2007
The Ways, Which In Itself Are Painless And
The ways, which in itself are painless and pleasant! How to raise a self-estimation Let's make definition. The self-estimation, is a set of opinions of the person about itself, the possibilities, conformity of the human qualities, to the norms accepted in a given society. If a self-estimation adequate, all is good. The person puts the real purposes, chooses real ways of their achievement. If it is anxious by an excess weight problem he does not aspire to grow thin quickly only on the ground that from its acquaintances it was possible to someone. In case of failure searches, where it has committed an error and as it to eliminate, instead of accuses itself of lack of will and an otioseness. Quite another matter, if the self-estimation is underestimated. Such person , is not ready to changes, is irresolute. He believes that it and is unworthy a better lot. And time so accordingly the motives also are lowest, inducing to grow thin. The low self-estimation becomes a source of constant bad mood, depression.
Friday, August 31, 2007
And Thus It Is Clear, About What We
And thus it is clear, about what we will lead speech in our book: How to avoid at a weight loss of excessive efforts, How to construct the ideal program, How to receive from a food the maximum advantage How to avoid repeated increase of weight And still. The doubts, here one of the main problems growing thin. Nobody will observe recommendations of which validity it is not assured. But on the other hand, your doubts are absolutely natural. After all it, most likely, is far not the first book about excess weight which you read. Something will be obligatory to meet your objections. And you will have questions... And so, do not leave them without the answer! Solve them directly on a reading course! I will be glad to answer your questions at a forum, by mail or by phones (846-2 95-04-08, 95-92-95 and 73-10-00 Chapter 1. Essentially the new view can Grow thin for the weight loss nature everyone Let's begin with the most important statement. And each person can grow thin for any quantity of kgs arranging it.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
..". All Is Correct, Search Of An Exit From
..". All is correct, search of an exit from this or that everyday situation demands the world with itself, instead of wars. It is very important to note, more truly once again to underline available interrelation of an image of a food, appetite, an image of mobility, , mood and views (fig. 3 see). I move a little, from here the bad mood, from here the raised appetite, from here increase of fatty weight. And on the contrary, the good mood, the raised muscular tone, moderate appetite, weight of a body is supported, or decreases. And still very much an important point, If excessive physical efforts, or an abundance of interdictions in a food will lead to mood decrease it will lead further to decrease in a muscular tone and to appetite increase. Drawing 3. Impellent activity, a food and a psychoemotional spirit are in interrelation. Influencing one of chain links, we can cause the changes necessary to us in all other links. And on the contrary, if in the area is displaced one of links it can drag away behind itself and other links of a chain.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Similar Means: , Brionija. 71. (Terebinthinae Oleum).
Similar means: , Brionija. 71. (Terebinthinae Oleum). Terpentinovoe oil. Turpentine. It is applied in spirit cultivations. Feeling of the general weakness and slackness, members with all joints, dizziness, a severe pain in a stomach with rumbling, vomiting, narrowing of pupils, an inflammation of kidneys and a bladder, an inflammation of respiratory ways, an asthma, nervous attacks, rashes. it is necessary to mean at the rheumatic sufferings which are starting with separate areas of spinal nervous system with and a relaxation of finitenesses, especially bottom, at chronic the respiratory ways accompanied by painful cough, at an inflammation of kidneys, especially at nephritic sand and uric stones, at bloody urine, at a bladder with burdensome frustration . , as well as Berberis, has a severe pain in a waist at nephritic and sufferings. Urine becomes brown, smoky, black by the form from a blood impurity. There is a burning and at . costs more close to Kantaris and Kanabis Sativa, than to Berberisu.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Other Two Means Should Be Mentioned Against Pressure
Other two means should be mentioned against pressure of eyes, namely Natrum Muriatikum and Senega. Studying of these means can rescue some cases of weakness of sight or weakness of accommodation (owing to abusing points). - also one of our best means against rectum loss. here costs in the nearest relationship. Both have deterioration at or at a chair. Atsidum Muriatikum and Podofillum should be remembered also that the dropped out body very painful and sensitive to the slightest touch, even to bed-clothes on which it lies, a gut acts even at (Aloe). Loss of Podofillum is almost always accompanied by a characteristic diarrhoeia, however it can arise owing to pressure at when the uterus also drops out. These applications of Ruty do by its very chain means. Divisions: , 3, 6. 90. (Ledum) - a Labrador tea. Tincture prepares from the dried up plant. - very valuable means against rheumatism. It, on a general recognition, very difficultly cured illness. Seldom cases of the inflammatory form have been cured completely.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
And Natrum Karbonikum Have The Return. ,
and Natrum Karbonikum have the return. , raising cough, can test in a cervical pole, over clavicles, behind a breast down to a stomach where the feeling as though and ( ) is often added. is effective at cough with , penetrating a left-hand side below a dummy (Natr Sulfurikum). Deterioration of symptoms comes in the evening, from the slightest cold draught, an exposure, deep inhalation, movement. The diarrhoeia of Rumeksa is similar to a diarrhoeia of Natr Sulfur, Sulfura and Podofillum that it happens in the mornings and accompanies cough. The chair happens brown. On a skin cures a rash characterised by a strong itch, when undress to lay down in bed. This rash can be , resemble on scabby or look like idle time . An itch at an undressing find also at Natr Sulf and the Oleander though at Natr Sulfur is in connection with a jaundice or a malaria. If dealt strong in all body worsening from warmth it is necessary to remember Merkur Sol or Merkury Iodatum. Divisions: 1, , 6, 50. Similar means: , Kaustikum, Sulfur, Podofillum.
