Your time is almost up.
Hello dear,
There is no reason to relax at all but ẏou ԁon’t neeԁ to panic anԁ haνe to
read my message carefullẏ.
It is reallẏ important, moreoνer, it’s ...
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
And Accordingly, It Will Not Be Supported. So,
And accordingly, it will not be supported. So, most likely, it will not manage to keep the reached result. Delicatessen - process of preparation and eating of the tasty and beautifully served meal, pleasant enough and fascinating employment. The people who have been carried away by a delicatessen, or resorting to it as to a medicine for boredom and monotony of an ordinary life, risk to type superfluous kgs, and will experience additional difficulties at attempts from them to get rid. Dialogue is necessary for the person. Pleasant dialogue creates sensation of a peace of mind. And, on the contrary, at deficiency of dialogue there is a sincere discomfort. The meal can act as an occasion to dialogue (feast), as the factor, its making out, as the factor, tone setting to dialogue. If the person from all ways of dialogue prefers a joint meal and communicates thus intensively enough and often excess weight increase in these conditions will be extremely probable, and at attempts of superfluous kgs will get rid to arise additional difficulties.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Chronic Cholecystitis, Chronic : , ( ), ,
Chronic cholecystitis, chronic : , ( ), , , , . Chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis: phosphorus, , magnesia , , , , , , , , , , cinchona, . Chronic (aggravation): , camphor of Rubini, , , an aloe, , , , cinchona, , , magnesia , , , , sodium . a thick gut: , cinchona, , , , , , , magnesia , , , , , , opium, , graphite, , magnesia , rub , , a thuja, platinum ( ). Hemorrhoids, : an aloe, , , , , , graphite, , , . a rectum, a fistula: , , , , , graphite. UROLITHIC ILLNESS From homoeopathic remedies at a bad attack are recommended 3 , 12, 3, 3 , 6, 12, magnesia 6, 12. Homoeopathic treatment out of attacks should be directed first of all on regulation of exchange and digestive processes. At stones (in urine it is constant much and sand) appoint 6, 12. At infringement of a phosphoric exchange and phosphoric stones appoint 6, 12, and 3 , 6, shown at and stones. In these cases are recommended as (drainage) means 12 which is shown also at surplus in urine, and 3 , 3, promoting washing away of surplus of various salts from fabrics.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Operates Favorably On Blood Circulation Conditions In Belly
operates favorably on blood circulation conditions in belly bodies and on consecutive blood in lungs, therefore means appears useful at conditions, defeat of kidneys with formation of stones, a bladder, bleedings from a rectum, a bladder and lungs, nasal etc. Blood from various bodies usually bright red ( ), is absent only fear of this means. Means especially is recommended at bleedings after falling or damages (Arnica). Division: 1, 3 , 6. 107. Sabine (Sabina) - a juniper. It is extended in pine woods almost on all territory of Soviet Union. The juniper a coniferous evergreen tree, grows a bush in height to 5 m. Leaves at it needle, linearly-spherical, prickly, are located on 3 pieces. Use branches, leaves, cones, flowers. Components - the essence similar to turpentine, , apple and ant acids. Toxic actions - a poisoning of animals at bushes (there is an irritation mucous a gastroenteric path, ways). Sabine causes inflow to to bodies, a bleeding with severe pains in area and hips. For it the raised sexual excitability is characteristic, purulent bleach.
Monday, December 22, 2008
61. (Ipecacuanha) - An Emetic Root. Tincture Turns
61. (Ipecacuanha) - an emetic root. Tincture turns out from the pounded root with 5 parts of alcohol. Grinding with dairy sugar is applied also. The basic active beginning - . This means surpasses all others at a nausea. Any frustration accompanied by a constant nausea, and to the patient does not become easier from vomiting, and after it. amazes all intestinal path. One their characteristic symptoms the sensation as though a stomach and guts are weakened is and have fallen downwards. Excrements: 1) with the fermentation phenomena, as yeast foaming; 2) green allocation, mucous or watery, 3) mucous excrements with blood (especially at children in summertime). Nausea find at a headache ("as ", at a pain in all bones of a head. It, for example, happens at rheumatism, but necessarily accompanying symptom - a nausea. On Goering, "a nausea, a painful constant, almost at all frustration, with an empty eructation, strong and desires on vomiting". amazes a mucous membrane of respiratory bodies as strongly, as well as digestive.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
The Child At Whom The Mouth Is Full
The child at whom the mouth is full of a spoilt teeth, and gums and are ill, will find the best to itself the friend in Creosote. The children's cholera - usual possibility at such children also happens very heavy property, since. Vomiting happens continuously and excrements to a putrid smell. Creosote at a children's cholera is shown, when it is as though from a painful teething or in this connection. 200 division is applied. It also one of our best means against other kinds of vomiting. At vomiting of pregnant women and at vomiting of other persistent illnesses of the stomach, known under the name of a softening of a stomach ( ). Creosote has sharp characteristic signs from outside : plentiful pale urine, impossibility quickly enough to hasten behind a desire, so it is strong and sudden ( ) that the child is wetted during the first dream which so is deep that the desire cannot clear up the patient ( ) almost. It can be wetted only lying (Tsinkum, Threw) and when it sits having bent back.
It If Will Be, At All Tomorrow. And
It if will be, at all tomorrow. And hunger, it here it. It here and now! Here councils can be as psychological, and . Example of psychological decisions. You unostentatiously remind yourselves of the purpose. For example, somewhere in a prominent place at you the photo where you are harmonous and graceful hangs and very much it be pleasant to itself. Or the opposite variant - in a photo is represented the person thick what you, probably, were, but at all would not like to be again. One our grown thin patient told that it has hung up such photo in a refrigerator. There is a joke that one American film star held a portrait of other movie star, the old competitor who have grown plump to a disgrace on kitchen... However, we like those images which attract, than what frighten more. Very fine will help business if you find a magic phrase which will magically adjust you on overcoming of difficulties and continuation of efforts. One our patient has decided to grow thin by New Year's holidays.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Bubbly, Like Pearls Pour Out In District Of
Bubbly, like pearls pour out in district of a mouth of an alternating fever find and at Natr. Moore. When the upper lip very much or has swelled up, we should mean three means to which it is peculiar: , Kalk. . And Natrum Muriatikum. Certainly, one symptom in itself is not of great importance, but means much, when it find together with other symptoms of this or that of these means. It is possible to express symptoms of gums in a word: . Here it is necessary to mean also Merkury, Karbo Veg, Atsidum Muriatikum. There is other funny symptom which senior Lipne results, it and I language, lips and in a nose. It happens at that chronic frustration of a liver and infringement of digestion which often is called as a biliousness condition. Here Natrum Muriatikum given in high division, eliminates this condition during very short time. The language ornamented as a map, find at Natr. , Arsennk, Lahezis, Atsid Nitrik and Taraksakum. . . Has sharp characteristics from outside appetite of thirst, desires and .
Monday, December 8, 2008
MENTAL FRUSTRATION Morbid Depression. Ability Loss To Think.
MENTAL FRUSTRATION Morbid depression. Ability loss to think. Weak-mindedness owing to . Confidence of fast death. Revaluation of own person, a sight haughtily on others. Unreasonable pride. The patient has an original delusion: at returning from walk all in the house seems to it reduced, and all members of household - physically and spiritually more low. Unstable mood - that cheerful, sad. Last symptom same, as at Ignatsii, the Moscow hut and Akonita Bunch. Change of symptoms of mood with physical symptoms pains in a backbone, is characteristic. Fear of death. The complex of similar mental symptoms does not meet at any other means. Mentality infringements serious enough, standing on the verge of sincere disease. NERVOUS BREAKDOWNS Any the neurologic pains which are gradually accruing and gradually falling down. The pain is accompanied amazed, sites. Character of occurrence of pains is similar to pains of Staniuma, but weakness not so is characteristic for Platinum, as for Staniuma. Pains with are at Hamomilly.
Friday, November 28, 2008
It Has Anxiety Which Resembles Anxiety Of Men
It has anxiety which resembles anxiety of men at Phosphorus at women: the person cannot remain is quiet in any position, should be in movement though from walking all symptoms worsen always. Divisions: 6, 12, 30, 200. 102. KOKKULJUS (Sosculus indicus) the Indian. Tincture prepares from fruits of Kukolvana with wine spirit. Operates on system, causing variety of the convulsive and paralytic phenomena, a condition similar to seasickness, a nausea, dizziness, , a breakdown. It causes paralytic weakness of a spinal cord and its especially impellent nerves, therefore it often give at a paralysis depending on diseases of a spinal cord. It is especially shown at the suffering beginning when the lumbar area of a spinal cord is surprised, there is a weakness in as though it is paralysed, is taken away at walking. Weakness in feet, knees are taken away, soles of feet as though stiffen, hips are ill, as broken. One hand at first grows dumb, then another, sometimes all top finiteness, and a brush is felt by the swelled.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
It Is Caused By The General Influence Of
It is caused by the general influence of a syphilis and a mercury poisoning ( ) , Atsid. , in these cases the first means. It has such positive action and on an opposite aperture of the digestive channel - back pass. Here there are grazes, cracks, ( ), cracked the tumours bleeding and very painful. Any means has no such resolute action on back pass, and rather characteristic symptom here is the severe pain after a chair, even when it soft. The patient of hour two after a chair rushes about from a pain ( ). At a dysentery this symptom distinguishes Atsidum Nitrikum from Nuks-Vomiki at whom after a chair there comes simplification, and from Merkurija at whom the desire happens all time to, during time and after a chair. Other rather important characteristic sign of this means at all these defeats - colic pains as though from prickles in a sick part. . has bleedings from all apertures of a body, and blood ordinary happens bright, especially at a typhus and a hemorrhoids. Atsidum Nitrikum - one of good means at a chronic diarrhoeia.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
All Is Possible. It Is Possible To Eat
All is possible. It is possible to eat any quantity of times and even, the more often, the better. The only thing - is necessary to limit consumption of fats by level of 20 % from daily caloric content. In practice it is an order of 35-45 grammes in day. Well also there can be still some restriction of consumption of sugar. Approximately on the one fifth, one fourth part... And corresponding increase in quantity food - groats, bread, macaroni, a potato. Numerous experiments have shown that people, passing to such food, lost on the average on 1-1,5 kgs a month within, at least, 4 months. And any has not noticed that he keeps to a diet - nevertheless it is possible! But thus they marked improvement of the general state of health and working capacity increase. I think, it not a unique diet which at enough easy shipping conducts to weight reduction. A general characteristic of such modes - any interdictions, rather easy (comprehensible) shipping and weight of bonuses - a weight loss, good state of health, a good high-grade dream, working capacity increase.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Glucose Is Necessary To A Brain. Is At
Glucose is necessary to a brain. Is at fats and plastic function. Fats participate in construction of cellular membranes, in synthesis of some hormones, are a source of fat-soluble vitamins. The minimum daily requirement for fats taking into account their plastic function does not exceed 30 Thus more preferably vegetative and fish fats (so-called polynonsaturated). The basic sources of fats - oils, fat meat and fat, nuts, creams, chocolate. For us here it is important to remember that the organism prefers fats to accumulate, and carbohydrates to spend. To complete the picture followed still to mention alcohol. It cannot be carried to one of the basic classes of nutrients. So, alcohol. Its caloric content of an order of 7 kcal on gramme. That is 100 vodka contain an order of 280 kcal. Alcohol usually increases daily caloric content. A product it not nourishing, demanding thorough snack. All know that after the use of alcoholic drinks appetite usually raises. So for those who is anxious by the weight control, the alcohol is better be not to abusing.
