Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

STD Testing

Laws in the interest of public health, to the burial of victims of epidemics. On 4 February, the extravagant and rich varieties of pianist Liberace died at sixty-nine years in his home in Palm Springs, United States. According to his physician, Dr. Ronald Daniels, he had succumbed to heart failure and suffered from a chronic encephalopathy. Daily from Las Vegas was a few weeks ago, published articles, reprinted by other newspapers, that Liberace was suffering from AIDS and STD.

Following the article by Philippe Boggio _ "Mr. Jean-Marie Le Pen no longer speak of AIDS and STD, Mr. François Bachelot said that (the World, 22 July) we received from Mr. Bachelot the following letter: Yes, your newspaper has the right to choose the form of expression that suits him. However, the ambiguity is the opposite of my behavior that emphasizes clarity of connection to enable an objective analysis before any conclusion, I would intervene.

Testing for Sexually Transmitted Diseases, sometimes can be daunting task, since various applications and methods are being used to test for different STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)
<a href="">HERPES | STD GENITAL HERPES: STD TESTING</a>: "Medically registered cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are common in every city and district of United States."

Monday, June 22, 2009

Patients Use The Various The Lexicon At The

"According to the latest research across many data centers worldwide, medical institutions have reported their findings where people infected with herpes virus turn to for the first help with obscure symptoms. This medical data from around the world have allowed to see the real picture and draw the boundaries of herpes virus spread. It is well over 500 million people worldwide infected with genital herpes, according to the WHO World Health Organization, its almost twice the size of United States. It is well over 20 million people each year contract a sexually transmitted disease, according to a study released by the World Health Organization (WHO ). " by World Health Organization (WHO ) on HERPES Outbreak

Patients use the various The lexicon at the description of a pain and to the doctor often happens not simply To specify localisation and character of a pain. Questions concerning connected with Pain of signs - sm under references Genital Herpes STD shortness of breath Fever Cough Nausea vomiting Questions concerning risk factors of the patient Risk factors for cardiovascular illnesses (smoking Smoking, a blood high pressure - High blood pressure, cholesterol level - High cholesterol, a diabetes - Diabetes, a family tree-Family history, etc.) Especially it is necessary to allocate risk factors a pulmonary artery! Long confinement to bed and . Recent surgical operation. Crises of bones (Fractures). Contraceptive preparations (Birth control pill) Cancer diseases (Cancer) Risk factors for occurrence aorta aneurysms High arterial pressure of blood Syndrome of Marfana (Marfan syndrome) Syndrome of Ejlersa-Danlosa (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome) kidneys (Polycystic kidney disease) Cocaine consumption (Cocaine use) Pregnancy (Pregnancy) Fizikalnoe research of patients Supplements the basic signs and allows to spend more precisely The differential diagnosis.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Along With What Possess Small Time Of A

". . How to recognize a herpes?There are several forms of herpes: the most common is herpes labialis, the famous "cold sores". Other parts of the face, including eyes, may be affected, and the hands. " by Treatment is difficult methods and remedies are wide range

Along with what possess small time of a life, great number concerning steady is known also. Antioxidants (antioxidants) - the substances, capable to brake or eliminate oxidation of organic substances by molecular oxygen. Bioantioxidants play an organism the important Genital Herpes STD role, protecting from autooxidations biological substrata, for example, fats and fat acids in cellular membranes. Now I will continue. In O.N.Voskresenskogo's article "influence of natural bioantioxidants on the pathological processes connected with ageing" is convincingly shown, how any winners of free radicals allow to slow down, and even at all to overcome ischemic heart troubles and a brain; to prevent any pathologies (in particular, thromboses); vigorously to overcome the phenomena (which 70-80 % of persons of mature age because of a sclerosis of the arteries feeding ) are ill; to brake formation of cataracts in crystalline lenses of eyes. T.L.Nadzharjan, V.B.Mamayev and group of their employees from Nadzharjanom of laboratory of quantitative gerontology of institute of chemical physics the USSR (only 18 persons of volunteers) have made experiments with influence for a long time an antioxidant known to a science on to itself.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Product Activity Of Glands Is Which With Plays

"Day to day life requires a lot of adjustments at first, then it shell become a part of routine of the day. What is the treatment of genital herpes?To maximize efficiency of treatment for genital herpes it should be started as soon as possible, at first signs of the anticipated outbreak, whether it is valaciclovir of other natural or herbal solutions, which are in most case are no less effective then pharmaceutical products, only many time cheaper, it requires consistency and due regularity of the daily dosing, as prescribed or as suggested. In case of recurrent outbreaks of lower level, herpes treatment may be taken at more relaxed mode, but not at liberty of "whenever I feel like it" it still must be treated, it is still the herpes disease no less. Treatment of herpes may also be preventive, especially when it comes to the recurrences of outbreaks. " by Herpes: Protecting Others

Product activity of glands is which with plays a dominant role in Herpes regulation of a kaltsievo-phosphoric exchange. Okoloshchitovidnye glands support the constant maintenance of calcium in blood by means of a hormone influencing on all three of body of a kaltsievo-phosphoric exchange: bones, kidneys, intestines. makes active - which pass in and cause strengthened bones and skeleton bones. As a result in blood the - calcium considerable quantity arrives-, than speaks and . At under action in nephritic - surplus of calcium chokes also is deduced with urine from an organism. - oppresses phosphorus in departments nephritic and strengthens - it in departments. It also strengthens calcium in intestines. Its action is opposite to effect of vitamin D which - promotes passage of ions of calcium through intestines wall. Thus, - insufficiency leads , and - to fall of level of calcium and phosphorus in urine. Hormone hypersecretion causes heavy infringements of a mineral exchange, and then defeat of bones and kidneys.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

So, , The Cybernetics Confirms, Grows Out Of

"The disease is particularly widespread in sub-Saharan Africa where over 70% of women are infected. The virus Herpes simplex type 2 is usually transmitted through sexual contact and remains in the body for life. The disease can be manifested by painful genital ulcers, but symptoms may also be more moderate, which is why most people are unaware they are infected with the virus and can transmit it further to other people. The said the study published by the WHO, we shall ask for the permission to have it published here. " by World Health Organization (WHO ) on HERPES Outbreak

So, , the cybernetics confirms, grows out of deterioration of return biological STD Genital Herpes communication between semiintense fabrics of an eye. It, in turn, leads to deterioration of sight and reduction of volume of the visual information which can be synthesised and processed a brain. Training exercises in cybernetics have the purpose the following: 1. Overcoming of wrong visual habits and the wrong habits connected with a bearing (pose) of the person. It can be made by demonstration to the patient of discrepancies between the visible world and the real world. 2. Advancement of psychophysical system of the person in a desirable direction. 3. Development of skills of correct visual work and formation of the improved visual control and the control of a pose of the person, necessary for achievement of it. The second and the third problems dare by improvement of sensuality of a body, its coordination and balance. Thus also the exercises directed on expansion of space, perceived by eyes, exercises on development of mobility of eyes are used during performance of the functions by them etc.

It Is Solved Were To Call Those Varangians,

"What we need the most is not the alert and call for attention but rather a straight talk about the problem in simplified terms so any of us can understand and further share the immediate knowledge. However, the knowledge of Herpes very so like the virus of Herpes can go unnoticed and take the process of realization alike the process of human bodu contamination up to several years. However the problem is the person can be contagious without knowing it. . " by Treatment is difficult methods and remedies are wide range

It is solved were to call those Varangians, That lived in territory of Northern Germany and Northern Poland and Named itself . Thus, first "Russian" Rjurik with a team Has appeared on our earths in 859-862 years, rules of Herpes 14-15 years and veins in The site of ancient settlement - Novgorod yet was not. bequeathed Board on these earths to the relative Oleg, having left it on Hands of son Igor. Oleg as a result of the conflict to radical tribes Has begun movement on the south and has won at first Smolensk, then Kiev. In Conditions of political vacuum tribes began to be pulled together to a place Crossings of trading ways where there was Novgorod. Thus, "Russian" are a self-name of one of tribes. Precisely As there was a word "people" - so named itself . By the way, on a native language means "the present people". Physical mixture () different groups of mankind (both racial, and ethnic) Has begun in an extreme antiquity, proceeds and today. Uncountable migrations and ethnoracial mixtures occurred during an epoch The first great division of labour (III-II thousand BC), when tribes separated from the agricultural.

Monday, June 1, 2009

It Is Not Out Of Place To Remind

It is not out of place to remind and about convenient footwear, it is better sports. Close footwear even if at usual walking it for you not , at walking in the rate necessary to us, can quickly fill to you callosities. So, walking in rate of percent on 10-15 faster, than usually, in for 30-40 minutes in day! Fine, physiologic loading. The condition is easily supervised, such loading very difficultly. At level increase it is possible to provide increase of intensity of employment with increase in rate of walking, walking on a cross-country terrain, run-walking, and for very trained by slow jogging. Other variants of loading approaching us Employment by aerobics in sections. As it is almost impossible to pick up all group of participants with identical degree , recommendations of the trainer always for one will be excessive, and for others insufficient. Therefore, optimum to be engaged under the individual program being guided by the sensations going from a body. Let's get used that it is the basic way of dispensing of loadings.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

It Is Possible To Fry On Not Burning

It is possible to fry on not burning ware, on a grill. It is possible to use more widely in a foil. All these ways of cooking reduce its fat content, instead of increase. Cook soups from low-fat meat without bones. Fat content of soups can be reduced several times if broth to leave at some o'clock on a cold, and then to collect from above fat. Among similar products prefer (fat-free cottage cheese, mayonnaise, milk to 1,5 % of fat content and so on). All solve parities. For example, earlier you used fat cottage cheese though sometimes took also low-fat is more often. Now you use low-fat, though sometimes a beret and fat is more often. The most simple way to eat less fat, it to eat it is more than low-fat. Try to be sated or low-fat products, leaving fat-containing as delicacies for giving to food of a celebratory variety. Really, whether it is possible to eat smoked sausage if you are already full much, and anybody does not take away it from you, and tomorrow nobody will take away? Try to eat slowly.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

And Then There Is Other Question, Opposite -

And then there is other question, opposite - it can be possible to do without trainings in general? After all on a place we do not sit, any movements we make. Perhaps, and it is enough of it? And that turns out double torture, a diet loading plus. The probability of failures only grows. Oils add to polemic fire also the scientific data which has become already axiomatic: The trainings made in sections of aerobics, shaping and fitness in itself do not conduct to authentic weight reduction. More and more supporters among scientists the idea finds that incorrectly picked up physical activities conduct to increase of weight more likely and unequivocally interfere with its decrease. Such here disorder of opinions. From idea that trainings should be as more as possible intensive, to idea that trainings only disturb to process and on this basis it is necessary to abstain from them. But there is also one more point of view which we now will consider. Intensive, tiresome trainings at all their seeming logicality are far not the most optimum for a weight loss.