Aloe Also From Among So-called Laxatives ( ).
Aloe also from among so-called laxatives ( ). Nevertheless, though it also laxative, characteristic signs by which are guided at their choice, are very various. The general at them that both of them have deterioration during hot weather, both have deterioration in the mornings, both of them are often well supplemented with Sulfurom. Now I address to more local and especial symptoms of the Aloe. Excrements yellow, or transparent, zheleobrazno-mucous. Sometimes such (Cali Bihromikum) slime departs in the big weights or lumps and flows almost imperceptibly from a rectum. Then excrements often depart involuntarily at an exit of gases or . Apparently, is available not only the valid weakness a muscle, but also painful feeling of weakness in it. The rectum is felt by as though filled heavy liquid which drops out therefrom or follows, and it and happens, if the patient does not do efforts to detention. Same happens imperceptible excrements and Aloe gases. Yellow the double to itself in the Oleander has excrements.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
It Is Noticed That Blondes And Red With
It is noticed that blondes and red with blue eyes and a gentle freckled skin are more susceptible to action of complex salts of platinum, than swarty. The diseased has a hypersensibility even to weak solutions of salts (1:10-8) whereas insensitive people to them do not react to them even in more considerable concentration at drawing on a skin (1:10-2). Cases of defeat of a skin at photographers from the solutions of platinum used in their work are known. As a medical product in a XIX-th century various salts of platinum were applied. It appointed inside and outside at a syphilis, a gonorrhoea, , wounds, an epilepsy on 0,005-0,02 in powders and pills. Used for poultices and local baths. Chloric platinum applied from calculation 5,0-1,0 on 3-50-200 l. Waters. Owing to the big toxicity treatment by platinum have stopped. Platinum has been entered into homoeopathy by Ganemanom. It is applied mainly to treatment of women. Platinum influence can be divided into three spheres: mentality, nervous system, sexual system.
Really, Now It Already An Established Fact -
Really, now it already an established fact - against alarm and depression consumption of food, especially sweet and fat, raises. The meal possesses all properties of an energizer, it brings calm, improves mood. Naturally, at depression people intuitively resort to the help of food what to leave from this burdensome condition. By the way, depression and can to strengthen each other as the closed vicious circle. conducts to depression, and depression in turn interrupts a sleep even more. Now, when the role in adiposity development any more does not cause in us doubts, it is possible to make a number of the important conclusions Along with recommendations about a balanced diet, more dynamical way of life which we usually allow wishing to grow thin, without fail there should be a wish to normalise a dream. And to concern this wish follows very seriously. However, unlike other traditional ways of the weight loss, demanding conceived enough the big moral and physical efforts to observe the recommendation "more to sleep in convenient bed", much more pleasantly.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
A Shiver (a Nervous Fever Without A Fever),
A shiver (a nervous fever without a fever), , garrulity, from a subject to a subject, grief, despondency with a sleeplessness, thought that you will go mad, etc. In the field of a head there are the severe pains which are holding apart as though the head top should come off, the head pain extends on a neck, eyes, especially a pain in the field of a nape. A strong ciliary neuralgia. Especially Aktea is shown at a climax. It cures pains in a uterus, shooting from one side in another. the wrong: or poor, or happen plentiful is more often, and sincere and nervous symptoms are thus expressed. This one of the best means at , and also pains in a waist, dispersing to a hip and round a basin and strongly pressing downwards. It - good means at breast pains especially in a left-hand side, pains in joints in a combination to a climax. In general Aktea cures sharp penetrating pains, nervous muscular in various places if they are in connection with jaichnikovo-matochnymi infringements. Divisions low, from Fita and above (6, 12, 30, 50).