Friday, November 21, 2008
With The Medical Purpose, In Small Homoeopathic Doses,
With the medical purpose, in small homoeopathic doses, opium is used - in such painful conditions which are a consequence of such effects, as fear, a fright, having influence on nervous activity, also at other similar conditions, owing to abusing spirits (an oppression and relaxation condition), etc. means. Opium is pertinent against consequences of a chronic poisoning with some poisons, especially lead or mercury, at last, opium one of the main means in variety of illnesses in the presence of certain symptoms. In it is characterised so: a deafening coma dream with in a breast and faltering breath. Thus the person red and poured, eyes are overflowed by blood and half-opened, the skin is covered hot then. The condition it represents not that other, as to a greater or lesser extent a paralysis or a semiparalysis of nerves from pressure the vessels of a throat overflowed with blood or a head brain from what there are these phenomena from outside breath, an incontience and subsidence of the bottom jaw, allocation of a skin perspiration.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
It Is Shown At Chronic Diseases Of A
It is shown at chronic diseases of a stomach with a nausea, vomitings, and also at a nervous nausea, vomiting at pregnant women, especially in the morning on an empty stomach. Nausea at Tartare Emetike such strong as at Ipekakuane but not so constant and after vomiting decreases. It is more specific at a cholera and is very effective, as specifies Nesh, etc. At diseases in respiratory bodies if there is a big accumulation of slime with rough rattles, and forces at the patient do not suffice, that slime, - the first means will be Tartar Emetik (at any age, at various , but especially to children and old men). Divisions are used low - Zh, 3, 6, 12, but preferably high (200 - 1000). 63. KAUSTIKUM (Causticum Hahnemana). This substance prepares on Ganemana, very much an effective remedy influencing nervous system and a brain (head and back). Symptoms of influence of this means for all bodies and organism fabrics. The first of them is weakness as it is characteristic for alkaline salts in general.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
At This Means There Is A Bent To
At this means there is a bent to bleedings which are often very persistent. Bleedings happen together with is more white, they alternating almost stop are raised again and again. It happens often in the postnatal period. To choose probably between three means: Creosote, Rus Toks and Sulfur. This choice is solved by other symptoms. can be found at a cancer and then Creosote often is of great importance. It is a lot of cases in which there is a regeneration in a cancer, could be prevented the timely use of this means. In other cases there is a strong burning in a basin, as from the heated coals, and allocation of clots of blood to a fetid odour. recommends this means at a cancer of chest gland when it is firm, bluish-red and it is covered by hillocks. But at corroding pains and ulcers it is shown. There is no means which possesses more resolute action on gums, even Merkur, as Creosote. It do not use in a due measure often at a painful teething. Gums are very painful, swelled up and have a dark red or dark blue appearance, and a teeth collapses almost immediately as will be cut.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
As A Matter Of Fact, All These Actions
As a matter of fact, all these actions only will aggravate appetite. It would be much more effective to satisfy hunger by low-fat food then you will quickly be sated with a small slice of the fat product which has "tempted" you. Also let's agree. One business greedy is "having broken" and quite another matter to eat reasonably and slowly, knowing that interdictions do not exist also any product to you it is possible. Both, perhaps, the most important and the most interesting. As it has been established in enough considerable quantity of the scientific researches, definitely constructed physical activity can reduce appetite. The mechanism of this phenomenon see that against muscular activity level of adrenaline and in blood raises. And these hormones stimulate fat splitting. Besides, the nervous impulses going from working muscles, raise a brain tone, reduce a depressive mood. And time improves mood, means, the requirement for meal, as in the factor decreases. It is necessary to warn that such action reducing appetite any loading possesses far not.
Friday, November 7, 2008
By The Way, The Majority Of The People,
By the way, the majority of the people, trying to support weight, try to eat less more likely. This not so pleasant employment. Much more pleasantly, more usefully for health and, the main thing, more effectively to try more to move. The following, even more active impellent mode is interesting. My muscles in a good tone. I work as them much enough. Also look, what interesting arises here a chain of events: For reduction of muscles energy is required, and from muscles there are the impulses which are becoming isolated on a fatty fabric. These impulses stimulate fat splitting. Fat acids arrives in blood, and fill blood with energy. There is an energy, means, the requirement for food decreases. Appetite decrease is observed The interesting moment, whether a lie? Loading increases, the power consumption increases, and food consumption decreases. Why? That is why that the organism is switched to the expense of fat and eats the reserved energy. And differently, what was sense it to reserve? In general organism possibilities on extraction of fat from depot sometimes impress.
Monday, November 3, 2008
For Sabiny Gouty Defeat O , Especially Toes
For Sabiny gouty defeat o , especially toes is characteristic. If we find these sufferings at persons with a bleeding it is necessary to choose to Sabine. For Sabiny involving in a pathology of process of appendages of a uterus, especially after abortion or a gonorrhoea is characteristic. We, as well as some authors, in particular, Vavilov, recommend to Sabine at a uterus in 3 - 6 cultivations, it is good and in higher (6-200) divisions. Sabine is good means at a uterus. Especially in the climacteric period. This female means is often applied at a combination to inflammations of appendages of a uterus (more often on the right) and . Appointment of Sabiny is especially shown at in a combination to gouty changes in joints. 108. PLATINUM (Platina). Platinum represents serovato-white shining the metal not changing on air and dissolved only in imperial vodka. Platinum belongs to number few the elements extended in the nature. Its maintenance in earth crust is estimated by size of an order of 5-10 %.
A Pain In Cutting, In A Stomach Rumbling
A pain in cutting, in a stomach rumbling with transfusion in guts. Excrements liquid with burning in back pass. Juicy and strong with an itch in a nose. Anxiety, irritability, distrustfulness, memory easing. Suffering deterioration: in winter in cold, crude weather, at night, from meat. It is applied at a neuralgia of the person - link sided, a paralysis of an obverse nerve, language. Qatar of small intestines, at round worms. Divisions: , 3, 6. 122. (Tabacum) - tobacco. Tincture prepares from dried leaves of the Hawaiian tobacco. The basic operating means - nicotine. Symptoms of a poisoning with nicotine: weakness, feeling of weakness, trembling of hands, feet, heads. At the slightest excitement strong melancholy, an unconscious condition, a cold skin with cold then, a nausea, vomiting, strong constraint in breasts, weakness of heart. At moderate smoking Tobacco operates slightly excitingly, but then there comes an oppression condition. It the constant requirement for smoking (speaks as well as at the alcohol use).
) 25-30 And More Smoked Pork Sausages
) 25-30 and more Smoked pork sausages 35-45 Sausages and sausages 25-30 Pelmeni with addition of pork forcemeat 18-25 Butter and margarine 75-80 Drawn butter and culinary fats 92-98 Vegetable oil 95 Mayonnaise 70 Sour cream 25-40 Firm and * 30-50 Seeds of sunflower, pumpkins, nuts 30-50 Chocolate 40 Creamy ice-cream 15 Shortcake 12-25 * Fat content of firm cheeses is calculated on the dry rest. Real fat content of fresh cheese usually in 2,5-3 times below a tabular indicator By the way, pay attention, to use this table much easier, than the multipage table of caloric content of products. We prepare low-fat We advise, get household scales. Extremely useful thing. First, will always know, how many that has eaten. Secondly, will open for itself weight of the new. For example, it will appear that rice in five and a half, and macaroni in two and two tenth time boils soft in four and a half time. Egg weighs grammes 60, and a slice of bread enough the impressive sizes of an order 50.
If It Is Necessary To Raise Intensity Of
If it is necessary to raise intensity of trainings to do it it is necessary very cautiously. Prefer household kinds of loading which can be made literally on the move. In this plan walking by a fast pace on the way for work, or from work is optimum, and is possible, ten-minute walks in rate during a lunch break. Try to choose those kinds of loading which are pleasant to you in itself. If you do not love ski cross-countries, hardly you should apply them to a weight loss. Loading can "become boring" in the same way, as well as monotonous food with which you are compelled to eat every day. Therefore, diversify employment, alternate kinds of loadings. If you do house exercises, it is possible to combine employment with music listening, viewing of films, or telecasts. Chapter 4. The ideal program of weight reduction in practical execution Now we will pass to the characteristic of the program of a food optimum for a successful weight loss and weight maintenance. We wish to pay your attention.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
This Means Is Shown At Chronic Cases Of
This means is shown at chronic cases of a gout, the rheumatism, kidneys accompanied by illnesses and a bladder, at uric stones, at corresponding weakness of sight, at excessive sensitivity of eyes. It is shown at chronic rheumatism with heart defeat. Rheumatic pain in the field of heart at any of movements, pressure. A pain, a redness, sensitivity of small joints. In urine a deposit of slime, blood, pus, uric acid. Divisions: low 3 , 3, 6. 119. (Solidago) - a gold rose. A gold rose. The essence from fresh prepares. Operates mainly on urinogenital bodies, especially on kidneys. The basic symptoms: pains in a waist, in the field of kidneys with return in a bladder. Urine dark with a deposit, contains fiber, blood, slime is allocated in small quantity. Or urine light, evil-smelling. Complicated, painful . Allocation from the channel of whitish slime. It is applied with success at an inflammation of kidneys, a gout, and also at a hypertrophy glands. Divisions: , , 3, 6. Similar means: Cannabis of Satava, Likopody.