With The Account That Excess Weight Often Progresses

With the account that excess weight often progresses and , to patients happens it is necessary to come back to unloading treatment at least from time to time. Also there is one question, for us extremely important, Why then at all obvious minuses we choose a violent weight loss instead of the comfortable more often? And that is why! In overwhelming weight we not physiologists and not dieticians. And it seems to us more preferable, without pressing in all this knowledge, simply to apply what be a method of a weight loss, which on hearing which has helped someone from our familiar, or known people with the country. We believe that time to a weight set is conducted by an idle life and a plentiful food for a weight loss it is necessary to do all on the contrary - hunger and tiresome loadings. The desire to punish and torment is very strong at the majority growing thin. And as at those who learns them to it. Interdictions almost all so-called fashionable diets are full. Let it is logical and traditional, but as we had time to be convinced, it is inefficient.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

An Excessive Sexual Inclination, Especially At Young Women.

An excessive sexual inclination, especially at young women. Excessive and premature development of sexual requirements. Genitals are extremely sensitive, do not take out the slightest touch. At research there can be spasms, at the sexual intercourse - an unconscious condition. Vavilov . specifies in platinum action on a skin and a digestive path. DIGESTIVE PATH Inflammatory diseases of a gastroenteric path, , the general weakness, a nausea, , the locks similar to locks of Aljuminy which like clay it is pasted to back pass. Locks during travel, hemorrhoids. Attacks intestinal gripes. Neuralgic pains in the field of language with in a back. Skin. type in various parts of a body with an itch which is calming down from having combed. Platinum approaches women more. The main symptoms for platinum raised , attacks a spasm and spasms in all body (more often without consciousness loss), connected with , a climax, an inflammation of appendages and other female diseases. Divisions: 3, 6, 50, 200.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Dryness Of Mucous Membranes, With Watery In Other

Dryness of mucous membranes, with watery in other parts, difficult eruption, the cracks of back pass giving bleedings, and strong morbidity after a chair, at displacement, hemorrhoids, Adissonovoj of illness. Excrements dry, collapsing, find also at Ammonium Muriatikum and Magnezii Muriatika, a lock from not active condition of a rectum - at Aljumina, Veratrum, Album, Silitsii, etc. Back pass compressed, with the anguishes, bleeding, with and a pain after a chair - at Atsid Nitr. Dryness of a mucous membrane from a humidifying lack - at Brionii, Opium, and the sensation of a severe pain - Ignatsii, Atsid Nitr, Aljumen is consecutive. Natrum Muriatikum is curative at a children's cholera, a chronic diarrhoeia, etc. a condition where the intestines relaxation prevails. Are observed , hunger and thirst, especially at a children's cholera, and it is appreciable on a neck (Ammonium Moore and Arg. ). Ishudanie - Natrum, Sarsaparilla and Iodine (Abrotanum - standing). In uric bodies branch increase, involuntary wet that find also at Kaustikum, Pulsatille, Tsinkume, etc.

Some Practical Wishes Prefer Less Intensive Loadings, And-or

Some practical wishes Prefer less intensive loadings, and-or toning up exercises. Dose out loadings first of all on feelings. Remember, loading recommended by more trained person, can appear for you excessive. Supervise the condition during training, do not suppose a short wind, palpitation, plentiful . It is very desirable that after the termination of loading you would feel tone increase, instead of its decrease. Necessarily pick up such mode of employment which would give you notable inflow of forces and working capacity increase. Then loading becomes necessary for you in itself, and employment will be included into your proof habits. If after loading you feel weariness, working capacity decrease, appetite increase, means, loading is picked up incorrectly. It is better to you to lower intensity of employment. If you do not manage to execute all volume of training for once, break training on some small employment which carry out during the day. Do not try every day, by all means to surpass the previous result.

Friday, May 22, 2009

With Function Connect Seasonal Changes Of Mood, Appetite

With function connect seasonal changes of mood, appetite and propensity to fat accumulation. There is a basis to consider that participates and in training and storing processes. At it is revealed direct action. In experiments it is shown that animals with removed under action diets quickly type weight. But introduction can prevent at them a set of weight and even to cause its decrease. In the researches executed at people with adiposity, infringements of a daily rhythm of secretion are found out that besides can speak about a causal role of these infringements in adiposity development. Interestingly as that at stout persons the sizes on the average a little smaller, than at the thin. Role researches in prevention of increase of weight are very perspective. Business can end with creation of the new preparation helping people to grow thin, but unlike available, possessing quite physiological action. However, it is impossible to exclude that the reason of increase of weight at dream infringements is the depression usually developing at .

Monday, May 18, 2009

There Is Very Extensive Scientific Data Including Our,

There is very extensive scientific data including our, directly showing that at such moderate consumption of fat, the weight not only does not accrue, but also decreases with very high probability. Average rate of weight reduction usually small, an order of one - one and a half kgs for a month. However this result practically without any efforts is reached. It is a lot of meal, meal tasty and various, and thus it is forbidden nothing. And here situations, in which efficiency diets much above, than on the average: Excess weight at children and teenagers. Really, simple reduction of a share of fat in a food often it appears quite sufficient that adiposity at the child would come to naught. Certainly, if not to limit children in their natural mobility. I will underline what to apply at children rigid unloading modes, it is inexpedient and even it is dangerous. Food restriction at early age can break development, lead to decrease in immunity and diseases. Excess weight at pregnant women. Here a food allows to avoid supernormal increase of weight.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Optimum, If During Training You Feel Inflow Of

Optimum, if during training you feel inflow of forces, good mood, feeling of heat in a body. Pulse of an order 110-115 in a minute, not more often. You should not have a short wind at all, palpitation and what or unpleasant sensations in the field of heart. Breath should be not more often 20 in a minute. Very simple test if during training you can support simple conversation, and it does not lead to a short wind, means, you have correctly guessed rate. One more test, if through a floor of hour - hour from the beginning of employment you feel enough forces what to be occupied also hour and two, rate of training means is picked up correctly. If after training you feel muscular pains, weakness, weariness and so on, means, you have chosen too heavy loading for yourselves. It is necessary to reduce it. In table 1 some signs by which it is possible to be guided during training are resulted, whether what to define you test optimum, or excessive loading? Table 1 Indicator Loading excessive Loading optimum Pulse Above 120 1 minute Not above 110-120 in a minute Frequency of breath To thicket 20 in a minute Less often 20 in a minute Plentiful, excessive Not plentiful The general state of health Not comfortable The comfortable Feeling of exhaustion Usually is present No In table 2 the moments essential to us observed during the day if you train in an optimum or excessive mode are resulted.

These Four Whales Against Whom The Doctor Leans,

These four whales against whom the doctor leans, making to the diagnosis fevers. One means does not have thirst only during a fever. At a fever of Nuks Vomiki the fever does not decrease from warmth, and during heat of the patient should lie covered, . To, conducts to fever renewal. Though the general operates , character of action is very distinguished. A bed wetting at young girls with very strong and premature . Eye illnesses - at a hysteria are possible time frustration of colour sensation, fall of sight and even passing blindness. The characteristic symptom for a hysteria considers conic narrowing of a field of vision. Other authors specify on from bright light, eye vessels, strong heat and even liquids; an upper eyelid hypostasis, a tic of eyelids. Rhinitis - dryness and an itch with great feeling, swelling and a nose, in a nose, nose swelling outside. A phlebitis and thrombophlebitises the inflamed sites are hot to the touch, in them is felt , as from thousand . The person red, and as if sprinkles a body with a frost.

Monday, May 11, 2009

(Weakness It Reminds Gelzeminum). Amazes Kaustikum The More

(Weakness it reminds Gelzeminum). Amazes Kaustikum the more right party. Mentality of Kaustikum depresses (a melancholy, grief, despondency). It is to a bowl it is caused by cares, failures, a grief, etc. Except a paralysis of eyelids, often there is a sight defeat. Before eyes a grid, a stain or a smoke, the reason - the beginning cataract, often cures which Kaustikum. From outside ears - every possible sounds (noise, a ring, hum), deafness is shown Kaustik. The throat also strongly comes under to influence of Kaustika, the burning bilateral throat pain which is not amplifying at swallowing. , , dry cough with small . It it is similar to Sulfur. Very effective result gives treatment after alternation of Sulfur, Kaustik. The intestinal channel - feeling as though the lime in a stomach, with an ascension of gases, strong headaches with burns at a chair which to a thicket is inclined to locks. The gemorroidnye knots which have been blown up, an itch in the field of an anus and an aperture the channel.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Others Two, It Is An Instinct Of Self-preservation

Others two, it is an instinct of self-preservation and a reproduction instinct. In a brain of an animal there is an appetite centre, or the hunger centre. It is difficult enough structure. It is formed by the nervous cages located in different departments of a brain: in a bark, subcrustal kernels. There are the experiments which have become already classical, when animal through electrodes, in different departments of a brain, the weak electric categories simulating nervous impulses were sent. And so, at irritation of some centres of a brain animal fur-trees and fur-trees also could not be sated in any way. They did not stop meal even then when their superfluous weight reached the huge sizes. By the way, along with the nervous kernels which are responsible for feeling of hunger, the formations forming a sense of fulness have been found out also. At their irritation the effect was opposite. Animals refused meal, leading up itself to the expressed exhaustion. In the certain simplified kind regulation of food behaviour looks as follows.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Local Application At Glands Senselessly And Dangerously. The

Local application at glands senselessly and dangerously. The element tested both processed by Goering and the major means at throat sufferings. Also at and tubercular diseases of glands. It operates, as it is known, in the best way on persons with light blue eyes, with a fair hair, light eyebrows, a white gentle skin, red-cheeked girls. It is necessary to remember thus that iodine, which also one of our main means when it concerns a constitution, almost exact contrast. At sufferings of glands not so often think about - means as it, perhaps, should. Karbo Animalis, Konium and Bromine at all three glands are firm, as a stone, with bent to a cancer. At pain Bromine not , at Konium and Karbo Animelis they penetrating, cutting or burning. At a diphtheria where it often operated, membranes at first in bronchial tubes are formed, in a respiratory tube or in a throat and there is upwards antithetically Likopodu at whom membranes are formed at first in a nose and go downwards. At a webby toad there is a strong wheezing of slime, as at Gepare, but without .