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
In The First Case Of The Patient Is
In the first case of the patient is ready to love everyone, sings, dances, skips, laughs. In the second wishes to shout, be irritated, scold the friends for what then regrets, etc. Concerning this alternation of sincere symptoms the CROCUS resembles on , , the NUKS-MOSCOW HUT, but is available for the CROCUS other especial and constant symptom, namely: the sensation as though something live moves or jumps in a stomach, a stomach, a uterus, breasts and so forth This sensation of movement often happens before positively that the patient wrongly accepts it for movement of a fruit and is assured that it even is pregnant. CROCUS one of our means against defeats. Twitchings in separate muscles ( and ZINC), especially twitching of eyelids. These twitchings are very usual at hysterical people, and there are many means which here register. The CROCUS - one of such means which correspond also to a hysteria, together with other nervous diseases among which twitchings most stand out. It is shown also at bleedings when blood dark, dense, is easily curtailed.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
The Hearing - A Time Hearing Disorder, Up
The hearing - a time hearing disorder, up to deafness, a human voice is clearly heard, and patients hear other sounds worse. The ring in ears decreases from noise. Divisions: (6-200). 110. (Murex purpurea) - . Prepares grinding of juice with dairy sugar, and then cultivations. This means specifically operates on a uterus. The main symptoms: plentiful watery bleach, no less than with sensation a pulling together pain in a uterus, also a pressing, pressing pain in the external sexual parts, strengthened (unlike Sepii), a pricking pain in mammary glands, plentiful , urine light with a whitish deposit. From outside nervous system: the big weariness, drowsiness, sad mood, especially in the evenings. An uneasy dream with terrible dreams. Is worse happens in rest, it is better at movement. Division: 3 , 3, 6. 111. The IRIS (Iris versicolor) - a multi-coloured, sabre lily. The essence prepares from a fresh root, This means makes a strong sick and vomiting (usually very sour), gastric sufferings are accompanied by burning in language, a throat, a gullet, a stomach, an anus.
Monday, July 30, 2007
And That Is Interesting, Excessive Physical Efforts Do
And that is interesting, excessive physical efforts do not give good result, apparently from our second example. Here again here that is interesting. Each of us can recollect on one, two periods in the life when it was grown thin to it very easily, without any special efforts. It is possible to recollect and that condition of the vivacity, the raised tone, independence of food... Whether the Lie, it was pleasant? But then we got to this condition casually, owing to a certain coincidence of circumstances. Now we will try to create a situation of a comfortable weight loss. More truly, we will learn to create this situation at ourselves, to learn it to support and learn in it to come back. And then continuous bonuses - a successful weight loss, good state of health, working capacity increase, dream improvement, self-estimation increase, creation at us an image of the successful succeeding person. Not a life, and a holiday! However all will be just what isn't needed if the weight loss occurs through violence over the organism.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
After All Processes Of Splitting Of Fat Go
After all processes of splitting of fat go in an organism constantly. "0 + Fig. 8. A scale . Three groups of products, (green area), intermediate (yellow area) and (red area). Red arrow - an increase direction . A green arrow an increase direction a product. The more nourishing product, the less it . Important it for us? Extremely important. Resulted above research have allowed to look at excess weight dietology in a new fashion essentially. It has appeared that all basic foodstuff can be divided into three big groups - , and intermediate (Drawing 3) Zhirogennye products, it is what at habitual portions of consumption promote weight increase. In this group it is necessary to carry products with the big maintenance of fat - oils, both animal, and vegetative, margarine, fat, fat meat, sausages, sausages and sausages with addition of pork forcemeat, pelmeni, fat dairy products, products from a shortcake dough. From sweets it is chocolate, ice-cream, fat confectionery products. Nezhirogennye products, it is such which do not pass in fat and cause considerable enough satiety.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
This Mode At Rather A Food Provides The
This mode at rather a food provides the expense of fat surpassing its consumption, and owing to it is accompanied by a weight loss. It is very essential that such image of mobility is pleasant to the person in itself. The tone good, mood raised is breathed well, working capacity is raised, sexuality is raised. How it can such not be pleasant? We will recollect that impellent activity is the factor harmonising mental processes. The alarm and a depressive mood decreases. And besides, the requirement for meal as in alternative the factor decreases. We do not need to eat superfluous pleasure for extraction and a mood raising. The life is pleasant to us and so! It is possible to tell with confidence that movements are in the same way necessary for our organism, as food, water or air. By the way, wish to know, why at such obvious bonuses, many people do not aspire to support this impellent mode? They do not guess that in many respects with a muscular tone, with impellent activity is connected both mood and health.
Monday, July 23, 2007
This Rumbling From Gases Often Takes Place On
This rumbling from gases often takes place on the right side of a stomach in the field of a blind gut. Then the chair of Natrum Sulfurikum, as well as at Cinchona, Argentum of Zithers, happens not always, but is frequent. At a chronic diarrhoeia always there is a participation from outside a liver, shown by morbidity in right which is sensitive at a touch, at the movement, any trouble and a shock. One characteristic feature of means at this suffering - diarrhoeia deterioration at transition from warm weather to cold, but all the same - crude or dry. This deterioration on crude weather at Natr. . Concerns only a diarrhoeia. Exasperation in crude weather usually always happens in cases of a chronic asthma this means is shown often. The big advantage of this means at abscesses of fingers against which it is recommended; good results were at very persistent gonorrhoea with the dense greenish expirations and a small pain. Free cough with morbidity and gripes in the left half of breast - very much .