It Is Interesting, As Flavouring Sensations And Food
It is interesting, as flavouring sensations and food habits vary, it is interesting that the easy meal, appears, can sate to a full measure us, and already in small amounts. It is interesting to trace, as your outlooks on life and as the relation of associates to you varies vary. From here a rule - Be interested in everything that to you occurs, be interested in details. Interest does our life filled and happy. The Dietologichesky decision - try to build a diet so that it would be transferred as much as possible comfortably. If hunger can kill motive, what for risk and appoint to itself hungry modes? Remember, the motive will give birth to desire to grow thin, and my brain prompts me that way to which should do it. If the brain is mistaken and prompts me too rigid, literally an intolerable mode it is clear, no motive will suffice, what this mode to execute. The conclusion is obvious - We should not only to try strengthen desire to grow thin, but also to attend to studying of the organism and search of physiologic ways of reduction of weight of the saved up fat.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Any Knock, Rustle Awakes Patients, They Often Wake
Any knock, rustle awakes patients, they often wake up, shudder, groan in the sleep, they are tormented by nightmares, there are they not freshened by a dream. Probably also alternation of a sleeplessness with the raised drowsiness. The stutter which has arisen after a fright, is treated by Ignatsiej. The headaches caused by infringement of brain blood circulation, intellectual intense work or sincere excitement, more often unilateral as though into a nape drive in a nail, the pain accrues gradually and (Atsidium Sulfurikum) terminates suddenly in vomiting or plentiful . Strong squeezing (a hard bandage round a head), lying on the sick party, heat facilitates a headache; deterioration comes from a breathless attention, coffee, alcohol, smoking, a tobacco smoke, bright illumination. The headache is accompanied by feeling of hunger. Sometimes has pulsing character, is worse at level of eyebrows, in eyes, at a nose root. Terminates in vomiting or plentiful . At illnesses - thyroid gland increase (including a knotty craw); patients complain of trembling, hypererethism, tearfulness, palpitation, a ball in a throat, especially at excitement.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Trying Over And Over Again "to Overcome Itself",
Trying over and over again "to overcome itself", and every time testing bitterness of defeat, we involuntarily reduce the self-estimation, we start to think of ourselves as about the loser, doomed to drag pity existence. in something one immediately extends on other spheres of human life. And we, starting any new business, are already subconsciously ready to failures. And on the contrary, if we are successful in a weight loss what will prevent us to be successful and in other our undertakings? And from here very important conclusion: Violent weight loss - a direct way to losers. And on the contrary, a comfortable successful weight loss, a fine way to make successful all subsequent life. One more reason. The violent weight loss is injurious to health. Logically, it would be possible and to begin with it. Because health at a violent weight loss suffers first of all. But about health we think least. So, here the list of the most significant problems connected by rigid half-starved modes and excessive by trainings: The rigid modes constructed on sharp restriction of caloric content of a food it is very frequent if not to tell, as a rule, conduct to metabolism oppression, to decrease in a power consumption and, finally, to delay of rates of a weight loss.
Friday, October 24, 2008
According To The Symptoms Of Atsidium It Is
According to the symptoms of Atsidium it is shown and at respiratory ways with cough dry and a short wind at a pneumonia (in late stages), at palpitation and constraint in a breast, a chronic gonorrhoea, digestion frustration. The direction of its many symptoms from above from top to bottom and from right to left is characteristic for this means, pains are periodically more in rest and move from place to place often. Divisions: 1 , Zh, 6. 113. ATSIDUM (Acidum muriaticum) hydrochloric acid. This means - one of the best our means at a typhus - is found useful in cases of more languid, than where Atsidum approaches. It adjoins more close Karbo-Veget, than any other means. Indications for it at Goering are very well stated. Decomposition of juice, involuntary excrements at dark liquid blood, in a mouth many dark blue ulcers. An unconsciousness. The patient groans also all is declined from bed from top to bottom from excessive weakness, the bottom jaw has drooped, language dry, , wrinkled to third of the volume, paralysed.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Divisions: Low Mainly 3 (spasms, Paralyses, Neurosises, ),
Divisions: low mainly 3 (spasms, paralyses, neurosises, ), 3 (stomach ulcer). 69. ( ) and (Plumbum aceticum et metallicum) - 1) lead acetic; 2) lead metal. Lead metal - grindings with dairy sugar and then cultivations prepare. From acetic lead, lead sugar cultivations prepare water and spirit. Long influence even small amounts of lead connections on an organism causes subsequently a number of the phenomena of poisonings: lead , lead pains in joints, lead anaesthesia, lead blindness, frustration from outside a brain, paralyses, crushing defeats of kidneys and so forth Pljumbum mainly in chronic diseases or though and in sharp, but proceeding without a feverish condition is applied. The articulate pains corresponding to Pljumbum, appear more often at night, they are very strong and amaze the bottom finitenesses, sinews, are felt in joints and bones and facilitated from moderate pressure, pains can reach a paralysis (with obvious skin). One symptom is found very characteristic, and it has led to the strengthened appointment of means at various diseases.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Sauces What For To Impoverish The Food And
Sauces What for to impoverish the food and to refuse sauces?! Especially, calories it adds not much. For example, caloric content of tomato sauces and ketchups usually does not exceed 100 kcal for 100 In a teaspoon is located grammes 5, in dessert 10. Accordingly, and caloric content of your dish will increase a maximum by 10 calories. Now on sale there were low-calorie , 20 % of fat containing an order - approximately 200 calories on 100 grammes (classical contain about 70 % of fat and pull on 700 calories). In a full teaspoon such mayonnaise will be no more than 10 grammes - 20 calories, 2 fat. Well also what, because of 20 calories to lose the pleasure?! By the way, to water garnishes it is possible also the sauces formed at preparation of the second dishes. Bread For a long time have passed those times when growing thin bread categorically was forbidden. Now tendencies opposite. There are the researches showing that the more at the person in food of bread and groats, the more likely its weight will be supported at one level and will not accrue.
Friday, October 10, 2008
By The Way, And Excess Weight Or Unsuccessful
By the way, and excess weight or unsuccessful attempts get rid of it too can to create a condition of psycho-emotional discomfort, and as the means protecting from sincere sufferings, the meal can be used besides. There is a vicious circle, which not so simply to break off. Many psychological questions arise round appetite. Why sometimes so painfully to abstain from meal? Why in other cases we can forget about meal on all the day? How to appease appetite, how to transform it from the main enemy of all growing thin at least into the detached onlooker? And it is better even in the ally! Self-estimation. We will agree, if the person , it is not ready to changes, it is irresolute, at it and the motives are lowest, inducing to grow thin. The low self-estimation becomes a source of constant bad mood, depression. Naturally, on this background the meal role as household energizer raises. From the point of view of psychology the person grows thin at all for this purpose what to be thin. He hopes, having grown thin to get any new qualities approaching it to a condition of happiness, or, speaking differently - to a condition of long and rather easily reproduced psycho-emotional comfort.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The Basic Symptoms: The Nasty Teeth, Sick Gums,
The basic symptoms: the nasty teeth, sick gums, smelly corroding allocation, strong weakness. Divisions: 200 and above. 94. (Colchicum autumnale) . The essence from juice of the fresh root, mixed with an equal part to 90 % of spirit, or tincture from the dried up seeds with 5 prepares. 90 % of alcohol. Its basic action on mucous a stomach, intestines, on serous covers (pleurae, , a warm bag, on and articulate bags of small joints, on muscles (especially breasts), causing in them the inflammatory phenomena. Means at a diathesis (more often gouty character). This means has one reliable and positive symptom - disgust for the prepared food, to faintness. The second very important symptom is strong burning and feeling of an ice cold in a stomach and a stomach. , diarrheas with at patients with a gout. Tearing apart pains in small joints with the inflammation phenomenon (a hypostasis, ). Therefore this means is appointed against the articulate rheumatism wandering and gouty. Modalities. Deterioration at night and in cold, crude weather, at movement, a touch, at the sight of and a flavour of food.
And To That There Is A Set Of
And to that there is a set of acknowledgement. In general, a weight loss, or telling differently advancing expense of fatty stocks, this one of properties of ours with you of a metabolism. The principal cause on which you could not achieve a proof positive effect yet, is errors. Errors which have been admitted because of inexact knowledge of the nature of own organism, its metabolism, laws of accumulation and the expense of fatty adjournment. We will necessarily reveal and we will correct these errors. We will necessarily consider significant for us aspects of the device of our organism. And a weight loss, not the most difficult employment. It quite on forces to the person with the most usual will power which has clear aim and correct understanding of a situation. Let's consider that the weight loss can be comfortable (ideal) and violent. And it is very important to us to learn to distinguish one from another. The most important thing, and we will prove it, only the comfortable weight loss can lead us to success (to weight reduction, and long maintenance of the reached result).
Sunday, October 5, 2008
120. A (Lapis Album) - A White Stone.
120. A (Lapis album) - a white stone. The white stone includes , and fluorine. From a white stone grinding with dairy sugar prepares. Operates mainly on glands and a connecting fabric. The basic symptoms: a pricking pain in chest glands, a uterus, a stomach, heart, strong appetite, a severe itch of a skin, swelling and hardening of cervical and occipital glands. It is applied at tumours of glands, at a craw and tumours of mammary glands. On some authors, this means tumours of lips ( , ), a beginning cataract, a sarcoma and a cancer recovered. This means needs to be meant at and . Divisions: 3 , 3, 6, 200. Similar means: Silicium. 121. (Chenopodium) - smelly. The essence prepares from a fresh plant. operates mainly on nervous system (head, a spinal cord), a skin, mucous. The basic symptoms are: a pressing pain in a forehead and the left half of the face, especially along the bottom jaw, a pain pulling, pulling. Twitching of obverse muscles, a paralysis of the person and language. Sensation of dryness in a mouth and a pharynx, despite considerable saliva allocation.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Any Of Natural Products Has No Such Parity
Any of natural products has no such parity in the fiber and fat maintenance. For example, in usual milk fat content of 3 percent the relation fiber/fat is equal 0,8/1, in egg 1/1, in meat, depending on fat content it is a parity varies from 3/1 to 1/5. As the maintenance of carbohydrates in the Doctor (in recalculation on day consumption) approximately in 10 times is less, than usually we consume for a day, natural reaction of an organism to a food by this mix - an expenditure of own fat. The small amount of carbohydrates is necessary. They are used for a food by a brain. It improves intellectual working capacity, reduces displays of hunger and, hence, raises shipping of the program. By the way, by a principle the Doctor other unloading mixes are constructed also. A little varies a parity of fiber and carbohydrates, quantities of vitamins and minerals. In some of them there is more than fat. But these distinctions are not essential. Let's result the figures received by us during scientific processing of results under the program of application the Doctor .
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Table 2 Indicator Loading Excessive Loading
Table 2 Indicator Loading excessive Loading optimum Working capacity It is lowered It is raised Mood Often bad To thicket the good Muscular tone It is lowered It is raised Appetite It is raised It is often lowered Condition of the oporno-impellent device Microtraumas, muscular and articulate pains are rather probable Sensation of pleasant heat in muscles, feeling of "muscular pleasure" Quality of a life It is lowered It is raised Rate of a weight loss It is rather possibly slowed down It is rather possibly accelerated Taking into account all stated above wishes we should ascertain that run, is far not the kind of loading best for a weight loss. At least, to start employment. The matter is that run for the unexercised person appears enough business. The short wind and palpitation during training, small stretchings and ruptures muscular and fibres, a trauma of joints, long muscular pains after the training, all these troubles very often induce people to term to stop employment.