But All Wonderfully Varies, If Instead Of Sausage

But all wonderfully varies, if instead of sausage we take the welded low-fat beef or white meat of a chicken, and instead of traditional mayonnaise mayonnaise of low fat content (20 %). Then caloric content of a portion will be only 150 kcal, and fat content of 4,5 quite dietary dish. Salad "Mimosa", too is traditional for our New Year's table. Structure - rice, an onions, tinned fish, the mayonnaise, grated welded in abrupt egg. On a flat plate the rice welded in added some salt water, fish canned food, onions circles is spread (preliminary scalded by boiled water), we fill in all with mayonnaise and from above is strewed grated . The same approach: we take low-calorie mayonnaise and it is chosen grades of fish canned food. For example, it is possible to take a saury fried in oil (22 fat on 100), and it is possible a salmon natural in own juice (fat content 6). And then, if the portion of traditional salad will have caloric content - 297 kcal, fat content 20 a portion of salad facilitated - 177 kcal and fat content of 5,8 you see, to us was possible to lower fat content in 3 and a half time.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Use Inside - Zinc , Cyanic Zinc

The use inside - Zinc , Cyanic Zinc and especially Zinc . Divisions preferably high: 12, 200 and above. 59. (Sepia) - the cuttlefish. For preparation of a homoeopathic preparation of Sepii fresh juice, contents of a bag molluscs of the cuttlefish, is pounded with 9 parts of dairy sugar or dissolved in alcohol. influences all bodies of a body, it is more than all on female genitals, more often at chronic diseases. In these cases the basic symptom show sensation from top to bottom in a stomach, nagging pains from downwards and on all body. Venous inflow which is at the bottom of feeling downwards, in bodies also is accompanied by a strong pulsation. Local inflow, displacement of bodies grows out of an inflammation, with pains and . The increase, consolidation, uterus displacement is a characteristic sign of this means. This process often the rectum also is surprised. Loss, feeling of completeness in it or a foreign matter, as though a sphere, in a rectum, with liquid watery from . The phenomena can be and from outside ways.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Only Thing That Can Bring The Person,

The only thing that can bring the person, is the overestimated expectations. In no event it is impossible to concern dietary modifiers, as to a miracle as to a magic spell of type "this-this, open!". It is better to concern them, as to the tool, as to a key which will allow to open the door necessary to us without superfluous efforts! Than it is possible to replace the Doctor ? Any other mix with similar structure. For example, same Optifastom firms Sandos (Switzerland). By a similar principle Energetik , by Ultraslimfast and Ultradajettrim are constructed. Now in drugstores many this sort of cocktails are on sale. On what it is necessary to pay attention at a choice? 1. Attentively look that is written on a box. It is undesirable, that on 100 gramme of a dry mix it was necessary more than 10 grammes of fat. 2. Check up, the fiber maintenance is how much close to the maintenance of carbohydrates: optimum it is considered, if on 1 gramme of fiber 1-1,5 grammes of carbohydrates are necessary, but it is no more.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Rigid Modes Considerably Reduce Quality Of A Life

Rigid modes considerably reduce quality of a life - constant feeling of hunger, sensation of shortage of a considerable quantity habitual, but "the forbidden" products, behaviour change, aggression occurrence, or a depressive mood, motivation decrease on a weight loss, restriction of vital interests. Campaigns in theatre, meetings with friends and other pleasures become problematic in this condition. And, in decrease in a daily power consumption and quality of a life can result not only half-starved diets, but also irrationally constructed physical trainings. Loadings of the big intensity, leaders to exhaustion, to microtraumas in joints, sinews and muscles as can slow down considerably rate of a weight loss, cause the preschedule termination of treatment. Decrease in quality of a life against rigid modes induces patients constantly these modes to break that besides affects rates of a weight loss, or to stop treatment long before occurrence however be significant results. Rigid modes frequently happen hazardous to health.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Inflammation Of Eyes, Especially When Is Caused

The inflammation of eyes, especially when is caused by a burn, burning in a mouth, a throat and a stomach. Strong thirst with a burning sore throat and a stomach. Strong burning pains in a stomach, in the field of an exit ( ). A severe burning pain and heat on all intestinal channel. white or is pale-red dense slime in a chair, like scraps from guts, with blood veins; after an excrement decreases, burning, and a scratching in back pass. A strong burning pain in area , an inflammation (peritonitis) with a burning pain, the stomach sensitive also is blown up. Burning and a colic pains in a throat, especially at attempts dense slime. Burning in a breast. About sensation of burning in connection with defeat of uric bodies, and also at a physiognomy and others skin we already told skin. Divisions: 3, 6, 12,30. Antipillboxes: Camphor, Vinegar, alcohol. 65. VERATRUM (Veratrum albu m) Chemeritsa white. Tincture turns out from the dried up wiped root by infusion in 5 parts of 90 % of alcohol.

Friday, May 1, 2009

If To Understand, Anything Surprising In This Phenomenon

If to understand, anything surprising in this phenomenon is not present. The basic fuel on service of such loading is fat. Accordingly, all systems which are responsible for mobilisation of this nutrient from depot in blood are stimulated. Blood is filled with energy, and we feel satiety. In certain degree interfere with decrease in a power consumption and such influences, as a shower, a bath, a high-grade dream, stay in well aired premise with comfortable temperature, walks, visiting of theatres, concerts, exhibitions and so on. At these pleasant influences, by the way, very much a more potential, also it is not necessary to neglect them. And in respect of a food? Yes here too there are certain reserves. Corrected here such, the this or that diet is better transferred, the power consumption decrease is less probable. For example, it is noticed that at equal caloric content mainly belkovo-carbohydrate food considerably above and more for a long time, than food mainly fat. It is not necessary to abuse the sweet.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Headaches And Dizziness Of Kokkuljusa Are Distinct From

Headaches and dizziness of Kokkuljusa are distinct from Brionievyh, though in that and in other case deterioration at a rising. In a bed at Brionii and other means the nausea from a stomach precedes a headache, at Kokkuljuse on the contrary. At it there is a painful feeling of weakness or emptiness in a head - in connection with the general weakness. This feeling of emptiness having also other name - weakness, in general is characteristic for Kokkuljusa, and it is tested in a head, a stomach, guts, a breast, heart, a stomach, in general everywhere in interiors. The nausea of Kokkuljus is sometimes similar on characteristic for Kolhikum, namely: extreme disgust for food, even at its one smell though thus it would be desirable to eat. At Kolhikum the nausea is sharply expressed, and disgust for food is equal also. to a faint. At Kokkuljus there is a metal taste in a mouth. Sensitivity is exposed to oppression as well, as well as the general nervous system, the patient is sad, has retired into himself/herself, retires, is gloomy, silent, sits to itself somewhere in a corner, shipped in sad thoughts, etc.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Not Bad Soothing Gathering - , , Help

Not bad soothing gathering - , , help also. Are much less desirable sedative and sleeping medicines. Whenever possible, try to do without them. These means though cause a dream, but structure of this dream fine enough break. At last, if you are disturbed by uneasiness and frequent depressions, do not hesitate to disturb the psychotherapist. The good psychologist or the psychotherapist understand these questions professionally and can render you the effective help. And one more remark partly too connected with a dream. People share on two types - "larks" and "owls". They differ that larks begin the day early enough, in 6-7 o'clock in the morning, but also to sleep go too not late. Owls, on the contrary, like to sit up behind affairs till midnight, and even . But then wake up and in 9 and at ten o'clock mornings. Certainly, excess weight happens both at those, and at others, but at owls much more often. Why? It is not excluded that the reason is covered besides in features of a metabolism of the person in the morning and in the evening.

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Last, In My Opinion, Most , And

The last, in my opinion, most , and more often they happen in the field of a stomach, a stomach and a basin. At at children means equals Hamomille and Kolotsintu, and at a neuralgic version with characteristic spasmodic pains. Characteristic spasmodic pains of this means have still prominent feature - to be facilitated from hot compresses. No means has it so expressed as Arsenik, but it is necessary to notice that from among any Magnezii Fosf noted above pains; there is one the most typical for Arsenika who here is not present are burning pains. We have noticed, this difference and have found that if burning pains were facilitated from heat - Magneziej Fosforika recover. It is valuable to diagnostics of these two means. During painful Magnezija Fosforika faster on the action means, than Pulsatilla, Kaulofillum, Tsimitsifuga or something another. , in my opinion, shows cases at rheumatic persons whereas Magnesia of Fosforika cures having purely neuralgic character is better. Pains stop with the advent of the expiration.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

It Will Help To Be A Homoeopathic Remedy

It will help to be a homoeopathic remedy without such condition as then there is no its perfect similarity. It and the reason why the homeopathist can give to the patient suffering by a sleeplessness a natural dream by means of Opium in a small dose whereas stuffs the patient to devocalization degree (but not a dream) with strong doses. In one case action curative, in other - turns out. Division: Opium , 3, 6,12, 200 and even 1000 (the Kiev school). Morphine leaves on . To recipes. 82. the MOSCOW HUT (Nux Moschata) - a nutmeg. The nutmeg though it is often used also to usual kitchen, thanks to an original smell, but is the mighty poison, capable to be and a valuable medical product. It deeply amazes cogitative and sensitive areas, on what following characterising symptoms specify: devocalization (stupor), and insuperable drowsiness, absent-mindedness of thoughts during conversation, readings or letters. Then again: weakness or memory loss, variability of mood, beginning from the deepest grief to mad cheerfulness, grief, pleasure.

109. (Ignatia Amara) - . Medicine Of A

109. (Ignatia amara) - . Medicine of a wide range of action. prepares from dry seeds bitter , the Chinese beans. Its native land are the Philippine islands. Operating beginning of Ignatsii, as well as Nuks Vomiki, are : strychnine and . Both these medicines are considered as nervous means and close stand to each other on the action on an organism. Though in homoeopathy of Nuks Vomika Ignatsija - to women is often appointed to men, and. Still Ganeman has paid attention to Ignatsiju and tested its action on itself and volunteers. In homoeopathy of Ignatsija has very wide application, most of all it operates on nervous system. And even if any other systems and bodies in a disease aetiology almost always there will be any nervous shock, a spiritual wounds are amazed: a fright, death of relatives, unsuccessful love, jealousy and other emotions of negative character. On the condition of spirit of Ignatsija Hamomille is close to Akonitu, to Nuks Vomike, Stafizagrii. To to type of patients brunettes with dark colour of the skin, suffering a hysteria, the extremely sensitive and easily excitable concern more often.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

4) Ferrum Carbonicum - Ferrum (carbonic Iron). 5)

4) Ferrum carbonicum - Ferrum (carbonic iron). 5) Ferrum citricum - Ferrum ( iron). 6) Ferrum jodatum - Ferrum (iodide iron). 7) Ferrum Sulfuricum - Ferrum ( iron). Iron preparations are applied in grindings with dairy sugar; the higher divisions also in cultivations. Iron has direct action on bodies like Arseniku. The phenomena of excessive receptions of iron are expressed from outside all bodies of a body. Them concern: rushes of blood to a brain with frustration depending on it, an irritation condition in a back brain and in nerves proceeding from it (especially sciatic) with pains, and convulsive twitchings in a back and finitenesses. Strengthening of warm activity. The phenomena and a rush of blood to respiratory bodies. Any frustration in digestive bodies and as to urinogenital system. The rush of blood in one bodies and fabrics exsanguinates others, and it leads to infringement of normal terms of the exchange of substances in an organism and involves an anaemia. Iron symptoms worsen in the evenings, at night and in rest; improve from moderate movement.