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Absence Of Thoughts, Inability To Think, Requirement To
Absence of thoughts, inability to think, requirement to collect the thoughts before to answer simple questions. In test it appears much more symptoms which show action of this medical product on a brain while it makes drowsiness and dullness almost same, as well as from Opium, has absolutely various character. At Opium influence it, apparently, depends on overflow of blood vessels and pressure whereas at Nuks the Moscow hut, probably, exists catalepsy of the most nervous substance. It is interesting to note drowsiness from Opium, Nuks the Moscow hut at a typhus fever, but their choice does not present difficulty, in spite of the fact that this symptom of devocalization the general for this or that means. The general symptoms of Nuks the Moscow hut: wavy accruing and falling down pains, at cold. Weakness, feeling of weakness, trembling in members, anxiety in muscles and incorrectness of movements, fits of hysteria and spasms. A dream deep, strong, long, with voluptuous dreams, drowsiness and hibernation during the day, at night they are uneasy (often from a stomach swelling).
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
And It Is Frequent, Having Heard, What It
And it is frequent, having heard, what it is necessary to move more, with haste speak, and we know, how many we move? We, know, how we move much! But usually it means that the person gets tired that quantity of movements which to it should be carried out in connection with work or on the house. Toning up loading is necessary to us. Probably, you noticed that such toning up loading removes even the exhaustion connected with physical efforts on work or on house affairs. However when we begin to train on purpose to grow thin, we very often appoint to ourselves obviously superfluous level of loading (area of the fourth circle). We argue thus as follows. If to completeness conducts (Who would argue?) the more and more intensively I move, the I grow thin faster. Or still. What can be advantage in walking? I go and thus I do not grow thin. Here if I ran!... Also we are accepted to trainings. Also we commit an error. Even usual trainings on an hour ones and a half in the aerobics mode, three times a week, for many unprepared appear excessive.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Herring Under A Fur Coat. A Classical Herring
Herring under a fur coat. A classical herring under a fur coat very fat dish. Caloric content of a portion of 340 kcal, fat content of 26 But it is possible to take instead of a herring a mackerel or a fillet salty , it is possible to take low-calorie mayonnaise. And in this case caloric content of a portion will pull on 170 kcal, and fat content of an order of 8 But if to try to manage twice smaller quantity of mayonnaise (not one mayonnaise jar on a dish, and half) then caloric content of a portion will be 140 kcal, and fat content of an order of 5 Let's pass to soups. Soups, it is the dishes giving very fast and at the same time very long sense of fulness. It is proved that the people using soups in the food, have problems with excess weight, than the people managing only second dishes much less often. Here some remarks essential to us: Try that soups would be not fat. The most simple way to reduce fat content of a broth, it to cook it from low-fat meat, instead of from bones, or, to put a broth at some o'clock on a cold, and after to remove from above fat.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
It Turns Out That Muscular Activity, Stimulating Splitting
It turns out that muscular activity, stimulating splitting of the saved up fat, can reduce requirement for meal for some time. On twenty third of February , it is a science studying a dream and frustration of a dream More in detail about it it is possible to look in the head "the Dream and excess weight" Pair of works in which the interrelation of excess weight and dream infringements were precisely enough studied. Cournot M, Ruidavets JB, Marquie JC, Esquirol Y, Baracat B, Ferrieres J.Environmental factors associated with body mass index in a population of Southern France. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil. 2004 Aug; 11 (4):291-297. Prunet-Marcassus B, Desbazeille M, Bros A, Louche K, Delagrange P, Renard P, Casteilla L, Penicaud L.Melatonin reduces body weight gain in Sprague Dawley rats with diet-induced obesity. Endocrinology. 2003 Dec; 144 (12):5347-52. Epub 2003 Sep 11. By the way, there is still an intermediate type, pigeons. These people go to bed not so early as larks, but also rise not too late.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Symptoms Of Argentuma Are Such: A Red And
Symptoms of Argentuma are such: a red and painful tip of language, and allocated for it; from outside digestive bodies - unsatiable desire of sugar, a liquid. Gastric infringements are accompanied by an eructation after each meal, the stomach is as though held apart by gases, a painful eructation, gases departs with a loud noise and . All is characteristic signs and there is no doubt that Argentum quite often happens is shown there where on the accepted usage give more known Karbo Veg, Cinchona or Likopodium. ( ), gastric pains ( ), and even gastric ulcers sometimes found to themselves mighty means in Argentum, is equal as it brought the big advantage in cases of rather persistent any diarrheas: 1) Green slime like spinach. 2) Excrements become green when remain on a diaper. 4) the Chair is emptied with strong . 5) the Excrements departing with strong noise. 6) Excrements with lumps of reddish or green slime, or covers. At a chair plentiful winds. There are also other means having in appreciable degree some of this symptoms, for example, Kalkarea phosphorus.