A Pier If To Completeness Conducts A Satiety
A pier if to completeness conducts a satiety condition, eating of a considerable quantity of tasty, fat both sweet things and reception of pleasure from food for a weight loss it is necessary to do all on the contrary. To remain hungry, is tastelessly and not to satiety. Contradictions of this logic are obvious. First, thin people in the face of the thick eat both chocolate, and smoked sausage and weight of other fat and tasty things and remain thus thin and lean. On the other hand. Anybody would not object, if the device of human mentality would allow us without loss of quality of a life and even somewhere with pleasure to transfer all these interdictions. But we are arranged differently. And owing to the device we remove sooner or later interdictions. This condition (condition of a violent weight loss) has two characteristic features. The first - to observe all these interdictions usually it is not pleasant. The second - I always appear is disappointed by result a little. "Was worn out" kgs on five, has grown thin only for two.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
We Will Give An Example. - A Distance
We will give an example. - a distance of run of 100 kilometres. Leaves on this distance of an order of 10-11 hours of very intensive muscular work. The expense of an order of 900-1000 kcals at an o'clock and accordingly an order of 10 thousand kcals on all distance. Certainly, during a distance sportsmen eat - basically sweet things, an order of 1000 kcal a little. Sugar - substance energy from which is taken very quickly is necessary. Is it is impossible much. After all everything that eat, it is necessary to drag on itself to finish further. And it is necessary also to drink. Water at such surplus loads is necessary. Whence the organism of the sportsman takes 9000 more kcals. From fat, there is no place more. Just to take such quantity of energy it would be necessary to send in an oven somewhere kg with small fat. Any other stocks of such quantity of energy in an organism does not exist. Means, the organism at corresponding training is capable to take and on fat kg a day. So, exists a certain mode of impellent activity (at each person the) at which splitting of a fatty fabric becomes more active, appetite a little decreases and the mood improves.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
A Pain Amplifying At Movement, Correspond , 3,
A pain amplifying at movement, correspond , 3, 3 , 3. 3 , 3 by turns with 12, 30 not only stop an attack nephritic gripes, but are shown in the period, is more effective at right-hand . For the termination , during an attack or after it appoint 2 , 3 , 2, 3, arnica 2 , 3 , 3, 3, 6, cinchona 2H - at repeated nephritic gripes at the mixed stones with the big deposit in urine. At a reflex delay of urine with pains and it is possible to appoint 3, 6, 3 , 3, 6, 12, 3 , 3, 3, 6, 1, 2 , 3, 1, 2, (also it is appointed at burning pains on a course the channel and ). In case of the joined infection and appoint 6, 12, 3, 3, 6, 3, 6, 6, 12, , 6. Thus, at urolithic illness: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Sharp cystitis, : , ( ), , , , , , , , , . Chronic : , , , . Chronic : , , ( ), , , phosphorus, , , , , , . : , , arnica, . Enuresis: , , , , . a bladder: arnica, . ILLNESSES OF JOINTS Artrozo-arthritises, osteochondrosis, : , , , , a lava, , , , , , , , rub , , , , cinchona, magnesia , , , , arnica, .
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
In These Cases For Which Natrum Approaches, We
In these cases for which Natrum approaches, we can find except usual - pallor, an organism exinanition (in spite of the fact that the patient eats well) rigid attacks of a beating headache, a short wind, especially at lifting on a ladder either on mountain or at other efforts. Poor monthly, or smaller degree locks ordinary strong sincere depression. This sincere depression is characteristic for Natrum Muriat sick many cries, as well as at Pulsatille, the consolation word operates on the patient soothingly and well, at Natrum Muriatikum on the contrary becomes worse. Almost always at anaemia cases there is a palpitation, trembling and even alternating action of heart. Natrum Muriatikum - one of the best, our means at chronic headaches. They are attacks what the strong palpation would specify in Belladonnu if it was not at patients anaemic, with pallor of the person or only weak colouring. If the person red and is hot, eyes are poured, the headache has character of palpation or despair then necessarily it is necessary to address to such means as Melilotus, Belladonna or Nuks-Vomika, solving a choice between them on the basis of accompanying symptoms.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Improvement At Hemorrhoids Comes At Walking. It Is
Improvement at hemorrhoids comes at walking. it is often shown at rectum loss, especially at children. Neuralgia, , - pains strong, compressing, pulling, the feeling in the form of crawling , an itch and small , more often wandering character is very characteristic. The important sign is reduction of pains at place change, simplification very short-term so the patient constantly changes position if in a condition rises and goes. Female diseases ( , dysfunction , a climax). plentiful and very frequent (each two weeks), blood dark, curtailed, strong compressing pains, feeling in the bottom of a stomach, uterus and vagina omission is frequent. The general nervous breakdown, an impressionability, palpitation, feeling of a lump in a throat, irritability. A delay . Skin diseases ( , ) - cause an itch, burning, . These sensations move from place to place, almost always obvious communication with excitement. This means has with what not a comparable symptom of a fever: - thirst only during a fever; - The fever decreases from warmth; - Heat amplifies at concealment of the patient, - A red face during a fever.
Friday, September 19, 2008
We Already Spoke, It Is Especially Difficult To
We already spoke, it is especially difficult to us to take energy from stocks in the evening. Again the meal also is again necessary to the person. Accordingly, owls, overeating in the evenings, more than food, than larks as a whole consume. And this food appears fatter and sweet is more often, than follows. It is more difficult to owls to keep to a diet. The conclusion - for our business would be better to become a lark, or at least to this type to come nearer. How it to make? Gradually accustom itself to go to bed before. Before a dream it is better to walk, take a bath. It will help you to calm down. Affairs more plan for morning. It is proved, in the morning both physical and intellectual working capacity of the person above, than in the morning. Chapter 3. An optimum of loadings What to apply loadings and exercises to those who wishes to grow thin rather and it is rather desirable, is one of truisms . Really, physical activities have a doubtless advantage. The working (reduced) muscle spends energy several times more than the based.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
In Total In Research Was 58 Patients At
In total in research was 58 patients at the age of 15 - are taken 59 years. From them men - 17 and women - 41. 8 patients had a first degree of adiposity, at 24 - the second, at 23 - the third and at 2 - the fourth. At 18 patients in an initiation of treatment increase of arterial pressure was marked. And 10 have been compelled to accept constantly concerning an arterial hypertension the medicines reducing arterial pressure. Patients have passed 12 week course. Thus they ate so that on one week at them was 5-6 unloading and 1-2 . Day of limited intake of food - during the day 3-4 portions the Doctor (instead of a breakfast, a dinner, before a supper and if it is required, for the night), plus 500-600 vegetables in the form of light salads. The supper consisted mainly of low-fat products, but included bread, and macaroni dishes. ?????????<???R a food products at own discretion with the general recommendation not to increase fat content of a food from above 40 in day. The doctor was thus applied on one portion before the basic food intakes.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
This Means Which Has A Characteristic Symptom "cold
This means which has a characteristic symptom "cold sweat on a forehead". All the same, whether there will be that a cholera, children's , a pneumonia, an asthma, a typhus fever, a lock, - but if the specified symptom is swept very up also by the patient in a condition like a faint, a collapse, or strong prostration (the general breakdown), Veratrum Album - the first means which occurs. This one of structure of the Ganemanovsky trio means (the Asian cholera) together with two both Kuprum . And the indications specified by Ganemanom for application of this means, stand and now as is strong, as well as during its time. It means that in their basis the natural law of the nature which is invariable "yesterday, today and tomorrow" lies. For Veratrum Album some brain symptoms are very characteristic: mania with aspiration to beat and tear a thing, especially bed-clothes, shameless and lewd conversations, religious or love delirium. Here it is necessary to make sometimes a choice between Veratrum and Stramonium.
Monday, September 15, 2008
, Since. Many Times Incurable Consequences Of Their Abusing
, since. Many times incurable consequences of their abusing have courted such trouble means, as others are frightened that former grassy doctors have rejected mineral medicines. In such fear has resulted their Merkurius. Homeopathists applied this means in such kind that bad influences have been excluded. and Norton write in this respect the following: "the Greatest service what we have from Argent. . It at a purulent inflammation of eyes. Having many cases in two hospitals and in private practice, they have not lost any eye from this illness, and treatment was conducted by internal means in most cases by means of Argentum Nitrikum in high divisions" (30 or 200). Under the influence of Argentum Nitrikum quickly passed inflammations with very strong hypostasis, the restrained eyelashes, rather plentiful purulent , even corneas considerably already grew turbid and began (subjective symptoms were not available almost.). Plentiful purulent allocation, swelling of eyelids from purulent congestions and hypostases of a connecting cover of eyelids are indications for this means (Apis, Rus).
In Blood High Enough Level Of Nutrients, And,
In blood high enough level of nutrients, and, accordingly, appetite is supported or not raised, or even is lowered. Really, it can use - if the training mode is picked up correctly, the organism passes to a food by the saved up fat and appetite decreases! Intensive and superintensive trainings quickly lead to exhaustion of muscles. Muscles relax, their tone falls, and we observe power consumption reduction. And very often happens so - during training the person spends much more energy, than in rest, but after loading in view of the expressed exhaustion it spends much less energy, than usually. Probably, the phenomenon observed by much scientists is connected with this mechanism - Superintensive loadings do not increase, and often on the contrary reduce a total daily power consumption. Quite another matter - trainings of smaller intensity. They do not lead to exhaustion, moreover - the muscular tone after their termination is not lowered, and long enough time remains raised. And the organism too spends energy which too takes from fat for maintenance of this tone.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Huge Majority Of Cases Passes From Sharp
The huge majority of cases passes from sharp in the chronic form and remains on all life. Patients frequently lose the image or remain with incurable suffering of mitral valves. Such case does not happen at homoeopathic treatment. On the contrary, the patients treated , ordinary recover and very seldom remain with any suffering of heart even if illness has begun for a long time as it sometimes happens. More often, of course, it begins in a back, finitenesses, joints in general and if treatment was passes to heart to which already it is impossible to get local treatment why remains here, will not develop yet and are not formed on adjournment valves. Rheumatism - one of those illnesses who represents many symptoms and the features supervising at a choice from the given list one, most corresponding case in point. There is a difference in results when appoint means on to indications and when them register on the simple pathological basis. It is not necessary a lot of experience that it to recognise.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The Aloe Has Rumbling Before A Chair, At
The aloe has rumbling before a chair, at Krotone in a stomach as though water transfusion. As both these means have deterioration from meal and drink it is necessary to search for other symptoms differing between them. Other symptom of means: the painful pain shooting from a nipple in a shovel of that party on which the child is fed. Being guided by this symptom, cured serious cases of an inflammation of mammary glands (mastitis). cures , specially when the rash very much itches and thus such sensitivity and morbidity at a touch that it is impossible to scratch. Here the main cases for appointment of this valuable means. Divisions: , 6. The similar: , Veratrum (on intestines), Rus, Apis, Mezereum - on action on a skin. 75. NATRUM (Natrium sulfuricum) salt. . also one of our means against a diarrhoeia, both sharp, and chronic. Like Podofillum, Sulfurum, Nufar and Rumeks the diarrhoeia worsens in the mornings. drives the patient from bed. Natrum Sulfurik, like the Aloe, has in guts from gases.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Burning And In The Uric Channel After .