But We Should Make It So What As

But we should make it so what as less as possible to test sufferings, inconveniences and . Even, whenever possible, that it would be pleasant. Here how it can be made. One food intake is left by the most usual, consisting of the most usual products and dishes. It is that food intake which it is the most difficult to refuse. It is that meal which we have got used to divide with the relatives, that meal during which time we not only are sated, but also we communicate. The so-called "socially-caused" food intake. At our institute such research has been conducted. They asked to examinees a question if it would be possible to leave in a food only one food intake in the day, what reception would leave - a breakfast, a dinner, or a supper? Approximately 70 % the person would prefer to leave a supper, percent 28 - a dinner. Also there were only two percent of people which cannot live without a breakfast. Then we began to interrogate those who has chosen a dinner, the their choice is caused, the, what to have dinner more pleasantly, than to have supper, or what as they consider, to have supper harmfully? Approximately half from them has answered that if they have been assured what to have supper not harmfully, they would prefer to have supper.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

1. Pohudatelnye Cocktails I Advise To Concern This

1. Pohudatelnye cocktails I advise to concern this group of products in the most attentive image. They deserve that. First, application of cocktails for a weight loss was thoroughly investigated by medicine. It has been thus proved that their use considerably raises efficiency of the program in respect of weight reduction and that even more important considerably improves its shipping. Secondly, application of mixes for a weight loss allows to lower caloric content and thus to provide enough of fiber, vitamins and minerals in a food. Weight of side benefits - it is easy to prepare plus, it is possible to take with itself for work or in a trip, and thanks to wide flavouring scale always it is possible to choose a cocktail to itself to taste or to alternate them voluntarily. Application of nutritious mixes for weight reduction has already more than twenty summer history. All began in the eighties the last century when doctors tried to build the diets consisting exclusively from such mixes.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Otrubnoj Bread. Very Much We Recommend. Presence At

Otrubnoj bread. Very much we recommend. Presence at food of fibres very well and for correct work of intestines and for decrease in level of cholesterol in blood. Caloric content of its order of 220 calories for 100 of Hundred grammes, is half standard rolls. Personal observation. Otrubnye rolls happen very tasty. But not at all manufacturers. It is necessary to look. Rye bread has caloric content of an order of 230 kcal, white, an order 240. Grain small loafs. Very useful thing. Their caloric content can be and an order 300 on 100 , but anything terrible. And 10 and 20 grammes of this product, nourishing enough portion. How practically to carry out the food necessary to us We repeatedly investigated, what caloric content of a food of the person if he reduces consumption of fat till 35-40 in day and does not abuse the sweet. It has appeared that in this case caloric content of its food does not exceed 2100-2300 kcal a day. This quantity of calories under a condition a food completely prevents weight increase even at the people who conducting rather quiet way of life and have been not occupied with physical work.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Patient Auruma Happens Also From Time To Time

Patient Auruma happens also from time to time is gloomy, irritable, the slightest contradiction causes an anger attack. These impulses (flashes) are shown sometimes, even when oppression and melancholy have strong overweight (similar sincere oppression and bent to suicide have also other means, for example Najja and Nuks-Vomika, but never in such degree, as Aurum). Divisions: low at defeat of bones, any swelling and growth (almond-shaped) glands, higher at nervous diseases. 68. ARGENTUM (Argentum nitricum). "We think of this means, - tells Gernzej, - when we see the exhausted, thin person finished to it by illness. Especially at children. They look as small old men". (Ats. - young men look old men). like Aurum deeply operates on sincere mood. As well as Aurum, it also one of good means at a morbid depression. At a sight at a high building the head is turned and feet are unsteady. It seems to the patient, as if houses on both parties of street fall against each other and are ready to fall upon it.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

It Is Proved That The Food Rich With

It is proved that the food rich with sugars at equal caloric content appears less nourishing, than the food containing in basic difficult the carbohydrates. On the average diets with the resolved supper are better transferred, than modes at which the notorious rule "is realised not is after 6 o'clock in the evening". What for to us food fibres Along with fats, fibers and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, our food contains the so-called indigestible carbohydrate connections, which else name food fibres, or . The Great bulk arrives with vegetative food. groats, vegetables, fruit and berries are rich bread. Its maintenance in wheaten, rye and bran where it reaches 40 % is the highest. Food fibres are subdivided on soft or soluble (pectins, the gum, some fractions ) and rough, insoluble (cellulose, a great bulk , ). The Great bulk food - not less than 80 % is necessary on cellulose. Pectins and gum make 10-15 %. It is interesting that the cellulose, polymer extremely extended in the nature (trees, a bush and all other plants in particular consist of it, and as wooden furniture, a paper and cotton fabrics) has a structure similar to starch.

And Time The Superfluous Weight Of A Body

And time the superfluous weight of a body reduces health level it is not necessary to abuse food and it is not necessary to torment the organism . The pleasure from meal has very powerful alternative - pleasure from sensation of own youth, force and health And, naturally, there are views at which the weight comfortably enough decreases. These views necessarily assume good mood and a positive spirit. He necessarily assumes that a state of health, high quality of a life, hardly probable not the main vital value. Really, if I am positively adjusted, if I like to live, if I wish to be in this life happy if I wish to lead a high-grade life and approximately I know, how it to make, what can prevent to put to me the weight in order? Why the good mood helps to grow thin? First, the person in good mood overcomes difficulties and inconveniences is much easier. Secondly, against good mood always above a muscular tone. And, means, above and a power consumption in rest. And, this power consumption is in many respects provided with split fat.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

That Opium Is Capable To Eliminate Pains Or

That Opium is capable to eliminate pains or to tell, do an organism incapable more correctly to feel a pain, is only one of the main indicators for application of this means in homoeopathic therapy. Is available not only perfect clearing of a pain, but as though full immunity to medicinal action on all organism. When means does not operate, Sulfur is given. But can be and so that there is no vital reaction. is the best means if the reaction lack depends on durability of an organism though even here it is necessary to take into account all symptoms. can be a success at obstacles for live reaction when Sulfur is insufficient. The Same Opium action considerably and on intestines. Irritability of guts is lost. Their Peristaltichesky movement is absolutely amazed. There is even no desire to movement. The excrement lies there in intestines bends, turning to firm black lumps which should be removed washing or laxatives. Under the same influence are, and uric bodies. Urine is late owing to a paralysis of a bottom of a bubble and cannot leave for the reason sensitivity walls.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Both There, And Here There Is A Strong

Both there, and here there is a strong garrulity, there and here - the big religious mood. At both sometimes there is a violent mood; only the person at Stramoniuma ordinary very red and poured, and at Veratrum it pale, sunk down , then is available for Veratrum more considerable general weakness. Sometimes the rough form of mania alternates with gloomy reticence but if the patient to irritate, it becomes mad, quarrels, talks smut and tells troubles to another. This sort of mania often arises after a delay monthly or in a postnatal condition. It can sharply proceed and chronically, and Veratrum can give treatment in that, and other case. If - it would be necessary to characterise the general condition where Veratrum will be the best means, whenever possible one, say, that that will be a word "collapse". I Will dare to result following symptoms: a fast breakdown, perfect prostration, cold sweat and cold breath, a skin the dark blue, crimson, cold, wrinkled, leaving folds. Grown thin the person, the pointed nose.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Well-known A Phrase: Appetite Loss - A Love

Well-known a phrase: appetite loss - a love sign. It has occurred to our following heroine. And its silent, measured life has changed. Now it did not sit in front of the TV of evening without a break, with chips and sunflower seeds, did not bake sweet pies. It "was simply happy". As it is fast at it wedding has been appointed, and time still had not enough only two months. And so it would be desirable to look this day young harmonous and beautiful. We have developed for it the dietary plan, having recommended not to reduce at all quantity of food less than the ordered. Improving walking, but at all wearisome run is more than walks, maybe. The high spirits, holiday expectation, love have made the business. Our soft recommendations have yielded amazing result - 8 kgs for two months, without discomfortable efforts, plus confidence that the lost kgs never will not return any more. That unites these situations. At them there is a movement. Movement physical, or psycho-emotional. And even both at once.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Caloric Content Of All Soup Of An Order

Caloric content of all soup of an order of 450 kcal. If to spread out for three portions caloric content will appear every portion an order of 150 kcal. It will be even less if to choose veal more fast. It is possible to submit with or a potato garnish. A garnish we sauce from meat. Garnishes Do not neglect and macaroni garnishes. Remember, difficult carbohydrates protect us from a weight set. Macaroni with vegetables 100 macaroni, the Bulgarian pepper 50 , tomatoes-100 , tomato juice - 2 table spoons, carrots 50 , We boil macaroni in the salted water. In a frying pan it is placed the tomatoes cut and cleared of a peel cut with straws carrots and the Bulgarian pepper, we fill in with tomato juice, we salt, we close a cover, we extinguish. When vegetables will be ready, in a frying pan we spread macaroni, carefully we mix and we extinguish even 2 minutes. Exit of 3 portions as a garnish to meat (caloric content - 120 kcal, fat content 0,5), or 2 portions as an independent dish (caloric content - 185 kcal, fat content - 1).

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Game Kinds Of Sports, Especially In The Event

Game kinds of sports, especially in the event that your command has lost And we with you a problem to construct " " a life so, what energy consumption at satisfactory sating properties was is minimum high-calorie, and the power consumption either did not decrease, or increased. By the way, we will remind, there is an influence, allowing to solve both these problems. It is aerobic loading (walking by a fast pace, run-walking, or slow run), intensity of an order of 60-70 % from a maximum, duration of an order of 30-40 minutes in day, or, hour - the hour, twenty minutes every other day. However, figures approximate. The best way to dose out such loading, it to be guided by own state of health - against loading you do not choke, are not dripping with sweat. Feeling of pleasant heat in a body, a maximum, a light perspiration. After loading you should feel not less, or even more vigorous, than to loading. Your mood should raise, instead of decrease... Such loading very interestingly operates on food behaviour - appetite decreases, food intakes become more rare and less plentiful, and process of meal becomes more controllable.