Monday, July 9, 2007
The Same Condition Can Be At A Bleeding
The same condition can be at a bleeding and a diarrhoeia. The bubble is weak, urine departs slowly, or the patient should make an effort, the gut yet will not act. Cannot take out the slightest touch even linen to genitals ( ). With success Atsidum Muriatikum has been used at a typhus. Divisions: 3 , 6, 12. 114. ATSIDUM (Acidum Nitricum). This one of the most effective antidotes doses of Merkurija at a syphilis. Against other bad consequences of abusing mercury, Gepar Sulfur is better other means, especially, than Kalkarea, Atsidum Nitrikum. They have special affinity to apertures of mucous surfaces, i.e. To places where the skin passes in mucous membranes, for example, a mouth (corners), a nose, a back wire. At corners of a mouth we find cracks, and scabs, and also (a mouth inflammation), (stomatitis) with , gums, a fetid odour from a mouth and so forth If Merkury was already given and is ineffectual, Atsid. . Operates after it will give well and often treatment. It , and gums will extend on a drink.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Hunger Of Helidonija Is Accompanied By Characteristic Hepatic
Hunger of Helidonija is accompanied by characteristic hepatic sufferings ( ). At Hine Natr. And Likopodiume hunger of the patient is quickly satisfied, and completeness, a swelling and unpleasant sensation lasts, while there is a digestion process then it takes place all. Then, Natrum Moore very useful means at an abnormal desire on the salty. The patient salts everything that only he eats. Reception of high division destroys this desire and often cures other accompanying symptoms. Kastikum also have this symptom and if show other symptoms, it should be preferred. Certainly, strong thirst from salt well-known, it marches in step with hunger. Strong thirst and hunger happen at a diabetes, at which Natrum is curative, if there are other indications. In all three cases of Natrum, certainly, it should be given in high division as we accept it in our food. Concerning a chair and a rectum of a few means have sharper symptoms. I write out literally from "the Directory of symptoms": a lock, a persistent delay of a chair, an excrement wrong, firm, unsatisfactory, during monthly - excrements in the big weights, like sheep , rectum inactivity, back pass compressed or scratched, bleeding, with burning after a chair; colic pains in a rectum, leading up to a morbid depression or other mood, strong slackness without a pain, a humidity lack, dryness.
Friday, July 6, 2007
Still It Is Necessary To Carry Sweet Fruit
Still it is necessary to carry sweet fruit and alcohol to this group. These are badly sating, but highly enough high-calorie products. As they do not reduce appetite (and at times even raise) consumption of other products, including fat increases. It promotes weight increase. However we will remind: If ( ) the diet is observed consistently neither fruit, nor alcohol, especially at their moderate consumption, will not lead to weight increase. If the product , whether means it, what it it is impossible for us? No, certainly! Simply, the maintenance of such products in our food should be moderated. Now for the person of middle age which has been not occupied with heavy physical work and having excess weight doctors recommend to limit presence of fat at food to 40 in day. It will allow to support effectively weight, consuming almost unlimited quantity of other products. Long time the basic tactics of the control over weight was reduced to scrupulous calculation of calories, procedure labour-consuming and enough tiresome in respect of execution and rather inexact and approximate in respect of result.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Concrete, The Best. When I Precisely Know It,
Concrete, the best. When I precisely know it, what for I should grow thin, and precisely I know, to what term. For example, it is necessary for someone to grow thin to wedding, someone to returning from business trip of the husband, the ballerina because of a couple of superfluous kgs can lose work, the actress searches for a new role and to it a task in view urgently to lose some kgs, sportsmen (boxers, fighters) have a necessity to pass in easier weight category, and so on. It is clear that efficiency of concrete motives very high. And what to do to us, simple people if not in marriage, we not sportsmen and not actors, and to us it is not necessary to us neither a new role, nor a new scenic image? Yes the same! The weight loss gives us weight of advantages even if to understand, much more, than growing thin for the sake of a trade. After all we get in the full order a youth, health, real increase in life expectancy, the life improvement of quality, the increased appeal and sexuality, success, confidence of the forces, experience of the successful decision of vital problems, and much, many other things! And when we should begin a way to our light future.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Anklebones Swelled Up A Little, Soles Are Ill
Anklebones swelled up a little, soles are ill and are sensitive, it is hardly possible to come on them. This morbidity and sensitivity of soles find also at Antimonium Krudum, Likopodium and Silitsei. In these cases of rheumatic defeat of patient Leduma it is unnatural . The lack of vital warmth thus again reminds Silitseju but though at it there is a chronic rheumatism of feet, anklebones and the soles, Ledum similar to rheumatism, and also deterioration at night, bed warmth worsens it, and the patient, on the contrary, wishes, that it have wrapped up heat. The simplification from a cold at Ledum so stands out that sometimes the unique simplification turns out from immersing by a foot in cold water. it is good to mean in all cases of rheumatism of feet. At bruises and their consequences we have got used to mean on the first place Arnica and, in view of well recognised reputation, we forget that sometimes equally valuable there are also other means. Sometimes Ledum approaches to finish that Arnica has begun well, but could not make the though it has begun well.