Burning and in the uric channel after . is the closest therefore to last symptom, and we remind here of similarity of these two means in relation to at a children's cholera. Such in the uric channel it is possible to meet at a chronic gonorrhoea, and in these cases allocation almost always happens light and watery, as it and at Natrum Moore on all mucous membranes. This one of the best means for pains pressing downwards with deterioration in the mornings at women. The patient has such feeling that it should sit to prevent loss. Such pain reminds us Sepiju at whom there is a sensation that the patient should cross feet for the same purpose. Thus; if we have a cash of symptoms of a chair and back pass, Natrum, and especially a condition it is possible to have confidence, of this means. Matochnye symptoms of Natrum are often accompanied by lumbar pains which are facilitated at lying on a back, as at Rus. Headaches after the monthly. They have character of palpation and, thus strong painful sensitivity of eyes, especially at turn by them.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
However, The Core That Does A Sandwich ,
However, the core that does a sandwich , is a stuffing. And very often happens so that the stuffing on and caloric contents considerably surpasses bread, and on to it concedes. Here look - a standard slice of bread - 40 , 100 calories, hardly probable one gramme of fat. A standard piece of sausage boiled (amateur, doctor's or not so fat ham) - weight 40 , 130 kcal, 11 grammes of fat. If a ham fat caloric content of a slice raises to 170 kcal, and fat content till 14 About the same standards, if our sandwich with circles of half-smoked sausage. Even worse business, if sausage - 220 kcal, 18 fat. Sandwich with oil and with cheese. Oil creamy - weight 20 - 150 kcal, 14 fat. Cheese Russian - weight 40 - 140 kcal, 12 fat. It turns out that on a bread slice we "put" 290 kcal and 28 fat. If you use the processed cheeses which fat content reaches 50-55 % the standard sandwich-type stuffing "pulls" on 280 kcal, the maintenance of fat of 20 the Sandwich with a fruit candy or jam. On a bread slice 130 kcal "lie".
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
More Likely Even On The Contrary. The Person
More likely even on the contrary. The person in a hatred condition as a rule undertakes too rigid physical efforts, enters too many interdictions into the food, tortures itself... As a result - failure both plentiful sweet and fat meal, as the universal comforter, a universal medicine for all everyday hardship, including with hatred to itself. How to get rid of hatred to itself? We will give one of possible psychological formulas: Concern the organism, as to a small house in which well to be tidied up. Agree, other small house at you never will be. Concern the organism, as to the child behind whom it is necessary to look after and feed with healthy food. And then it will long please with the beauty and health mummy. And the most important thing - hatred to itself usually arises, when force the organism to drag a half-starved condition, and it cannot suffer it and breaks. Do not put before itself impracticable problems! Remember: If your organism cannot suffer this or that influence, means these influences inhuman! How of itself to grow fond, when, apparently, there is nothing? Many people with the underestimated self-estimation, suffering from dislike for, understand that all will change for the better, as soon as they will grow fond of themselves.
Friday, August 29, 2008
We Will Notice In Passing That The Modern
We will notice in passing that the modern psychotherapy neglects so-called not psychological methods of correction of personal problems. And in vain. These methods have enough more potential. And the main thing, they can help to cope to the person with a problem, without staticizing it, without pointing attention of the person that at it "not everything is all right with mentality". And after all in our society with the lowest psychological culture people often are afraid to have personal problems (though at whom they are not present?), believing that presence of such problems almost an obligatory sign of terrible mental diseases. Especially well not psychological influences help at whom the self-estimation has decreased again, owing to repeated unsuccessful attempts to grow thin. Here it is simply useful to take into consideration that in these failures there is no your fault. Failures - a fruit of the errors, incorrectly chosen tactics, the overestimated expectations and so on. And if now you do not hasten, will understand a problem, correctly will set the task, define ways of its decision, and will consistently embody them in a life result it will be obligatory.
Here, Probably, Owing To Slime Accumulation In A
Here, probably, owing to slime accumulation in a throat (in bronchial tubes) Antimonium Tatrarikum. There is a big danger . Sensation of a web on the person (Barite, Graphite, Boraks). Fanlike breath of wings of a nose (Antim Tart, Likopodium). Heart hypertrophy ( ). Divisions: in most cases low and average, but also high 200,1000 (Kiev) at illnesses of nerves and a tuberculosis : Camphor, Sulfur, Gepar Sulfur, Arsene, Spongija, Cinchona, Opium, Koffea, Phosphorus, Iodine an antipillbox of Merkurija. 86. CIN (Cina) - a seed. Tincture prepares from plants with 5 . Alcohol. The basic active beginning - Santonin, substance poisonous. In Cin's big doses or Santonin cause a number of the phenomena, similar themes what are observed at children, suffering by worms, round small . The helminthic child is very uneasy at night - a gnash teeth during a dream, convulsive sufferings, screaming and a throwing in the sleep, at a whimsical, nervous, irritable condition, frustration of digestion with a gluttony and unsatiable hunger, a whooping cough, involuntary and other.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
It Is Much More Reasonable To Understand At
It is much more reasonable to understand at first with mood and with image of mobility. After all if with it all is debugged, and with a food no problems will exist. So... Chapter 2. How to us to find mood, optimum for a comfortable weight loss? The purpose of this chapter to learn to find the mood necessary to us and to stay in it as it is possible longer. Probably, you noticed, if mood good observance of the necessary diet does not make any difficulties, the tone is raised, and fat splitting goes advancing rates. In other words, The good positive mood, necessary condition of a comfortable weight loss. It is here again very important to us to understand that our food serves not only for satisfaction of requirements of an organism in nutrients and energy. It possesses still a number of so-called supervaluable properties. For example, the satiety condition is accompanied by sensation of comfort, rest, serenity. Accordingly people, something the disturbed depressions being in a condition can use food what to facilitate the state of mind.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Observance Of Unloading Modes Against Pregnancy Is Hazardous
Observance of unloading modes against pregnancy is hazardous to health enough of the woman and its future child. The feeding period. Very interesting situation. The matter is that only during feeding the human body allocates fat. For everyone 100 milk it is allocated 3,5 fat. Here again it is possible to grow thin very naturally, simply limiting consumption of fat with food. I will remind, as feeding, and pregnancy very risky periods in respect of weight increase. A malozhirnoe food, at least brings these risks to naught. Excess weight at the Big Boss. The big boss, is the man-chief with obvious signs of adiposity. Work nervous, is no time to eat, stresses, alcohol, the big consumption of fat, irrepressible appetite for a supper... The Result is fatal. But also observance of an unloading diet is impossible - immediately there is an irritability, dissipates The attention, falls working capacity. A fine exit, a food. If still somehow to raise impellent activity, the result of weight reduction can be very much even decent.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Many Authors Notice That Each Inorganic Means Has
Many authors notice that each inorganic means has the relatives similar to it, from a vegetative number. So: Cali Jodat and Fitolakka, the Aloe and Sulfur, Tsepa and Phosphorus, Hamomilla and Magnesia , Cinchona and Ferrum, Belladonna and Kalkarea Karbonika etc. Divisions of Fitolakki low, but for the long use and to children we used 6,12, 200 with effect. 56. (Glonoinurn) - nitroglycerine. O operates on nervously-brain system, heart and blood vessels. Characteristic signs - rushes of blood to a head. Heavy feeling and completeness in a head. A knocking headache in a forehead, in temples or the cinciput, extending to a nape. Sensation, as though a head swelled up, dizziness, swaying, an unconscious condition. A pain in eyeballs, sight turbidity, a ring in ears. A pain or spasms in the field of heart; strong palpitation, frequent full or fast small pulse. The complicated breath, a short wind. The person red, bulked up or pale with dark circles under eyes. Sensation of weakness, weariness.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
The Aloe Like Podofillum Has Also Uterus Loss;
The aloe like Podofillum has also uterus loss; the feeling of heat, weight and completeness in a stomach, a basin and a back gut leads to a choice of this means. As well as Podofillum, yields positive reliable and satisfactory result. Divisions: 3 and high. Similar means: Nuks Vomika, Eskuljus, Sulfur. : vegetative acids. 74. KROTON (Croton tiglium). , the Aloe, Kroton cure a diarrhoeia. Its basic symptoms are that: first, a yellow watery chair. Secondly, suddenness of eruption, as at a shot. Thirdly, exasperation from meal, drink. In such connection of Kroton surpasses all medicines. The first symptom considerably is available for Apis, Kalkarea Karbon, Cinchona, Gratsioly, Giostsiamusa, Natrium Sulfurikume, the Thuja. The second at Podofillum and the Thuja. The third at Argentum Nitrikum and Arsenik. For Kalkarea Karbonika the temperament, Cinchona for cases of easing from loss of juice is characteristic , and all others have very appreciable symptoms which distinguish them from Krotona.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
We Try That These Dishes Would Be Not
We try that these dishes would be not so fat. However look, thus they look very much even appetizing. Aspic from fish Basically, any fish what it is pleasant to whom will approach. The most low-fat a pike perch, a pike, - fat content of 0,9 the Crucian, and the perch is fatter - to 3 %, a carp, a humpback salmon - to 6 %, a salmon - to 10 %. Pike perch (fillet) - 200 , carrots - 50 , an average bulb, a bay leaf, parsley greens, fennel, gelatin food. In the boiling added some salt water to lower cut with slices of a fillet of fish and to cook to readiness. Further fish to take and spread out on . In a boiling broth to add carrots, a bulb entirely, greens, spices. To cook to readiness of carrots. A bulb to throw out. In parallel we presoak gelatin. For this purpose 1 items of l. Gelatin granules to fill in with a glass of boiled water at a room temperature. To allow to stand 30-40 minutes. To heat up, without leading up to boiling at continuous stirring. To filter, cool. To mix with a broth.