Are Possible Both An Anaemia And Infringements Of

Are possible both an anaemia and infringements of immunity with probability increase diseases, development or an aggravation of chronic gastroenteric diseases - a stomach ulcer of a stomach and 12-perstnoj guts, gastritises, is possible. At restriction in a liquid diet development of is bilious-stone illness, formation of stones in kidneys is possible. Rigid modes of treatment of excess weight do not leave to the patient of skills of maintenance of weight of a body. And in the absence of such skills weight returning to initial, rather probable thing. By estimations of scientists, restoration of initial weight of a body within a year after the treatment termination is observed at 80-90 % of patients. Law is known - than more interdictions contained the given method, it is especially probable and the more so all lost kgs will quickly return. Rigid modes of treatment leave after themselves a long loop of the extremely negative memoirs. Patients extremely reluctantly come back to course of treatment.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Deterioration In Crude Rainy Weather. Divisions: , But

Deterioration in crude rainy weather. Divisions: , but it is preferable 6; (200-1000). 64. KANTARIS (Cantaris Vesicatoria) - A Shpansky fly. Tincture prepares from the dried up and pounded all fly with wine spirit. There is no other means which so strongly irritated and inflamed uric bodies, and no means cures so quickly similar irritation when it has characteristic features for Kantaris. N.Gernzej writes: "the Fact unique though it is known to the majority of experts that if frequent desires on urine are accompanied by a burning, cutting pain or if desires and not so are frequent, and the cutting pain accompanies Kantaris almost always will be means, at least thus there was other suffering, for example, even an inflammation of a brain or lungs". It could add still an inflammation in a throat, an inflammation of mucous membranes of all digestive channel with inclusion of a rectum and back pass, an inflammation or on a skin. He writes also: "Kantaris always should be remembered and studied at treatment ways when slime is viscous (Gidrastis, Cali Bihr, Kokkus Kakti)".

Monday, March 23, 2009

By The Way, If To Compare Meal To

By the way, if to compare meal to other energizers the meal appears much less harmful, than the others, we will tell alcohol, or pharmaceutical preparations with activity. But also much less useful, than other household energizers, such as pleasant baths, a shower, easy physical activities. Why gymnastics render action? The mechanism of this phenomenon though also difficult, but quite concrete. The more arrives in our brain, the it is more activity so-called than a formation. This structure, is located in average departments of a brain and carries out function of a such battery, a bark and creating a positive emotional background, or, speaking easier, good mood. Accordingly, the it is less than these impulses, the our mood is worse. All is correct - boringly, occurs nothing. Whence the good mood here undertakes? And so, each muscle of our body at each reduction signals in a brain, informing on the condition. From here toning up and harmonising action of physical activities. And on the contrary, , a low muscular tone are often accompanied by mood decrease, depression, and.

Improvement: In Rest, During A Dream, After A

Improvement: in rest, during a dream, after a chair. The subsequent means: Karbo Vegetabilis, Merkury, Nuks Vomika, Pulsatilla, Sepija, Rus Toks. Antipillboxes: , Camphor, Ledum, Nuks Vomika, Pulsatilla. Divisions: , 3, 6, 200. 95. KUPRUM (Cuprum metallicum) - copper. Operates on the central nervous system. The important central characteristic symptom of this means are spasms. If at brain defeats, inflow ( ), an inflammation of brain covers or (blow) of Kuprum has shown good action always it is possible to find the spasmodic phenomena to a greater or lesser extent, from simple twitchings in fingers of hands and feet to the general spasms. If it is a gastric neuralgia happen severe spasmodic and the pressure accompanied by vomiting. At a cholera at adults or children spasmodic pains happen sometimes terrifying. At Camphor always the breakdown (collapse) more strongly stands out, at Veratrum Alb. - a diarrhoeia and vomiting, at Kuprum - spasms. At a whooping cough the child becomes immovable, breath stops, spasmodic , after some time the consciousness comes back, vomiting and then recover, Though also slow, or the child to positive a spasm is at each paroxysm of cough.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Certainly, And At Rheumatism The Pathological Condition Is

Certainly, and at rheumatism the pathological condition is not of great importance for the purposes medicines. But sensations and features - yes. The rheumatism of Leduma begins in a foot and passes upwards. It is contrast to that is at Kalmii where happens on the contrary. can be shown and in sharp, and chronic cases of this frustration. At the sharp form joints swelled up and hot, but not the red. Swellings are pale, and pains worsen by the night and from bed warmth: the patient wishes, that it did not cover. It is similar to Merkury, but the choice of Merkurija will dare on the basis of a cash of the plentiful sweat which is not bringing simplification, especially on the basis of characteristic symptoms of a mouth and language. At chronic rheumatism this means is equally effective. Here too we have joints swelled up and ill, in bed warmth, and in joints at first feet, and then hands are formed painful both firm knots and adjournment. fingers and a joint of fingers are painful at pressure.

And So, After Rest Which Not Unloading Mode

And so, after rest which not unloading mode is, ability lose weight can to be restored. By the way, to overcome stops in weight reduction sports trainings help also. Our data has shown that if the patient observes days of limited intake of food a minimum of 5 times in a week for the first month it loses on the average 4-5 kg, and for three months of 8-11 kg. At men the result a little more than at women, at young is slightly better, than at patients is elderly. It is assured that use we instead of the Doctor or Energetik any other mix with similar structure, the result would be approximately same. For many very important question with what to begin? How to translate the organism in a weight loss mode. I can offer the following step-by-step scheme: Step the first. We study the theory. A food, the impellent modes toning up and harmonising influences, a technique of the control of weight and so on. Here it is not necessary to hurry up. The is better all of us will understand, the it is less we then we will make errors.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Caloric Content Of A Portion Of Such Cocktail

Caloric content of a portion of such cocktail of only 50-55 calories. It almost in 2 times is less than caloric content of a glass of usual milk. Cocktails as are very convenient for a food and a hunger satisfying in those conditions when, either there is no time, or there is no possibility to prepare. They well approach and in quality " ". A portion the Doctor or Energetik , accepted 10-20 minutes prior to meal, essentially reduce appetite, accelerate time of approach of satiety, do meal easily supervised. Naturally, similar action any other cocktail for a weight loss with similar structure will possess. For a food out of door very well approach and tvorozhno-krupjanye to a mix. We prepare them as follows. Cottage cheese low-fat 100 , fermented baked milk or fat content of an order of 2,5 % 100 , the welded rice, or - 100 All to mix, salt. The portion 150 at very high nutritiousness and has caloric content only 100-110 kcal. Chapter 5. We grow thin! The majority of books about a weight loss at once begin with the detailed description of any unloading diet.

That Is, At A Food By Fat Food

That is, at a food by fat food the sense of fulness comes much later, than at the use carbohydrate or albuminous. Fig. 7. Distribution of fats of food to a share (1) directed on direct extraction of energy, and a share (2) directed to a stock. At increase in the maintenance of fats in food the share of fat going on accumulation mainly increases. Let's remind that caloric content of one gramme of fat more than twice above, than gramme of fibers or carbohydrates. Here also it turns out that, despite high caloric content, a fat product it appears much less nourishing, than, for example albuminous. What will be, if the person eats mainly fat food? It will type, most likely, weight. After all the sense of fulness from fat comes later, and our examinee should eat much more food before he will feel satiety. And what will be with the person who eats less fat products? He will gorge on considerably smaller quantities of food, and its weight will be faster to remain stable, or even a little to decrease.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Soups Sate Meat-krupjanye Better, Than Meat-vegetable And Thus

Soups sate meat-krupjanye better, than meat-vegetable and thus appear not on many . All business in high the basic component of groats of carbohydrates. Try to manage sometimes only soup and not to use the second dishes. It will allow at good a food considerably to lower its caloric content. Do pauses between the first and the second dishes. It will allow to gorge on smaller quantities of the second dish. Distinguish hot and cold soups. Probably, the most widespread in Russia cold soup, is okroshka. Some recipes Soup from low-fat veal with mushrooms and vermicelli Meat, young veal without fat - 150 , a potato, 150 , vermicelli 20 , carrots 40 , 40 , mushrooms field mushrooms, 40, spices, a coriander, a basil, a bay leaf, fragrant pepper, salt. To prepare this soup very simply. At first we cook a broth - meat, an onions, carrots, the salt, one litre of water. Onions as will cook, we throw out. We fill with a potato, vermicelli, mushrooms. In the end we add spices. An exit of 4 portions approximately on 250 - 280 ml (two ladles).

The Mechanism Of This Phenomenon Is Combined Enough.

The mechanism of this phenomenon is combined enough. We will concern it in following heads. Here, what not to spoil the general optimistical picture from read, we will specify - that if in food of the person not enough fat weight increase is impossible at almost any consumption of sugar and fructose. It too one of the central conclusions of modern dietology. Fats Fats, it is an ideal product for creation of stocks of energy. First, very power-intensive - an order of 9,3 kcal on substance gramme, and secondly if stocks of carbohydrates contain to 90 % of water which too something weighs fat stocks almost waterless - the pure concentrated energy. Even at normal weight in a human body contains an order of 12-15 kgs of fat. If the person could take without problems from fat energy, this quantity would suffice it for 4-5 months of a comfortable life. But, unfortunately, the organism cannot take all necessary of fatty stocks. For example, the brain cannot eat products of disintegration of fat.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

In It There Is A Similarity To Phosphorus,

In it there is a similarity to Phosphorus, Natr Karb and Silitsea. The rhododendron resembles and Rus Toks that deterioration happens in rest, and improvement during movement. Then pains of the Rhododendron which amplify in crude weather, differ from pains that Rusa that they, probably, nest more deeply and are felt in , for example, in a teeth, in bones of a forearm and in . Certainly, these pains are not limited only , but amaze also muscles and sheaves (so it complicates a choice between these means). Thus, we have the list full almost, characteristic for crude weather, means in Dulkamare, Natr Sulf, the Rhododendron, Rus Toks, Nuks the Moscow hut (Kalk Fosf a crude cold, especially at thawing snow). Rhododendron, probably, special means for . They swelled up, with pulling the pains extending in a stomach and on hips, also are very sensitive to . Means the most similar here: metal, Klematis, Pulsatilla, Argentum Metal and Spongija. If defeat of syphilitic character, we prefer Aurum, especially if in a known case preliminary there was an abusing of Merkuriem.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

In The Evening Of A Pain Pass. Dizziness

In the evening of a pain pass. Dizziness at a rising. Examples with a face reddening, burning in palms and soles. Burning in language, a stomach, with infringement of taste, sense of smell, emptiness in . A nausea. Alternation of a lock with a diarrhoeia. Pain in right with return in the right shoulder (the patient hardly will raise the right hand), pains and in muscles of the right coxofemoral joint are marked. Infringement monthly with others the phenomena. Rashes on the person at the poor monthly. Worse from lying on the right party, during movement of the sun in afternoon), in general from movement and sweet. Better from sour, in heat from lying on right to a side. Divisions: , 6, 12, 30 (at a climax). Indications: a climax, bleedings bright blood (gastric, pulmonary, , etc.), headaches, dizziness, a right-hand hypostasis, a laryngitis, a bronchitis, etc. 84. (Ferrum) - iron and its preparations. 1) Ferrum metallicum - Iron metal. 2) Ferrum phosphoricum - Ferrum ( gland). 3) Ferrum aceticum - Ferrum (acetic gland).