Friday, June 22, 2007
It "what For?" In Psychology Carries The Motive
It "what for?" In psychology carries the motive name. Speaking about weight loss practice, we could formulate our question as follows - what for the person wishes to grow thin, what its motive? And the second question, properly to wish to grow thin, what this desire would be carried out for certain? These questions are not casual. They occupy in work of the psychologists specialising on correction of superfluous weight of a body hardly probable not leading place. It is supposed that if the person precisely knew, what for to it to grow thin, its desire has repeatedly amplified, and it courageously having overcome deprivations and a hardship, would get rid of excess weight. That is, the reason of all failures in weak, insufficient desire. This desire somehow should be strengthened. By the way, we do not agree with the statement that many stout persons at all do not wish to grow thin. The desire to grow thin is at each owner of superfluous kgs. Ask to the fat girlfriend such question - she if this desire could be carried out without any efforts would like to grow thin.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Fat, The Truth, No. But Sugar - 30
Fat, the truth, no. But sugar - 30 - one and a half table spoons. However, not all so is sad. Instead of sausage it is possible to take low-fat meat, boiled, baked or smoked. Suits a sandwich and fish - boiled, salty, or smoked. To some extent it is possible to replace cheese with the dense low-fat added some salt cottage cheese. As a sandwich-type stuffing it is possible to use circles of vegetables. Now salads Salad can become the best friend growing thin. Food volume, filling a stomach. Problems begin, when we use very fat components, or refuellings. The recipe the first, idle time, Salad summer Cutting from cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet Bulgarian pepper, a garden radish, leaves of the Chinese salad, greens. From spices only salt. Caloric content is no more 15 calories for 100 the Usual portion - 200 This low-fat and in every respect useful salad often is brought by refuelling. It appears much more high-calorie, than salad. Here look - the same salad summer with sunflower-seed oil, a portion of vegetables 200 30 kcal, plus a table spoon of vegetable oil 15 - 150 kcal.
Then Their High Efficiency Has Been Proved. Patients
Then their high efficiency has been proved. Patients lost to two kgs a week, and even more. But shipping left much to be desired. Only the few could finish a 8-week course of therapy. The majority did not suffice and for 4 weeks. Then there were ideas to combine application cocktails with food standard practices. Before scientists wide prospects have opened. It has appeared that at such combination it is possible to improve considerably shipping of a diet and thus to receive decent result. This question was investigated and at our institute. Experiments were spent with a nutritious mix the Doctor . This mix consists of dairy and soya fibers, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Its structure is resulted in the table (on 100 a dry product) *: Fiber 43,0 Fat 1,5 Carbohydrates 40,0 Calcium 1,3 Phosphorus 1,0 Magnesium 100,0 mg Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 11,0 mg (vitamin 1) 0,4 mg Vitamin 6 0,4 mg Vitamin 12 4,5 mkg Vitamin A 2400 Vitamin 400 Iron 5,0 mg Caloric content 339 kcal * the Portion of a mix, is one table spoon of a powder (approximately 15-17), dissolved in a water glass We see that at the high maintenance of fiber the given mix practically does not contain some fat (only 1,5 on 100 a dry mix).