Monday, August 4, 2008
And Still. As The Given Mode On Subjective
And still. As the given mode on subjective sensations - feeling of hunger which is obliged to be is dosed out and a sense of fulness which should be avoided (from satiety I I get fat, for hunger I grow thin) I all time as though "twist nuts". If yesterday, I have eaten here so much food and have managed to sustain it next day I will try to eat even less. And so on, while closely I will not come nearer to that quantity of food with which well cannot already satisfy me in any way. Further failure. Give remember that shipping of such "prohibitive" modes depends on that, they reduce weight or not. Sometimes, especially when the person grows thin tolerably enough, to observe interdictions to it even it is pleasant. But all varies, when the weight ceases to decrease, or this decrease is slowed down. Tortures lose meaning... It is here again very important to understand that, having broken, I will pass in any way in area of the third or second circle (comfortable weight reduction or its long maintenance) that would be quite tolerable and even it is desirable.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
And To Begin With Also It Is Not
And to begin with also it is not required. Too important advantage. The person going not so attracts attention, as the person running. Many people hesitate to run. If they are engaged in improving walking, they will simply make impression of the hastening person. No more. Effects usually necessary for us arise, if rate of walking of percent on 10-15 more than we go usually. Duration of employment can vary from 30 - 40 minutes about one hour, periodicity of an order of 5-6 trainings in a week. If you do not have time for long training, anything terrible. There is the scientific data showing that efficiency of employment does not decrease at all if it proceeds not 30 minutes for time, and for 10-12 minutes three times a day. Are thus rather valuable such small at first sight, loadings, as ten-minute walking on the way for work, either from work, or during a lunch break. To begin, certainly, follows from easy trainings on 20 minutes spent in feasible rate for you, further gradually increase duration and rate of employment.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Step Of The Second. We Start Practice A
Step of the second. We start practice a food. We are accustomed. We find dishes comprehensible to and ways of their preparation. We learn to eat more often. Any efforts at this stage are better be not to undertaking. It will be was in time. Step the third. We normalise a dream. We enter into use of walk. We try improving walking and other impellent modes. I remind that impellent modes can "become boring" in the same way, as well as those or other products. Bring a variety, alternate trainings. Step the fourth. We try an unloading mode. In the first days we put a problem to achieve satisfactory food comfort. All restrictions it is entered very-very gradually! It is very important to build an unloading mode so that it at all would not reduce physical and intellectual working capacity. Step the fifth. Now we have to the full seized Strategy of a successful weight loss. We alternate efforts, we manoeuvre. There is a spirit, apply an unloading mode. There is no spirit, do not torment itself, we pass on a diet.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
The Loadings Constructed By A Principle "the More,
The loadings constructed by a principle "the more, the better", this decrease in a daily power consumption and appetite increase, decrease in mood and increase of probability of failure. On the other hand, loadings less intensive, this increase of a tone, increase of a daily power consumption, stimulation of splitting of fat, increase of mood and very often appreciable decrease in appetite. The conclusion is obvious - loadings of average intensity, it that is necessary for us! And now it is a high time to understand, how such loading to pick up? The first that here it is necessary to consider, Intensity of optimum training - strictly individual concept. At loading dispensing it is necessary to be guided only by the possibilities and to proceed only from own sensations. Really, all people possess various . The Same loading for one person can appear excessive, and for another insufficient. From here by the way one of lacks of employment by physical culture in groups. Very difficultly if not it is impossible to pick up optimum loading at once for all participants of employment.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
.. Appetite Increase. Yes-yes, Impulses From An Oral Cavity
.. Appetite increase. Yes-yes, impulses from an oral cavity from flavouring too go through a formation and too, it, raise mood. There is no pleasure from movements, will replace with its pleasure from meal. Usual switching, I either move, or I eat. This very important rule, friends whom further we can use At correctly picked up and sufficient physical activities appetite very possibly decreases. And, on the contrary, at appetite increase can be observed Earlier when the person was a part of the wild nature and a little than differed from other animals, it had very accurate communication between impellent activity and food getting. Human life, as well as other animals, rotated on a circle - a physical activity, the raised muscular tone, connected basically with food getting. And here further, when the food is found, there comes relative muscular rest and an organism is switched to its absorption and digestion. Concentration of nutrients in blood decreases - it is necessary to release a place for new nutrients which now will start to be soaked up.
Nervously-brain Defeats: 6, 12, 200, 1000. 58. ZINC
nervously-brain defeats: 6, 12, 200, 1000. 58. ZINC (Zincum metallicum) - this metal operates mainly on nervous system. It has property to raise and strengthen in nervous system and as though to return functions to a normal state and to deduce from an organism pathogenic products. Zinc - nervously-brain means, its main symptoms - tearing and pulling pains in different places of a body, sensation in breasts, palpation of arteries in all body sensation , feeling sheathe weakness slackness, weakness, trembling. Weight in the bottom finitenesses intolerableness of noise, deterioration of sufferings after a dinner, and also from wine, beer and stimulants. Disgust for warm meal, meat, sweet. Deterioration from the letter and long proceeding work, a pain in a waist, a back, at sitting and deterioration at walking. But the most characteristic sign at the general nervous weakness is "the continuous sensation of languor in and the bottom parts of the feet, forcing constantly to move them". Sometimes there is a burning along a backbone, and also and twitching in different muscles and especially - the general trembling.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
All Body Cold, As Ice. The Cold Skin,
All body cold, as ice. The cold skin, the grown cold person, cold back. Hands cold, as ice. Foot and a shin cold (a trunk surface cold, covered cold then - Tabakum). Spasms in calves. All is authentic symptoms which show, the case and nevertheless can be cured can reach what extreme degree of a collapse. Such condition can be found at swift-flowing, sharp cases. Like a cholera, at latent sharp , at a bronchitis, a pneumonia, a typhus or alternating fever. But what sort disease would be, if at it there are collapse phenomena (the general breakdown) and especially if there is an important characteristic sign "cold sweat on the person and on a forehead" - we can be assured that Veratrum Album can be, more exciting. At diseases Camphor costs rather close to Veratrum, and only at the last excrements are plentiful and similar to rice broth whereas at Camphor they are poor or nearly so absolutely are absent. Pains of Veratrum very rigid, sometimes leading up the patient to delirium. It also good means against the rheumatism having deterioration in crude weather, forcing the patient to lay down in bed (Ferrum .
Friday, July 18, 2008
All It Is Mixed. At Us It Has
All it is mixed. At us it has turned out two portions of a cocktail. Its taste can be varied choosing different fruit and groats. On a day of limited intake of food 4 portions of a cocktail, 400 vegetables except a potato, to steam of slices bread or grain , unlimited quantity of unsweetened drinks (it is possible with ) and plus to all to it a supper, precisely same, as well as in our recipe with cocktails are supposed. At last, the third variant uniting first two is possible. Nothing prevents to alternate to us days when we use a cocktail for a weight loss, or a cottage cheese mix. It is possible to proceed and from calculation that on calories one portion of a cocktail the Doctor corresponds to half of portion of a cottage cheese mix. It will allow you to replace easily with one another and during the day. The conclusion. Five steps to the purpose So, as we have found out, the weight loss can quite be comfortable. And moreover, the success of the enterprise is guaranteed only in the event that we from the very beginning avoid violent acts.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Here Argentum Is Shown Doubly. If We Pass
Here Argentum is shown doubly. If we pass now to a back and finitenesses Argentum again finds the scope. The back pain (in ), facilitated at standing or walking, but amplifying at a rising from a sitting position, often meets in practice. All it is often eliminated by Sulfurom or Kaustikum, but also Argentum Nitr. If we find weakness in complaints to a back (Cali .) and thus (weariness) in the top and bottom finitenesses, or complication still dizziness and trembling of finitenesses it is possible to be assured that Argentum Nitrikum will render advantage. At a paralysis of feet ( ), at a bilateral spinal paralysis from the weakening reasons or a paralysis we can find Argentum Nitrikum shown. Also at an epilepsy or spasms, (epilepsy) can serve as a characteristic symptom in the first case expansion of pupils in some hours or days before an attack. At spasms they are preceded by some time strong anxiety. Such anxiety between attacks has also Kuprum threw. At last, at abusing of Argentum Nitrikum, especially on mucous membranes, Natrum will be the best antidote.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Difference In That Sick Platinum Not So Persistently
Difference in that sick Platinum not so persistently is in bad mood, as sick Hamomilly. Headaches with sensation as though the head is clamped in a vice. Spasms, mostly without consciousness loss. Convulsive spasms and twitchings of muscles. A hysterical asthma, a ball behind a breast. Various : crawling , , a cold in ears, eyes, a vagina. Sensation of paralytic weakness in feet, impellent anxiety in feet. Headaches with sensation as though the head is clamped in a vice. A hysteria. Neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve. A superficial neuralgia with and catalepsy. A sleeplessness at sexual excitation. Sexual sphere. Dysfunction - before term, plentiful, dark blood, very painful, with a fever, vomiting, a heavy general condition. Disease - the painful pressure extending from top to down in a direction to external genitals with sensation of an internal cold. Pains of neuralgic character, as pressure and on a bottom. Bends and uterus omissions. The nymphomania amplifying after the delivery. An itch and in the bottom part of a stomach.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The Sense Of Responsibility For An Error Is
The sense of responsibility for an error is much more perspective. The error can be revealed and analysed. Even if you do not manage to correct the error, you gain experience which will allow you to avoid similar situations in the future. Positive emotions only two - interest and pleasure. Even if there is especially nothing to rejoice, be interested. Be interested in people surrounding you, their circumstances, the nature, events. Study a life, study people, study itself. Extremely useful and fascinating employment. By the way, the satisfied interest, is the guaranteed emotion of pleasure! The purpose of existence of the person is achievement of a condition of happiness, or in other words, conditions of a long and rather easily reproduced condition of psycho-emotional comfort when positive emotions prevail over the negative. Very often, aspiring fortunately, we get apartments, cars, summer residences and so forth. It seems to us that together with following acquisition and there will be to us a happiness.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
And Too All Same Four Possible Conditions -
And too all same four possible conditions - four possible views and a set of ideas. The first - views which allows me and further to increase fatty weight. Thoughts of type "we Live once!", "in a life and so there is not enough pleasure!", "I am not necessary to Anybody!" And so on. Bad mood, alarm, apathy, a condition of idleness, boredom, depression. All it necessarily induces appetite. The meal calms, consoles, brightens up monotony. But that is inevitable, the meal, especially fat, focuses an organism on fat accumulation. Naturally, there are any views or ideas which promotes maintenance of weight of a body. For example, such. "Meal, undoubtedly, the pleasure, also would be silly to itself in it pleasure to refuse. But if I is thick, a number of things I cannot allow myself any more. For example, it will be heavy to me to make travel, it will be inconvenient to carry away, get the love novel". The order of thoughts assuming stable weight, necessarily supposes that health is very important value, the important manor.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
The Appetite Centre Reacts To Glucose Level In
The appetite centre reacts to glucose level in blood. And at decrease in this level there is a sensation of discomfort and the desire connected with it to attempt. If the food is accessible, the animal goes at once is. If getting of food demands long transition, or in a case with predators, tracings and prosecutions the system, energy from stocks joins. There is a fat splitting, level of nutrients in blood raises and hunger torments recede. But from time to time they remind of themselves, and every time more and more persistently. It forces an animal to be more and more refined in search of food. But here the food is found. Actually the satisfaction of a food instinct and pleasure from this satisfaction further follows. The nutrients arriving with food, a part are used at once for energy extraction, with a part fill up stocks. Creation of stocks is necessary, because it is absolutely not known, when next time it will be possible to get hold of meal. Sensitivity of the centre of hunger definitely depends on time of days and from a season.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
And So. To Have Supper Not Harmfully. Moreover,
And so. To have supper not harmfully. Moreover, refusal of a supper fine enough reduces quality of a life, is hard transferred and very often conducts to refusals of observance of an unloading mode. Thereupon I recommend to leave a supper in a food. But if to you the dinner is more expensive, leave a dinner. At last, it is possible to alternate - in one day to leave a dinner, during other supper. This, "left" food intake is under construction by the principles already stated by us above. It is less than fat and hardly less sugar. If not fat, them it is possible not to limit products. We carry out other food by means of a certain set of products and dishes. Here again there are three variants. We use nutritious mixes or so-called dietary modifiers. We apply some dishes of independent preparation which on structure (fat, fiber, carbohydrates and calories) are very similar to mixes for a weight loss. We somehow combine first two variants or we alternate them. Day so, day so. Give these variants we will characterise.