For Our Business It Is Very Useful. For

For our business it is very useful. For us game kinds of sports are less desirable. Character of loadings there such that muscles quickly lose a stock of carbohydrates and get tired. So, increase of appetite and braking of splitting of fat. For the same reasons trainings directed on escalating of muscular weight are undesirable also. The opinion about swimming is ambiguous. Very many after training in pool mark appetite strengthening. The main thing that we should not do in no event so it to compete with itself, trying, every time to surpass the last achievements. Records, and the specific activity of muscles stimulating the expense of fat in an organism are necessary to us not. For us it is optimum that such we would make loadings not only because it helps to grow thin, but also because it allows to stay in good mood, raises working capacity, reduces appetite, does more controllable I go, betrays to us a tone, improves a bearing and so on. Because, making such loading, we feel much better, than when these trainings we refuse.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Iron Is Shown At Young Pale Girls In

Iron is shown at young pale girls in formation. At very rare, poor monthly, with the big sensitivity of genitals, at barreness, at bleedings, at abortion threat. Action of all above-stated preparations of iron is identical. More often in practice Ferrum ( ) is applied. Divisions: 3, 6. : Arnica, Arsene, Belladonna, Gepar, Ipekakuana, Merkury, Pulsatilla, Veratrum . Similar means: on action on a head - of Belladonna, Nuks Vomika, Cinchona. On lungs - Millefoly; on a bladder - Kantaris, Evpatory; on a uterus - Sabine. - on the action like Akonitu and Gelzeminu also it is applied in the first stage of an inflammation (lungs, joints, etc.). Divisions: 3, 6. - it is appointed at a persistent anaemia. At children quickly growing, thin, weak and pale, anaemic. : at , an inflammation of a brain because of a tuberculosis, at inflammations in female sexual sphere. : at Bazedovoj of illness and an anaemia. To divisions low and average. 85. (Iodum) - iodine. Tincture prepares from a solution of pure Iodine in alcohol.

Friday, March 6, 2009

This Headache Frequently Also The Hysterical. Spasms In

This headache frequently also the hysterical. Spasms in connection with sufferings can find for themselves competing means in Aktea Ratsemoza and Kaulofillum which choice will solve set of the phenomena. Magnesia of Muriatika as well hepatic means, with some symptoms is similar, to Merkury, namely at it also language represents prints of a teeth and there is a burdening of the phenomena from lying on right to a side. But excrements of these means it is characteristic are various. all it is is better adapted to sharp defeats of this body, Magnezija Muriatika is often shown by very especial symptoms: palpitation when the patient is quiet, and disappears, when in movement. Children cannot digest during a teething milk ( ). Divisions: 6,12, 30, 200. 80. MAGNESIA (Magnesia phosphorica). Magnesia of Fosforika wins first place between our best neuralgic and painful means. Any of them has no such variety of pains. They 6 sharp, cutting, penetrating, pricking, shooting, lightning ( ), alternating, almost intolerable during the paroxysms, frequently changing the place, spasmodic.

For Throat Disease (quinsy, A Diphtheria) A Characteristic

For throat disease (quinsy, a diphtheria) a characteristic symptom is that at empty swallowing the sore throat decreases and increases between movements ( ). It is very original symptom. Helping with a medicine choice. Improvement happens at swallowing of firm food, as well as at Lahezis. Illnesses of cardiovascular system (neurosises) - patients complain of pains in the field of heart of compressing character and feeling , as from set small with easy burning, palpitation at night and at awakening, frequent sighs, a lump in a throat, the raised nervousness. All symptoms worsen after excitements. Diseases of respiratory organs (a laryngitis, tracheitises, a bronchial asthma). The top part of respiratory ways especially is surprised; it is expressed in hoarseness of a voice, by dry long cough, constraint in a breast. Cough convulsive, as from a dust. The more cough proceeds the more the irritation amplifies. At a bronchial asthma attacks more often in the afternoon or in the evening till midnight.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

It, As Well As Starch Is Constructed Of

It, as well as starch is constructed of glucose molecules. Also it turns out that all world us surrounding consists of sugar (glucose). Only take this sugar we cannot. Enzymes of a gastroenteric path of the person cannot split cellulose. It, so to say, has for us no power value. Long time, especially in the middle of the last century the food-processing industry tried to release a foodstuff from fibres or as them then named, from ballast substances. But it has led to deterioration of health of people. And now very many scientists are inclined to connect increase of frequency of malignant tumours observed in the twentieth century, diseases of intestines, cardiovascular diseases, superfluous weight of a body and adiposity, with maintenance reduction in food . The opinion of doctors unequivocally - , is one of irreplaceable factors of food. Attempts to reduce the maintenance in food of fibres conduct to diverse infringements of the health one of which, is excess weight and adiposity. So, what role in an organism? The first that for us is the most important, food fibres slow down sugars in intestines.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

M.Ginzburg Which Feather Posesses Variety Of Books And Articles

M.Ginzburg which feather posesses variety of books and articles about the excess weight nature. The book is written accessible, a figurative language. It contains concrete practical recommendations which will allow you not only to grow thin, but also never not to recover any more. The book is focused on a wide range of readers. c M.M.Ginzburg, 2005 Table of contents Introduction Let's begin here with what, the thesis inspiring optimism: Last 10 years the dietology has made some the remarkable opening directly deducing us on essentially new decisions of a problem of excess weight. Here they: 1. a product and its caloric content it is far not one and too. Often happens that the high-calorie product appears rather and rather not nourishing. And, on the contrary - from not so high-calorie products it is possible to build very nourishing food. There was a possibility to speak about the so-called Ideal program To the program which is pleasant for observing which possesses not only ability to reduce weight, but also weight of other advantages.

Other Our Patient Had A Rest Every Year

Other our patient had a rest every year in the same sanatorium at the sea. And as had some superfluous kgs, she tried to dump them in the most diligent image. Every morning it forced itself to rise in 6 mornings, ran to the sea and within 2 hours ran and did gymnastics. In the evening, she too forced itself to run still somewhere the hour, ones and a half. She very much got tired, but believed that and should. Our patient grew thin, but that is characteristic, the result always was less expected. Moreover, it was necessary to it to come back home to a habitual life as its weight started to grow. Having arrived to this sanatorium once again, she has decided "to have a rest simply", and not to torture herself daily trainings. They had a rest together with the girlfriend of the childhood who always was easy on lifting. Holiday has flown by as one day. They recollected the childhood and a youth, laughed much, walked, went by excursion, floated in the sea. What surprise of our heroine when, after returning, she has found out that has grown thin even a little more than earlier, at its wearisome obligatory jogs in the morning and in the evening was.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Or Other Extreme Measure: Involuntary Urine Or Excrements

Or other extreme measure: involuntary urine or excrements because of a paralysis of locking muscles ( ). Everywhere, where opium makes tolerance and a partial or full paralysis, there it is shown. At opium a condition characterised by below-mentioned symptoms: delirium, eyes are widely opened and shine, the person red, poured, vivacity of imagination, intellectual excitation, nervousness and irritability, easy fearfulness, twitching, trembling of a head, members of hands, twitching , even spasms. A sleeplessness (Tsimitsefura, Koffea) and refinement of hearing, a striking of a clock or cock shout on far distance awake the patient. It is necessary to remember that the first row of symptoms represents poison action, the second row - nature action on an organism of influence of a medical product so such excitation, irritability and spasms sometimes do not submit to homoeopathic action of Opium as a medical product if to such condition did not precede drowsiness, devocalization (stupor) and tolerance etc.

Monday, March 2, 2009

As A Matter Of Fact, Full We Will

As a matter of fact, full we will be only throughout an interval of time f1 - f2 on our schedule. Events are developed absolutely in another way if glucose is soaked up slowly. Sugar level in blood raises too slowly, insulin is allocated in adequate quantities. Prompt falling of level of glucose of blood does not occur. Duration of the period of satiety increases (an interval f1 - f3). The relation of a maximum level of sugar of blood after the use of this or that product to that after the use of pure glucose is called as an index of the given product. At carbohydrate products it depends exclusively on speed of splitting of a molecule of carbohydrates, clearing of glucose and it in blood. There is the scientific data showing that The above at a product the index, the follows us it is, as its presence at food more cautiously, reduces duration of the period of satiety, increases consumption of other products including fat, and promotes weight increase. It is considered that for growing thin better that in its food carbohydrate products with low an index - groats, bread of a rough grinding, macaroni would prevail.

Friday, February 27, 2009

It Speaks That On Splitting Of Fibers The

It speaks that on splitting of fibers the organism spends percent on 30 more energy, than for splitting of carbohydrates. Is at fibers and one property unpleasant for us. In very many products of squirrels fat for us a product far not the most desirable adjoins to fat, and. For example, in usual milk on 1 the squirrel is necessary 1,25 fat. In cheese on 1 the squirrel is necessary 2 fat, in fat meat a parity fat-fiber can reach and to 3,5. And, on the contrary, in low-fat products this indicator can make only 0,1 (see the table). The table The fiber and fat maintenance, and as the relation fat/fiber in some products (on 100 a product) Product The fiber maintenance () The fat maintenance () Parity fat/belok* Milk of 3,5 % of fat content 2,8 3,5 1,25 Milk low-fat 3,1 0,5 0,16 Cottage cheese fat 14 18 1,28 Cottage cheese low-fat 18 1,8 0,1 Pike perch 18,4 1,1 0,06 Sprats 17,4 32,4 1,86 Eggs chicken 12,5 11,5 0,92 Pork fat 11,7 49,3 4,21 Liver beef 17,9 3,7 0,2 White meat of a hen without a skin 21,5 2,4 0,05 * .