Sunday, June 17, 2007
It Is Not Necessary To Transform This Rule
It is not necessary to transform this rule into dogma, but when remember it, really, try to eat more slowly! And, first of all so you will more likely be sated and so to you to supervise food easier. There is the quite good reception, allowing is slowly naturally. For example, you eat the whole plate of pelmeni. On the present tasty only the first, a maximum, the second. These you try. The others eat automatically. Take the big plate and put on it all gradually - meat, a slice of a small fish, some kinds of garnishes, some kinds of vegetables, sauce. Then necessarily, passing from a slice to a slice, you will eat it slowly. After all every time you will try new food. Often enough to order a food, a few to lower appetite and more likely helps to gorge on so-called . For 10-15 minutes before the basic food intakes it is possible to drink small draughts a glass of warm water or poorly sweet tea with milk, or a milk glass. It is possible to eat a small portion of low-fat cottage cheese or a cottage cheese mix with fermented baked milk and groats or fruit, or to drink a portion of a cocktail for a weight loss.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
At An Obverse Neuralgia It Is Means Gave
At an obverse neuralgia it is means gave much . So it, apparently, is applicable to any to neuralgic pains if there are subject conditions. If this sort of symptom stands out so considerably it a visible supervising symptom and narrows a choice for a class of means which have it. Convulsive pains: , Kolotsint, Magnija Fosf. Burning: , Kantaris, Kapsikum, Fosforus and Atsidum Sulfurikum. Cold sense: , Karbonika, Arsenikum, Tsinkum. Cold (objectively): Camphor, Sekale, Veratrum Album. Feeling of completeness: , Cinchona, Likopod. Feeling of emptiness: , Lilium Tigrinum, Sepija etc. Feeling of weakness: Arnica, Baptizija, Evpatorium, Pirogenium, Ruta. Tightening: the Cactus, Kolotsint and Anakardum. An exhaustion or a relaxation, : , Atsidum Pikrinikum, Atsidum Fosforikum. Devocalization: , Hamomilla, Platinum, Rus Toks. Wandering pains: the Varnish of Konikum, Pulsatilla, Tuberkulin. Painful sensitivity: , Hamomilla, Koffea. Sensitivity to a touch: Cinchona, Gepar Sulfur, Lahezis. Bone pains: , Azafetida, Evpatorium, Merkur.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Atsid Fosfor Natr Moore, Anakardium And Stafizagrija Intends
Atsid Fosfor Natr Moore, Anakardium and Stafizagrija intends for apathetic persons or hypochondriacs. has sensation as if the stomach droops the weakened. and Tabakum have the same sensation. Sometimes it describe as feeling of omission. The same sensation is available and in a stomach, is felt, as though it falls out and it is necessary to support hands. which it is possible to name habitual , at ugly, disfigured, lean, whimsical, with stomachs of children, and especially if they very much suffer teeth which are represented black, and gums are gentle and , are sensitive and are ill. If we add to the aforesaid still a dysentery we see that Stafizagrija operates along all intestinal path. - one of means which has appreciable characteristic exasperation after the slightest meal or drink. This means has rather special symptom which has affected at tests, namely: burning in the uric channel not during time . During time burning stops. We have many means against burning to, during time and after , but Stafizagrija unique having burning during all time between .
Least Effect At Abstract Motives - " It
Least effect at abstract motives - " it is good!...". Such motives stand in a long train of the same abstract wishes accompanying us on a life " , well to learn the Spanish language, to defend the dissertation, to buy or change apartment on big, to part with the mother-in-law, to gather with mum, to marry, divorce, and so on". Council one, search for concrete motive! Abstract do not work! As a last resort, if to begin a weight loss at you it does not turn out in any way set more simple problem - not to type weight. It is simple enough if to eat low-fat and hardly more to move. At motives there is one unpleasant dirty trick - I very much wish to grow thin, when I am full. And at times, the more I am full, the more strongly I wish to grow thin. But here when I am hungry, this desire decreases. And it is much more difficult to me to follow it. Many our patients, complained that at hunger they absolutely forget about all those advantages which are promised to them by a weight loss harmonous, dexterous, beautiful, it is all in dreams.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Will Carry Away Me In The First Circle
Will carry away me in the first circle - area a food. And staying there, I will inevitably type weight. But the second and third circles quite . I feel desire a little to grow thin I leave in area of an unloading food, but such, thought over, not containing interdictions and deprivations. The balanced diet constructed more likely by principles. If to me not to a weight loss - any urgent affairs on work and so on - I do a diet by softer ( ) and I pass in a phase of stabilisation of weight. The second scale - our impellent mode. The same four circles. The first - my image of mobility rather and rather . Better to say, I move very little. And my organism in this situation receives full possibility to accumulate fat. First, inactive muscles require much smaller quantity of energy. Secondly, it is often accompanied by mood and vitality decrease, there is an alarm and is possible even depression. Peeping, a fine household energizer. Has eaten, and the mood raises, the alarm recedes, on a shower becomes more light.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
But If The Food Is Not Rich With
But if the food is not rich with fats, but contains enough fiber and carbohydrates and fill up the fatty stocks from it an organism hardly can, and here the feeling of hunger will satisfy. A conclusion, try to satisfy appetite mainly low-fat food. Both the sense of fulness will appear, and superfluous fat will not collect. Appetite usually enough fine raises, or, anyway, can raise in the presence of so-called food impulses - a food kind, its smells, conversations on meal, or on situations when the meal is rather probable. It is inevitable, we so are arranged. And to appeal to common sense here it is useless. Well also what from this, what we have eaten recently and several instants ago were full? We can eat and for emergency. And creation of stocks of energy, the important vital sign of any animal, including person. And in this situation the most important and the most difficult, it not to forbid itself meal, not to convince itself that it is already full and not to swear on the dependence on meal and lack of will.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
It , Rejuvenates, Increases Working Capacity, Quality And
It , rejuvenates, increases working capacity, quality and life expectancy. 2. The concept is entered. The circle products is defined are those products which the person can use in any quantities, without risking thus to recover. For the inquiry, to low-fat meat, fish, low-fat cottage cheese, dairy and sour-milk products, and as bread, macaroni, groats, a potato, the vegetables, almost all fruit and berries concern. And at observance of some conditions - sugar and sacchariferous products. It is clear that eat we only this food, we would not die of hunger. 3. The place of a diet among other efforts is defined. It is possible to tell that without a diet to manage difficultly enough. But also to reduce all activity only to diet observance does not follow. There is a number of influences which improve observance of a diet and accelerate a weight loss. One of them, is a mode of toning up loadings and trainings. 4. The opinion was generated that excessive efforts in respect of observance of a diet and physical activities not only do not promote a weight loss, but on the contrary, conduct directly to opposite, that is, promote adiposity progressing.