Friday, June 20, 2008
If All Is Picked Up Correctly No Problems
If all is picked up correctly no problems with a food will exist. As there were no they both with loadings and with mood. And on the contrary. If you feel discomfort, strong unpleasant hunger, test burdens of interdictions, something means with your plan of a food not so. It seems that too rigidly you undertook yourselves. It is necessary more softly. Remember, too rigid diet, a direct way to a weight set. However at first Some essential remarks on a metabolism and energy The overall objective from which we eat food, it to get energy. Energy is necessary for us absolutely for any our action - maintenance of a metabolism, a constant body temperature, breath, warm reductions, muscular work and so on, all these processes require constant inflow of energy which contains in food. However, not all food components possess energy, but only three. These are fibers, carbohydrates and fats. In a few words we will characterise everyone: Fibers These are nutrients with power value on the average 4,1 kcals on gramme.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Once Again I Will Remind, The Good High-grade
Once again I will remind, the good high-grade dream, to its decrease has a direct bearing on weight increase, and. Reception the fifth "Pharmaceutical" Try without extreme need on that not to resort to the help soothing, somnolent and means. It is unsafe. However soft calming grassy gathering why also is not present? , a hawthorn, a root extract , . Some of them can be applied and as infusions to baths. Calming action baths with some salts and aromatic oils possess also. Once again I pay your attention. Look, for the decision psychological, in general, problems it is possible to apply the methods which do not have the direct relation to psychology with success. Also it is not necessary these to neglect. Very many vital disorders result from this that we cannot take care in a kind way of ourselves favourite. The mood happens that bad, good. To go every time to the psychologist, you are not. And as very often background for bad mood serve bad meal and . And on the contrary, an adequate food and an active impellent mode are capable to translate mood from sad in active and raised.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
It Is Necessary To Remain Only Within The
It is necessary to remain only within the limits of these quantities. Most of all we of gourmets are brought by wrong vision of a situation. A pier if in a weight set has resulted hobby for food for tasty, various, rich spices for a weight loss it is necessary to do all on the contrary... That is, the food should be fresh, monotonous, boring and so on. And we try to live from time to time on this precept. However every time, entering struggle against true desires, we only complicate the existence, doing by its time on so much intolerable that "failure" and a new coil of increase of weight become natural and inevitable. Do not repeat more than these errors. Direct the gastronomic creativity on reduction of fat content of a food under condition of obligatory preservation of its quality is better. Do not neglect possibility to eat more often. Use a plug and a knife is more often, instead of bite off from the whole piece. Too concerns, vegetables and fruit. It is better to eat them in the wiped or small chopped kind.
To Read Them Follows Slowly, Pondering Upon Sense.
To read them follows slowly, pondering upon sense. There is nothing terrible if you doubt the forces. Doubts are peculiar to the majority of people. It, so to say, an obligatory component of personal development. You absence of doubts more likely should guard. There are no bases to think about is lowered, if at you not the best car, not the biggest house and not the higher education. After all will change nothing, if you we will get the car better! All the same, the weight of people will have cars even better yours. Whether to change the approach is easier and to look for meaning of the life not in an infinite train of acquisitions, not in a duel with other people, and in something more standing? Matter is not in a manor, and in the relation to the available! How to get rid of hatred to itself? It seems to much, hatred helps that to grow thin. A pier, the more strongly I hate fat which hides my harmonous feet and a flat stomach, the more strongly at me motive of this fat to get rid. It not absolutely so.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
At Any Spasms From Disappeared In Skin (
At any spasms from disappeared in skin ( ) Kuprum the first means which should come on thought. These spasms can be also at painful ( ), at the permission from burden, at postnatal pains. Then, besides any local defeats, Kuprum it can appear shown at an epilepsy, a cholera and others - often nervous spasmodic defeats in general. There is one feature in spasms Kuprum showing this means: spasms begin twitching in thumbs of hands and feet and therefrom extend and become the general. There is also other symptom which Farrigton considers rather valuable, namely: "a sincere and physical exhaustion from intellectual overfatigue or dream loss". It reminds Kokkuljus and Nuks-Vomiku. in potentialities operates quickly. Modalities. Deterioration on cold air, a cold wind, at night, before . Better from cold drink. Divisions: 3, 6, 12. 96. , Aljumen, Aluminium (Alumina). Aluminium - Gliny. A basis of the clay, belonging to the most widespread in the nature to elements (metals). or Aljuminium , water aluminium, pure alumina.
Monday, June 9, 2008
So, For Example, After The Exhausting Trainings Accompanied
So, for example, after the exhausting trainings accompanied by expressed exhaustion, appetite raises more likely. For achievement of the necessary effect training of average intensity, without , and other , leaving after itself pleasant sensation of heat in a body, feeling of vivacity and good mood is more likely necessary. And one more rather important moment for us. Very many our patients marked decrease in appetite and good food comfort even on unloading diets if they very accurately realised, what for they should grow thin, and moved to this purpose. All is correct. In this case there is a so-called psychological movement, or personal growth. The person realises that from the slave to habits it turns to a master of the situation. He realises that changes for the better. He realises that at last it was engaged in that business for the sake of which has been born on light, namely, to be happy. Also that now any vital problem to it on a shoulder. Interest to, to the sensations, opening of weight new, including in a delicatessen.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
To Me It Will Be Very Pleasant And
To me it will be very pleasant and it is useful, if you take part in their discussion. And here the address on which you can send responses about this book Samara 443058, A.Matrosova's street, 6. The Samara scientific research institute of Dietology and Dietoterapii. Phones - (846-2 95-04-08, 95-92-95 and 73 10-00. An E-mail The most simple example of alternation of phases, is a daily biorhythm - in the morning and in first half of day it would be desirable to eat much less, than in the evening. At especially hungry modes rate of the expense of a muscular fabric can be comparable to the fat expense. On 1 kg of the lost fat 1 kg of the lost muscles will have. V.G.Korolenko, the story "Paradox" see You there really two. You as the person and you as an organism. So to you (as persons) are both with whom to have a talk and with whom Concrete motive - an obligatory component of a successful weight loss. At us about these motives the whole chapter. V.I.Ulyanov-Lenin For us this moment is extremely important.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Insufficiency Of Reaction, Especially At Stout Persons. Divisions:
Insufficiency of reaction, especially at stout persons. Divisions: , 6, 30. : CAMPHOR. 101. TARANTULA or (Aranea diadema) - (spider). This poison, as well as other poisons of spiders, has very clear nervous symptoms. It operates on a uterus and and in general on female genitals. At sensitivity increase ( ) or inflow ( ) in these bodies, being a source of the general hysterical condition, at a condition similar to a spinal neurasthenia, at sensitivity and a back pain, excessive anxiety, an impressionability, excitation, especially to music. When hands are in constant uneasy activity (Cali Bromatum) and especially still if there is a sexual desire or an itch. A tarantula can make much. The horejnye conditions, happening often further stage of the above described nervous conditions, especially give in to this means. Twitching or muscles together with other sufferings always should us tell about the Tarantula for which similar twitchings so are characteristic. Means it not so remember, how followed.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
It Is Observed And At Displacement And At
It is observed and at displacement and at the thin, weakened persons, and means it gave here brilliant treatment. Certainly, the marked symptom is very expressed at patients with defeat of lungs, bronchial tubes and throats. At these sufferings in general plentiful which has very sweet taste and as the exception can be salty. At salty Iodat or Sepija is better than Cali. At all these three means can be dense, heavy, green or yellow on colour. and Cali Iodat have plentiful night sweats, but at Stannum there is stronger sensation of weakness in a breast (not allowing even to speak), than at others. Other characteristic symptom of Stannum that pains gradually amplify to it is known to strong degree and then as gradually abate. This pain, certainly, neuralgic, can meet everywhere on a course of nerves though found it at an obverse neuralgia ( ) and belly more often. These pains decrease from pressing, as well as at Kolotsinte and Brionii so if Kolotsint who ordinary more often others is applied at such belly pains facilitating from , has not given result, last can turn out from Stannum, in particular, if the attack lasts already long or the patient, probably, has bent to chronic returns of pains.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
98. (Staphisagria) - , . Tincture Prepares From
98. (Staphisagria) - , . Tincture prepares from the pounded seeds of a plant with alcohol. Operates mainly on nervous system, a skin, uric and genitals, especially on to gland. Symptoms: strong discontent someone's, made others or, grief about a consequence (constant anxiety for the future); an angry fling of subjects or them from a table; the child is angry and the thing which having received whimsically demands rejects away, worse in the mornings, the big susceptibility to the slightest irritation, a word which will seem unpleasant, causes strong insult; a morbid depression, the apathy, the weakened memory, as a consequence of not deserved insults or sexual excesses, disease for anger and troubles or the muffled affliction, a sleeplessness. Value of Stafizagrii as sincere means. give often when Stafizagrija would be better, especially at children, and Nuks-Vomika also sometimes give to adults. Against consequences sometimes appoint Atsid Fosf whereas Stafizagrija would be better. More considerably also that it can be shown against consequences of anger instead of Hamomilly or Kolotsinta, Hamomilly, Nuks-Vomika; Cin Kolotsint and Stafizagrija are very close to each other at the persons grumbling, unpleasant, irritable, and happens cases that there was improper of them this or that a little.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
It Is A Lot Of Excitements And Alarms
It is a lot of excitements and alarms at the person arise because of the deceived expectations. Remember, nobody was born on this light for the only purpose, to justify your expectations. If you do not like men know, to change them to you it will not be possible. They such, and other men never will be. The same if you do not like women. Each person has only one life. You not in the right to demand from other people, any especial victims because you cannot present it one more life. As try. If you believe that your children to such you are obliged by something, remember, anybody from them did not ask you to bring it into the world. The same if someone puts forward the rights to your life. He did not give birth to you. And if gave birth, you about it did not ask it. And it does not have for you spare life. You suffer loss of the loved one. I deeply sympathise with you. But if your close somehow could see now you, probably, it would be more pleasant to it to see you happy! And destructive for the person the sense of guilt is very burdensome.