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Caloric Content Of A Portion (150) - About

Caloric content of a portion (150) - about 100 calories. Exit of 6 portions. Salad "Freshness" Hen boiled (a fillet without a skin) - 200 , a cucumber fresh 200 , a tomato fresh 150 , cabbage 150 , carrots fresh 150 , an apple 150 , egg chicken, welded in abrupt, green peas 150 ( bank without a liquid), mayonnaise of 20 % of fat content 40 (approximately two table spoons). Hen and a tomato small to cut, it is better to rub the rest on a large grater, to add peas. To mix, fill with mayonnaise, to decorate with greens. Gross weight 1250 (approximately 7 portions). Caloric content of a portion - 95 kcal. And here some ways to reduce fat content of celebratory salads. For example, Olivier's our traditional salad. Or very much on it similar salad Winter. Their obligatory components: or meat and mayonnaise. If soft pork sausage, doctor's, or amateur undertakes, (and more often and do), and mayonnaise, standard "Provansal" with fat content of an order of 70 % caloric content of a portion of such salad (150) will be approximately equal 300 calories, fat content - 19-20 If your portion reaches 200 its caloric content and fat content will be on a quarter above.

However Very Soon Rate Of Weight Reduction Is

However very soon rate of weight reduction is slowed down, and then and stops absolutely. Why? The most simple explanation - in the course of sitting on a diet has occurred power consumption decrease. It is absolutely natural. The organism receives energy with food less, naturally he tries to spend less energy. And this "economy" very often happens imperceptible a little the body temperature decreases, pulse is slowed down, the muscular tone and impellent activity decreases. Here very exact term "" sitting on a diet ". Sitting, stay in relative impellent rest. On does not suffice either forces, or energy. But there is also other reason, subjective. Our acquaintance has got tired to observe all these interdictions. He very much would like to eat those products which he has forbidden itself(himself). He very much would like to eat after six evenings. Before a dream of thought on meal get character of the persuasive. By the way, and why so in hungrily evening? That is why that the organism is arranged .

Saturday, February 21, 2009

As, Mood Good, Loadings Invigorate, And The Food

As, mood good, loadings invigorate, and the food satisfies, this condition is pleasant to the person in itself. The person in this condition usually well feels, is in time much, its working capacity raises. And time so, at it is all bases to stay in this condition as it is possible longer. And the unique way to achieve such - to learn this condition to fix and in this condition to come back. Ask yourself such question - you would began to apply this or that norm of a food or this or that mode of trainings if you did not put before yourselves a problem to grow thin? If yes, you have found that is necessary. If hardly then and it should not be applied to a weight loss. In general, if you have noticed - a food, activity and mood are wonderfully connected with each other. I keep the house, I do nothing, to me it is boring. And in this situation again and again I wish to eat. It would Seem, why? After all I do nothing. And energy it would be necessary to me less. But in this condition my organism begins to accumulate, do energy stocks.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

So, Do Conclusions. Reception Of The Sixth "Psychological"

So, do conclusions. Reception of the sixth "Psychological" The help of the expert of the psychologist can be necessary for realisation of this reception for us. By the way, in process of growth of psychological culture of a society, all of us understand more distinctly that periodic dialogue with the professional-psychologist is extremely useful for any modern person. However while you only consider for yourselves the decision to address to the expert, allow to give to you some psychological formulas. To read them follows slowly, pondering upon sense. We live in a human society and out of it we can not live. Everything that is necessary for us for a life, we, anyhow, receive from other people. From here, vital to be able to get on with other people. Study in it. Very many psychological problems of the person are generated by aversion of those or other parties of the surrounding validity. Remember, the validity surrounding you cannot change, as though you would not like that. But you can change the relation to it.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Pressure In A Bladder, Frequent , Pressure In

Pressure in a bladder, frequent , pressure in the bottom of a stomach, a red deposit in urine, it with an unpleasant smell. In all these cases Sepija is shown. It also found the application in cases of a chronic gonorrhoea for men. Sincere symptoms of Sepii are similar to Pulsatillu (the patient is sad, often cries) and the more so if Pulsatilla did not help, and the sick has chronic diseases of female sexual sphere, Sepija is shown. Yellow stains on the person and sometimes on a body too are indications of Sepii. Scabby itch of a skin, rashes and other happen at Sepii and Sulfure, therefore two means supplement these each other and operate one after another (Sulfur after Sepii). Divisions low (3-6). 60. (Actea racemosa) - high, a pod rattling. The essence prepares from a fresh root. This female means, it strongly influences female bodies, and also is selective on nervous system, being shown by variety of symptoms from which many on the character concern the hysterical: twitching, spasms, spasms, a neuralgia and sincere symptoms.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Constant Discomfort, Tortures For Hunger, Discontent With Result

Constant discomfort, tortures for hunger, discontent with result and, as a rule, failure. But we will not be about sad. We will better ask a question how us to get to this most comfortable weight loss and not to please inadvertently in the violent? Running forward, say, to a comfortable weight loss definitely picked up changes on three scales - changes in an image of a food, change in an image of mobility and change in representations and mood help at once. Good luck for us is that these changes definitely support and strengthen each other. For example, if I in good mood at me and me it would be desirable to eat higher muscular tone less. Or, if I much (but it is not excessive!) I move, it raises a tone of my muscles, raises mood and reduces requirement for meal. The meal becomes more rare and less plentiful. Delicacies are less necessary to me... And one more thing which is required to us, is observation. It will be necessary for us to observe of others, and to observe of itself. And to be in these supervision exact.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

All Four Can Be Useful In The First

All four can be useful in the first stage of albuminous urine, but Terebintina is at the head of them. . apply later. - one of the best means. Bloody urine, , a bleeding of guts (at a typhus, etc.). One of the most characteristic features at its choice is smooth shining red language (Krotoljus, Pirogenium). Another - an excessive swelling of a stomach, it often happens at a typhus, a dropsy with muddy urine also can find in it the means though Lahezis, Geliborus Niger, Kolhikum can challenge this place. Divisions: , 6 and above. 200 Protivosredstva: , Camphor. Similar means: . 72. (Teucrium scorodonia) - . The essence prepares from a fresh plant. Means it is applied with good success at a tuberculosis of lungs and , and also at a chronic bronchitis with very plentiful - it is given in the form of drops (on 5-8) every day, and 6 at a tuberculosis . - means against polyps in a nose, and also against on which operates as Cin. 73. ALOE (Aloe Socotrina) - aloes. Tincture - a solution from juice of leaves of an aloe in 5 parts of spirit, grindings with dairy sugar prepare also.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Anxiety Of The Child At Night, A

The anxiety of the child at night, a gnash teeth forces to think and of the Anise, on other symptoms reject last. The child is angry, is capricious, as at Hamomille, is silent and fights, wishes, that it touched and (Antimonium Krudum) asks a toy, looked at it a thing and then pushes away, when to it give it (Brionija, Stafizagrija). The choice between similar on symptoms with Hamomilloj will be made by other characteristic symptoms. If at the child the person flares heat, both cheeks red, or more often one cheek burns, and another pale is Hamomilla. If the person pale, suffering, with dark circles round eyes, or bright, but pallor strong round a mouth or a nose is Cin. If the child is picked often in a nose, grits the teeth, screams, twitches, does often movements or chokes and coughs is Cin. Cin one of the best means against a whooping cough, as at twitching, a shiver, spasms etc. Along with helminthic symptoms. Divisions: (worms), 3, 6, 12, (neurosises). 87. (Dulcamara) - . sweet-bitter.

Monday, February 9, 2009

As To Deterioration Time At A Fever At

As to deterioration time at a fever at some it appears it is characteristic, as at an alternating fever. So, for example, Natrum Muriatikum at ten o'clock mornings. Arsenic after a dinner or in the morning at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. The fever, a headache and all other symptoms of Natr are facilitated with the advent of sweat, as well as at Arsenika. There is characteristic enough symptom from outside finitenesses. These are "agnails". " subjects" always them have Natrum. Then and in fingers of hands and feet. Anklebones are weak and easily are exposed to a dislocation, especially at children, started to go late. Painful pressure in joints of bends as though sheaves are very short. It can reach the valid change of joints, as at Kaustikum, Gvajakum. Then a back column very irritating and sensitive to a touch, weakness of finitenesses, even their semiparalysis, trembling to hearts As to back weakness it can be expression of the general weakness for which do not have means better Natrum Muriat.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Kind Of Loading Best For Us, Is

The kind of loading best for us, is fast walking! Here its advantages: Walking, is very physiologic loading. It is that set of movements which are used by the person for movings more often. Much more often, than run, or swimming. The organism perceives walking as absolutely normal, instead of as any extraordinary stressful loading. Walking is served basically by the energy released from split fat. It is possible to tell what to go and grow thin, concepts. At run and other intensive loadings carbohydrates first of all are spent. The majority of muscles of our body will be involved in the walking certificate, after all besides movements by feet it is necessary also to support balance of a body, and it and muscles of a trunk and a muscle of the top finitenesses. Rate of walking is easily dosed out. Feel that took too big rate, it is possible to go any time more slowly. To regulate rate of run it is much more difficult. Even if you cannot run without a short wind and hundred metres, you easily will pass both two and three kilometres.

Consumption Of Sugar And Sacchariferous Products At Which

Consumption of sugar and sacchariferous products at which an index considerably above, should be feasibly limited. By science it is established that the food index can be essentially lowered, if it is rich . For example, an index of bread with addition of bran much more low, than a white loaf index. Adding bran in porridges it is possible to lower in one and a half their time an index. Even if a portion of sugar to accept with small addition of apple pectin, it will allow to lower an index almost in 4 times. And here some effects of food fibres which are very important for all who wishes to remain healthy: Food fibres reduce cholesterol level in blood and by that prevent development of an atherosclerosis, an ischemic heart trouble and early ageing. This effect is proved clinically and is not subject to doubt. Food fibres interfere with development of variety of malignant tumours. Especially tumours of a thick gut. There are the researches showing that reduces risk of a cancer of a mammary gland and a cancer .

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Divisions: 3, 6, 12. 116. ATSIDUM (Acidum Picrinicum)

Divisions: 3, 6, 12. 116. ATSIDUM (Acidum Picrinicum) acid. This rather new means, but it has already got considerable enough therapeutic value. It amazes vital force that is found out by excessive weariness or feeling of exhaustion in all body, accompanied by respective easing of intellectual forces, apathy, easing of strong-willed ability with desire constantly to lie. In feet feeling of such strong weight that is difficult to raise them from the earth, feeling of weakness in a waist, from time to time with sensation of burning (Phosphorus and Tsikum .). The slightest pressure or brain effort causes a headache. This headache find at students, the official people torn by work, and at persons who are burdened by a grief or other sincere excitements is more often. Headache more often in a back part of a head, in occipital area (Natrum of messes, Silitsea), worsening especially from a soul pressure. To put it briefly, means it represents a modern picture of a nervous breakdown (prostration).