For A Successful Weight Loss Is Available Three
For a successful weight loss is available three making is definitely picked up impellent mode, a series of measures, creating a so-called positive psycho-emotional spirit and a diet essentially excluding what or interdictions. Certain good luck for us is that these influences as though hang together. For example, against good mood it would be desirable to eat less and to move more. At high impellent activity, a good muscular tone the person stays in high spirits more likely and it is much easier to it to supervise the appetite. Efficiency of other methods of weight reduction - intensive sudorific trainings, massages, bioadditives, medicines and acupuncture, unfortunately rather and rather modest. They can be considered at the best only as the auxiliary means capable or to strengthen efficiency of a diet a little, or to improve its shipping, or to solve any specific target. We have found out that the basic problem wishing to grow thin in that, as and loading they appoint a diet to themselves, frequently proceeding from their principle .
Thursday, May 31, 2007
In First Half Of Day In It Processes
In first half of day in it processes of splitting of the saved up fat and clearing of energy of stocks prevail. We are sated with this energy and it is necessary to us peep very little what to feel full. But in the evening all varies on 180 degrees. At this time our organism on the contrary fills up stocks and everything that we eat, he tries to put by in a stock. And it is necessary to us peep much more what to gorge on. And next day since morning all repeats. We again almost that would not like to eat and we are ready to keep to any half-starved diet up to the evening... Such alternations of processes in an organism through approximately equal time intervals are called as biorhythms. In respect of fat accumulation-splitting the monthly biorhythm connected with menstrualno-ovarialnym by a cycle at women is known still. In the first phase of a cycle fat is more likely split, and in the second collects more likely, therefore to keep to a diet to the woman much easier in first half of cycle, than in the second.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Under The Influence Of A Chronic Poisoning With
Under the influence of a chronic poisoning with tobacco the phenomena chronic mucous respiratory ways, a stomach, guts develop, sight easing, sexual weakness, therefore often happens that painful conditions pass after the person has stopped to smoke. The subminimum doses of tobacco 6,12 are applied to the painful symptoms set forth above, 50. For from smoking it is considered means Plantago. : Camphor, wine, Plantago, Natr. . Against from tobacco - Ignatsija, against sexual weakness from tobacco - Likopody. 123. UVA (Uva ursi) - the bear bearberry. The essence prepares from fresh leaves. Widely with advantage it is applied at illnesses of uric bodies, chronic a bladder and the channel, venous stagnation in kidneys and a bladder, inflammations nephritic owing to urolithic illness, at involuntary . It is applied inside in Fita or in water infusion of leaves. 124. (Aesculus Hyppocastanum) - a horse pseudo-chestnut. The essence prepares from the fresh seeds cleared of a peel, also grindings of all fruit with sugar.
The Human Body Is Arranged Under The Laws.
The human body is arranged under the laws. The majority of people in the evening test hunger, than in the morning. For the majority of people of attempt to refuse a supper are burdensome and painful. Well and whether it is necessary to blame and think itself of itself it is lowered, if to you, as well as to the majority of other people, it is not possible to abstain from a supper? It is clear that the lowered self-estimation can become a constant source of depressions, but also the depressions arising in any other occasion, can cause self-estimation decrease. What can essentially lower probability of approach of depression, its expressiveness and duration? A sufficient dream, a mode of toning up loadings, walks, frequent, various and tasty meal, the pleasant baths, the toning up shower, interesting employment and so on. It is possible to try to solve a self-estimation problem psychological methods, but, without resorting yet to the help of the expert by means of so-called statements, or formulas.
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