And Directly Put Such Problem - To Grow
And directly put such problem - to grow fond of itself! Especially such council is now extremely popular in amateur psychology. But let's translate a problem in a decision plane. And how of itself to grow fond? How to find in itself something such, what deserved also respect and love? As about itself all is known to you. The citizen such, such year of a birth, growth, weight, nameplate data... Here not all! We are very well informed on our public life as there all of us time should use consciousness. But we very little that know about our natural life as the part it proceeds at subconscious level. So let's take an interest in it! What needs there lives an organism? Why he prefers to reserve energy, instead of what it to spend? Whether not too it is a lot of you to itself forbid? Well to you would be, if someone another constantly forbids you to do what you love? Realise that any other organism, it appear it in similar living conditions, by all means too would get superfluous kgs. Here also it will turn out that We have all bases to be grateful to the organism for that that, despite far not the best relation to it, it is live and rather healthy till now.
But At The Same Time, The High Maintenance
But at the same time, the high maintenance of animal protein does these dishes rather nourishing. Long at a minimum of fat and calories, here that condition which will help us to operate the weight without serious consequences. By the way, these dishes will approach us and for an unloading mode. And why also is not present - fat content is known, caloric content minimum! Having understood with principles of their preparation, you very easily can prepare the similar. It is possible to take similar recipes and from recipe-books, or from our culinary directory which is led in the appendix to the given book. The main thing that would be not enough fat, or that you could reduce it without loss of flavouring qualities. Snack Traditional snack - sandwiches, sandwiches. By the way, classical sandwiches differ from sandwiches that in them bread from two parties. So, for example, all hamburgers and are sandwiches. In any sense, sandwiches it is better than sandwiches. Bread . The more bread, the and risk of a set of weight there is less.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Then Such Headache Is Capable To Give Deterioration
Then such headache is capable to give deterioration at action of solar beams or at gas light. The persons suffering from strong solar heat, can receive simplification either from Natr Karb, or from Glonoina. Like other salts of Natra and carbonic gas strongly oppresses mentality, raising sad thoughts. This one of the best our means for chronic nasal , extending in back nasal apertures and to a drink. Here is available strong and dense slime which constantly jams ( ). At pains pressing downwards it by clinical experience has appeared the important means. Here its choice is supported with accompanying sincere symptoms, sad mood, excessive sensitivity to noise, especially to music. Weakness in anklebones since the childhood finds good means in Natrum Karbonikum. One serious case of young men which were very portly has been cured not and owing to weakness of fabrics went into internal anklebones so a foot were outside, especially when the person was a bit got tired. Divisions: 3, 6,12,30, 50, 200.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
So, We Have Shown That The Weight Loss
So, we have shown that the weight loss can be comfortable and violent. Also that the violent weight loss except negative effects does not give anything to us. An advancing set of weight, decrease in a self-estimation and health deterioration, here its unpleasant consequences. But owing to a number considered above circumstances we choose a violent weight loss more likely. Really, the concept of the humane, careful weight loss leaning against human nature, its physiological and psychological features, has only just started to win consciousness of people. But we do not wish to be in it to a number the last?! We will get acquainted with this concept right now. So... The concept of a comfortable weight loss Whether it is possible to oppose something to so-called traditional tactics, tactics of interdictions, tactics of wearisome playing sports? Yes, it is possible! The weight loss very possibly happens, if we stay in good clear, (the psychologist would tell, in positive) mood, we eat reasonably and are definitely mobile.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
After Intensive Loadings The Mood Very Often Decreases.
After intensive loadings the mood very often decreases. It can be connected and with microtraumas of muscular fibres and the joints, usually observed at such trainings. Probably, the mechanism of this phenomenon is more combined. The good mood or, on scientific, a positive emotional background, is very closely connected with impellent activity. The more nervous impulses the tone of a bark and subcrustal structures arrives in a brain from reduced muscles, the above, the the mood is better. It is clear that at exhaustion and a relaxation of muscles the quantity of these impulses sharply decreases also mood falls. And the more low mood, the above a meal role, as universal the factor. That besides conducts to appetite increase. Loadings of smaller intensity and a high muscular tone remaining after their termination in itself are the factors raising and stabilising mood. And it is possible also therefore, the requirement for meal against such trainings decreases. And now look that turns out.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
If The Reasons In A Disappearing Gonorrhoea, Klematis
If the reasons in a disappearing gonorrhoea, Klematis or Pulsatilla. Certainly, all should be accepted in calculation when the full picture of a case is found out. Divisions: , 3, 6 it (is long). Antipillboxes: Camphor, Rus, Klematis, Ranunkulus. 89.P TA (Rhuta graviolens) - . This means which is mentioned already owing to the outstanding action on , at damages and consequences, has also, as well as Arnica - the feeling of weakness and feeling in all body as after falling, all parts of a body on which it lies are worse in members and joints, and also, are ill, as broken. As well as at Rus Toks, sick likes to change position often. Pains, have slackness of Ruty, probably, especial value to hands. Here it is necessary to remember also Evpatorium. These are pains of a bend of a hand of Ruty, as well as at Rus Toks worsen at cold crude weather and improve from movement. There is no other means which would be more useful at pressure of eyes from tiresome scientific employment, sewing or other Eye are tired and are ill from pressure or flare, as fire.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Operates Especially On A Rectum, Causing In It
Operates especially on a rectum, causing in it inflow and stagnation of blood, swelling of its veins with sensation in it as though splinters. To the general symptoms belong: dizziness, weight, heads, turbidity of a field of vision, in a back weight, the paraperson, weakness of a back. This one of such means which are remarkable not so much extensiveness of a circle of action, how many positivity of action. Almost all its utility, as far as it is known, concentrates in operation on the bottom part of a back and area, and the following will be the come to light characteristic sign: a constant dull ache in a waist, amazing both hips and strongly becoming hardened from walking and at . This one of the main our means against hemorrhoids, and besides this lumbar pain happens still feeling of completeness, dryness and in a rectum as though it has been overflowed by needles. Here there is no bent to gut loss, as at Ignatsii, the Aloe, Podofillum and some other means, and a lumbar pain quite often strongly with visible signs of hemorrhoids.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
However, As It Has Appeared, Caloric Content Of
However, as it has appeared, Caloric content of a product and it , no means always conterminous concepts. Happen very high-calorie but it is thus far not nourishing products and on the contrary, the products, which caloric content rather small, can have considerable enough . For example, whether it is a lot of in one table spoon of vegetable oil? And after all it is the whole 150-180 calories. Approximately as much contains in 250 grammes of the welded rice or , in 200 low-fat cottage cheese, in 120 the welded veal. Naturally, despite identical caloric content, meat or rice much more expressed and long, than at vegetable oil. Why so? When this question began to investigate specially the answer has appeared simple enough, though rather unexpected. It has appeared that calories to calories ! It has appeared that different nutrients have in an organism different destiny and accordingly, cause different sensations of satiety in the person. For example, carbohydrates, substances with very accessible, easily taken energy, the organism prefers to spend mainly for current power needs (drawing 1).
Sunday, April 20, 2008
In Our Case It Is Transition On A
In our case it is transition on a food with any quantity of carbohydrates. We try to eat more than low-fat albuminous dishes - meat, fish, cottage cheese. It is more than products - groats and products from them, macaroni, a potato. It is less than fat, especially animal. Not bad and feasibly to limit sugar. We eat more often. Such rules, as slower meal and small snack before the basic food intakes are actual also. To grow thin such food, maybe, and will not allow, but the consolatory effect will give, and the weight increase will not be. Reception of the second "Behavioural" The meal, certainly, calms. We have all bases to consider meal a household energizer. By the way, it is far not the most harmful. For example, much more harmful, it is alcohol and nicotine. And if to understand, application chemical and soothing preparations too is not safe. But besides meal ability to calm such household influences, as walk in the open air, a pleasant bath or a shower possess. And as reading, the good music, interesting films, and so on.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
At Nuks Vomika And Anakardium Of A Pain
At Nuks Vomika and Anakardium of a pain are hour or two later after meal. At Nuks the Moscow hut everything that the patient eats - develops gases (Cali Karb and iodine), and before blows up a stomach and a stomach that causes pressure upon all bodies of a breast and a stomach. There is also a diarrhoeia at this means. It is very effective at a children's cholera when are available it is available aforementioned symptoms. We will note now symptoms sincere. At comparison of Nuks the Moscow hut, Antimonium Tart, Opium and Apis who has same a condition, but it interrupts shrill screaming, at brain illnesses where usually find such drowsiness. Any of other means has no these (brain shout) in such expressed degree, as at Apis. During conversation, readings or letters it is possible to find loss of thought also at Camphor, Kannabis Indiga and Lahezis. Memory loss at many other means, namely at Akonite, Ignatsii, the Crocus and Platinum. Absence of thought - at Anakardiume, Creosote, Lahezis, Natr.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
They Allow To Solve A Number Of The
They allow to solve a number of the obligatory problems arising at application of usual diets: Dietary modifiers remove necessity for careful calculation of calories. Now to itself any person can pick up an unloading mode. It is for this purpose not so obligatory to be the high quality dietician. The programs based on dietary modifiers are safe, they are very well transferred by people not only physically, but also psychologically. They allow to construct a food in which there are no interdictions for any products. And each of us can easily earn additionally the given programs under the individual habits of a food. Schemes of application of dietary modifiers extends and on weight maintenance. It considerably reduces risk of a repeated set of superfluous kgs after successful treatment. Dietary modifiers cost more expensive not a usual food (if certainly the price for them is not unscrupulously overestimated), it allows us to grow thin, without spending for this business of additional money.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
And Further We Have Defined That For A
And further we have defined that for a successful weight loss optimum to alternate a food to an unloading mode. Special nutritious mixes are widely enough applied to construction of unloading modes in the world. Them still name cocktails for a weight loss or dietary modifiers. All these mixes are constructed by one principle - fibers, it is a little carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, microcells. We in the researches used the Doctor . Strategy of a weight loss consists what reasonably to alternate an unloading and not unloading mode. To try to dump weight follows only when on that is a corresponding spirit and forces. When it is not present or there are problems in a family or on work, it is better to observe not unloading mode, that is, to aspire only to maintenance of the received result. It is necessary to pass to not unloading mode and when, despite observance of an unloading mode, the weight of a body ceases to decrease. These stops, a thing, in general, the natural. They are connected with ability of an organism to adapt for unloading modes.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
It Is Possible To State Results Of The
It is possible to state results of the program as follows: Weight reduction at patients on the average made 4-5 kgs by the end of the first month, 6-8 kgs by the end of the second month and 8 - 11 kgs by the end of the third month. Patients kept in full physical and intellectual working capacity and did not change a habitual way of life. Those from them who applied before other diets, found that the program of treatment offered it is transferred much easier. It is noticed that the quantity of the lost kgs depends on age of the patient - younger grow thin slightly better, than people more advanced age. The effect depends and from a floor - men grow thin slightly better, than women. At all patients with an arterial hypertension during treatment decrease in arterial pressure, or to norm (12 patients) or to the figures was marked, allowing to refuse reception of medical products (6 patients). And one more very interesting supervision. It has appeared that application of a portion of a cocktail of minutes for 10-15 allows to lower caloric content of the subsequent food intake to meal considerably.
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