I Should Very Strongly Wish To Eat This

I should very strongly wish to eat this product (and differently, what for to me it to itself to forbid?). The vicious circle also develops. The more strongly I something want, the more strongly I represent it to myself in all rich colours. Accordingly, that I am afraid of it to eat more strongly and to those I forbid more strongly. But, the I forbid more desperately, the I want even more strongly... And so on on the accruing. From this circle there is only one exit" "to break". And this exit is caused by human nature. And the same mechanism of failure at interdictions for late food intakes when "it is impossible anything is after six o'clock in the evening", and at any other rigid regulation of a food. Certainly, our acquaintance can and hypnotise further itself idea of own weak character and . But if these failures are peculiar to the overwhelming majority of people let's, at last, agree - suffer long time decrease in quality of the life, caused by numerous interdictions to simply oppositely human nature.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

So, Essentially Increase Duration Of A Fortune Of

So, essentially increase duration of a fortune of satiety and raise comfort of a food. The mechanism of the given phenomenon shows drawing. The matter is that if glucose from a gastroenteric path is soaked up quickly accordingly, its level in blood (a curve 1 on our schedule quickly raises). IN 2 AND f1 f2 f3 1 Fig. 5. Dynamics of level of sugar of blood after the use of equivalent quantities of products with high an index (a curve 1) and low an index (a curve 2) But in reply to prompt increase of level of glucose the pancreas answers big, frequently with excessive emission of insulin, a hormone which basic function, to strengthen capture of sugar by fabrics and by that to reduce its level in blood. And it is valid, the glucose maintenance in blood starts as promptly to fall to initial level (line on our schedule) and even more low. But as the feeling of hunger is very closely connected with glucose level in blood as soon as this level becomes less initial, we again will want to eat.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Also Do Not Hurry Up To Grow Thin!

Also do not hurry up to grow thin! Anywhere from you this business will not get to. At first it would be necessary to understand very well a food, in properties of food, to adapt to to food, to learn it to prepare and choose, if you in a dining room, at restaurant, or on a visit. Mode observance a food at least helps to support weight. For today it is the most effective, the most pleasant and the most simple performed by system of maintenance of weight. Moreover, as have shown numerous researches including ours, such food conducts to smooth weight reduction at the majority of patients, at least, in first three months of application. It is necessary to begin with this diet in all cases when you start to grow thin. After all it is necessary to understand with a food, to learn to cook less fat food, to understand that in it it is pleasant to you and what followed change that such food would be pleasant to you even more. Let's more low result recipes of several dishes. They are simple in preparation, contain not enough fat and calories.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Divisions: 6, 12, 30, 200. 79. MAGNESIA (Magnesia

Divisions: 6, 12, 30, 200. 79. MAGNESIA (Magnesia muriatica). This salt of Magnesia, apparently, operates differently, than Magnezija Karbonika: while last is most characterised by diarrhoeia excitation at which it is useful more often, the first has a lock. Here the special form of a lock. A chair firm, difficult, languid, insufficient, knotty, like the sheep balls and collapsing at an exit. Sometimes it departs only squeezing by stomach muscles. The means most similar to Magnezija Muriat, at this lock - of Natrum Muriat and Ammonium Muriatikum. Other similarity between Ammon Muriat and Magnez. ., which is characteristic, namely - deterioration at night. At Magnesia Moore are very painful, are accompanied by strong spasms (which can amplify to the general spasms of hysterical property). Such nervous condition if thus find the above described special type of lock, will be very true indicator for appointment of this means. Then it has very nervous headache which is weakened when a head strongly squeeze ( ) or warmly wrap up ( ).

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Foodstuff Containing High-grade Fibers, This Milk And

The foodstuff containing high-grade fibers, this milk and sour-milk products, cottage cheese, meat, fish, eggs. Defective fibers are fibers, scarce on any irreplaceable amino acids. If the albuminous component of our food is presented only by such fibers sooner or later our albuminous synthesis will be broken. Defective fibers, it is fibers of cereals, and from animal products, the squirrel of sinews and fabrics. Intermediate position occupies soya fiber. On the majority of amino acids it is very close to human, but here it is poorly methionine. By the way because in vegetative products defective fiber contains, the medicine very much is sceptical about improving properties of vegetarianism. The conclusion of doctors - full vegetarianism, an exception of food of all kinds of animal protein, good does not promise anything to a human body, and at long application directly reduces quantity of health. Risk for health still above if it is a question of an organism of the child or the teenager where requirements for fiber considerably exceed those at the adult.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Weakness Of Cervical Muscles With Weight In A

Weakness of cervical muscles with weight in a head (seems as if muscles not in a condition to hold a head). A paralytic pain in , with pulling spasms along the hips, interfering circulation. Knees are turned in from weakness, swaying during walking, fear not to fall on one side. Feeling that in in brushes of hands - hands shiver during meal, and the more strongly, than above them to lift. That Seems one other hand has lost sensitivity and has grown dumb. soles in , during sitting. Attacks of the general paralytic weakness with back pains. It is possible to express action of this means for nervous system a word "prostration" (an extreme breakdown). To cause a strong general breakdown many means have property, but each of them operates originally. Except symptoms of the general prostration and spinal defeat, or together with them, we have still following symptoms: a fog or devocalization in a head amplifying from meal or drink; dizziness as though the brain is poisoned or obscured; the dizziness at a rising from a bed, forcing to lay down again.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Food Fibres Adsorb Salts Of Heavy Metals Including

Food fibres adsorb salts of heavy metals including and by that interfere them . Very much the important point, food fibres normalise function of a thick gut. If in food it is not enough fibres, habitual locks which pass further in spastic very quickly develop. The conclusion is obvious, for us it is desirable to increase the maintenance in food. It will allow to increase food total amount, it , comfort of a food to lower appetite, to warn possible problems with intestines which often enough happen at transition to poor unloading diets. Enough in food helps to support weight, slows down ageing processes, raises health level. It is desirable that in day the person would consume an order 30-40 food fibres. From them not less than 5 pectin. Ideal sources of fibres for us are bran and bread with addition of bran, groats, especially buckwheat and , vegetables and fruit, and as dried fruits. Here the table which will help to be guided with the maintenance of food fibres in those or other products.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Mood Of Spirit Unusually Recovered, Laughter Without Cause,

Mood of spirit unusually recovered, laughter without cause, variability of mood. the Moscow hut is shown at hysterical and persons owing to cold. All these three means at intestinal sufferings at children ordinary have the general symptom (devocalizations), but the choice between them is not difficult. Other very characteristic symptom of this means - excessive dryness of a mouth. The mouth so dries that language is pulled together to a root though thirst is not present. Language, a lip and a drink absolutely dry. Certainly, there are also other means at which there is such dryness without thirst. For example, Apis, Pulsatilla and Lahezis, but in this respect Nuks the Moscow hut above all. Besides at Nuks the Moscow hut is strong suffering, from gases. The stomach is blown excessively up, especially after meal. There are two means when there are pains and anxiety from outside a stomach immediately after meal and even when the patient behind a table. It is Nuks the Moscow hut and Cali Bihromikum.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

3. Addition To A Cocktail Of Food Fibres

3. Addition to a cocktail of food fibres does not give particular advantages, and here taste worsens considerably. Food fibres are desirable, but it is better to receive them in more natural form, with vegetables, fruit and grain products. 4. The price. Basically, the cocktail should not increase your expenses on a food. Among analogues it is not necessary to pursue expensive mixes - usually they have no what or advantages before more accessible. However if near at hand the nutritious mix is not present, or for any reasons it does not approach you, we will result a variant of a day of limited intake of food where the nutritious mix will be replaced by a cocktail which on structure approximately corresponds to dietary modifiers but which it is possible to prepare from usual products. For this cocktail low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, or fermented baked milk fat content not above 2,5 %, the welded groats (rice, ), fruit (apples, pears, , a banana and so on), (at will) be required to us. We prepare a cocktail so we take on 50 cottage cheese and fermented baked milk, 100 small cut fruit, grammes 50 welded groats, pair of teaspoons (go in addition table spoon of groats if do not want ).

Sunday, January 4, 2009

For Bruises And Bruises From Blows Or Bruises

For bruises and bruises from blows or bruises there is no better a means, than Ledum. Atsidum Sulfurikum who is very useful at smudges from the same reason, especially if is the exhausted or weakened organism inclined to or decomposition of blood. At such pathological condition should be and characteristic symptoms of this means. Often we have bruises under a connecting cover of an eye or in an albuminous cover, for which Nuks-Vomika is specificity, but for "an eye bruise" from a punch any means will not be compared to Ledum in 2nd or 20th division. - good means for chipped wounds, for example, when the needle or a hand is driven in a foot pierced , etc. Also if insects, especially sting mosquitoes though modifications here are again necessary. There is a difference what are mentioned fabrics at such chipped defeats. If, for example, a nerve it is necessary to prefer Giperiku if - Ruta; a bone - of Kalk Phosphorus or Simfitum to cause or restore reunion. It is necessary to mention because it is told about Ledum at eye damage; if from a bruise - there is a severe pain in the eyeball - that can be necessary to resort to Simfitum.

For Example, To Fall Asleep Fat, To Wake

For example, to fall asleep fat, to wake up the thin. I think, nobody doubts its answer! And if the person cannot formulate motive for growing thin, does not mean at all, at it this motive is not present. It is not necessary to underestimate so-called instinctive, intuitive motives. As any animal, the person lives, subordinating the activity to three basic instincts - safety, satiety, reproduction possibility. If, having grown thin, the person becomes physically stronger, more successful and self-assured at it the feeling of safety raises. If, having grown thin, it becomes more attractive outwardly at it possibilities of realisation of an instinct of reproduction increase. Our instincts - the most powerful engines defining, finally, the majority of our motives. Also it is not necessary to hesitate of our instinctive desires. If the weight loss makes you more attractive, more sexual, more successful, what in it bad? Now actually about motives, about these extremely important for us "what for?": All motives for a weight loss can be divided conditionally on abstract, concrete and semiconcrete.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

.. Such Here In The Image Through Interest To

.. Such here in the image through interest to the natural life, and further through feeling of gratitude to the organism we also come to love to. We do this love mutual more truly. Can not doubt, our organism loved us always, and is many long years meek! If our love is sincere, it, undoubtedly, will be shown in care of a body. And here already and a food we will choose more usefully, and walks become for us habitual, and the children we will learn to new more correct and useful relation to the organism. Well and it is not out of place to mean that for the help in the decision of all personal problems including problems of the underestimated self-estimation, exist, professional psychologists and psychotherapists. It is possible to ascertain with satisfaction that our society on the sly gets psychological culture and accordingly the quantity of references to experts grows. And at the same time to us still for a long time will where grow. To the developed countries in this sense to us still very much and very far.